Hey ladies, I am looking for someone who is wanting to receive free counseling sessions. I am in my last year in graduate school for Clinical Mental Health at LU. I am currently a student which means that I do not attain a license, but I have been in training for about 6 years in human behavior. If you are interested I would love to talk to you in more detail, all you have do to is PM me and say you are interested and I can share some more details into what you can expect. Thank you
First Session Summary Summaries are used to clarify client comments, provide feedback and demonstrate that the counsellor listened and understood the client fully. I summarised using both factual information and Charlie’s subjective experience at the beginning of the session, to recap and orientate Charlie to the key points from the first session. I felt that the summary was done well. It summarised the major points of the first session, such as the panic attack and the subjective feelings of failure and worthlessness. I do however think that my speech was disjointed and did not flow as well as it could have.
My name is Carina Morales I am a freshman at Southern Illinois University Carbondale majoring in Therapeutic Recreation and Social Work. Me and a couple of other Student who are involved in a variety of RSO on campus are very interested in learning about wellness. We would love to get some insight on Mental Health, Counseling Skill, and Handling crisis.
SPC Yancey this is your June monthly counseling, you have been doing an excellent job taking over for SPC (p) Wehle, and you have taken ownership of each task. Good job working on responsibility as well as being there for the section. I appreciate your willingness to take charge of situations in my absence. You have a good leadership ability, the Soldiers like you and want to work for you. This is a part of your leadership that you need to nurture. While you do take ownership of tasks and missions there is a weakness in your follow through on a given a task. I suggest that you trust but validate every tasks you give the troops. This confirms follow through and appropriate completion. Do not be afraid to make them redo a task if mot completed
In the coaching discussion it was not said that my conduct was not meeting expectations, but not allow myself to be in situations where it appears I’m being insubordinate.
This week I assisted someone with filling out an application for the counseling center. I thought the experience went well. When I assisted the patient with filling out the application I noticed that the application was long and tedious. I think being able to assist patients with completing an application is beneficial for patients who cannot read or understand the questions. I also communicated with a person that was experiencing anxiety. The patient was crying in my office because she was experiencing anxiety about her diabetes. I discussed with the patient some of the challenges that she was experiencing in her life. I felt that I did a good job with assisting the person and calming her down. I also walked the patient up to the counseling center because she was interested in communicating with someone on a long term basis. At the counseling center the patient picked up an application which I thought was a good solution to her problem. I think I am getting more comfortable with communicating with patients on my own.
The following is an evaluation and critical analysis of a 25 minute counselling session, titled Travel broadens the mind: An interview with ‘Jane’ on the 30/04/2016. A Rogerian style of counselling was used as this involves congruence or genuineness, empathy and unconditional positive regard (Geldard & Geldard, 2012) an analysis of the interview in respect to these aspects is discussed .This structure of the interview was influenced by a review of different counselling microskills and was loosely based on the Counselling Interview Rating Form (CIRF) developed by (Russel-Chapine & Shermin, 2000) which breaks a counselling session into the 5 phases of: opening, exploration, the action phase, problem solving and Closing. A partnership model was used in the interview and is evaluated using the characteristics of partnership defined by Davis, (2002). As Barnes and Rowe (2013) define partnership as a strengthening and enabling process the interview is also analysed for these characteristics
Review the program descriptions below and describe how a degree from the School of Psychology & Counseling would facilitate your personal and professional goals. (50-100 words)
Mental health counselors are still facing barriers in employment with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Although in December 2010, the VA released the qualification of standards in hiring LPMHs, there is still a shortage of LPMHs (NBCC, ). Today there are about 0.001% or licensed professional counselor working at the VA compared to 25% of all U.S. mental health professional (AAMF, n.d.). In 2015, the Department of Veterans concluded that license mental health counselor would be included in their hiring of 1,900 mental health staff positions (AAMF, n.d.). How can that be so when there is no series code for mental health counselors within the OPM. This is a limitation for mental health counselors when searching for a job within the Department
I am a mental health counselor working towards licensure in the state of Washington. I have a master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Antioch University Seattle. In my current counseling practice, I work with individual adults (over 18). I take a humanistic approach to therapy; in our sessions together, we will focus on the here-and-now of your experience, while also exploring your past and social context to the extent they are relevant to your present concerns. Our first meeting will be a time for you to tell your story; then, together, we will assess your concerns and issues, and decide on the goals toward which you would like to move (Hilton, 2016). As we continue through the therapy process, we
Rational for the Group: The need for conducting a group counseling program for adolescents is crucial because they are in a very critical stage in their life. Group couselling for
The goal of a counselor or my session is to help the client identify the problem that effecting her. Here is to offer techniques and strategies for dealing with her issues. Incorporate techniques and skill to the client. The goal to client is to get help for the student to learning how to cope with other I used a positive feedback. . I begin to focus on the behavior of student during the session. The counselor should make the session a two way communication process to find a solution to the problem.
I learned two significant things about group counseling in this course. The first thing that I learned is the importance of setting up a treatment plan. The intention is to follow the client from their entrance into the program until the client is discharged. In this process the clients’ problems are identified through various assessments and as each problem is addressed, it is checked off of the list. Once all of the problems are checked off of the list, the client is considered as having completed the plan. This plan is especially important because it evokes thoughtful conversation between the client and the counselor and is the best method to gain information from the client regarding the help they want to receive. The second most significant thing that I learned about group counseling is how to design a group from start to finish. From pre group design, planning the goals of the group and determining the members to setting up the environment and structuring the sessions, each step adds its own important components to designing group counseling.
Counselling sessions can help us work through a range of personal issues from everyday hardships to potentially life threatening situations. In this reflective essay I propose to put theory to practice by analysing and reflecting upon a one hour session with a professional counsellor. The session is to be recorded so I can refer to particular instances during the session.
What were your personal goals for this session? (Focus on your skill development rather than what your goals for the client were) My personal goals were to incorporate reflecting feelings into my role as a counselor. To be able to inspect the emotions my client is feeling at the moment during our counseling session. Also, to continue encouraging my client to further express her feelings and continuing telling her story.
The duties of a counselor are a very rewarding, however, chronically assisting clients with their burdens may take its toll. Additionally, it is extremely important that you take inventory of your personal traits before assuming the mantel of a counselor because there are essential qualities required of a counselor. As I hope to become a counselor one day soon, I took the personal quality inventory located in chapter 1 of, “Introduction to Counseling” to see how I stand today (Kottler, 2015.) It was a very thought provoking process and I found a few areas should maintain and others that I must improve.