
Free Essay Outline: Should The US Speak A Foreign Language

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Essay Outline Template I. INTRODUCTION A. Hook Many people in America don't speak english and have of immigrants can't either C. Background Information 61.8 million people in the US speak a foreign language B. Thesis Statement/Main Idea Immigrants should be able to speak any language they want when they come to America because 61.8 million people in the US speak foreign languages and it helps them keep their culture II. BODY A. Support Paragraph 1 (Claim) 1. Topic sentence A Lot of people in America speak a foreign language 2. Supporting Ideas a. Explain what the event was (reference) 61.8 million people in America speak a foreign language Reference b. Explain more specifics/ details about the event (reference) English …show more content…

Connect it to the topic of education: why is this important?(reference) So we can be educated about languages in the US 3. Summarizing/Concluding/Transition sentence showing the time jump to the next topic America should not have a national language so people can keep their culture B. Support Paragraph 2 (Claim) 1. Topic sentence America should not have a national language so people can keep their culture 2. Supporting Ideas a. Explain what the event was (reference) If people can speak their native language then they can keep their culture by communicating with others in their culture b. Explain more specifics/ details about the event (reference) Such as understanding dances and the past of their culture c. Connect it to the topic of education: why is this important?(reference) In school you learn about people's culture and if those people couldn't understand there language then they couldn't understand the culture 3. Summarizing/Concluding/Transition sentence showing the time jump to the next topic If America had a national language then legal situations would go easier. However if America let people speak any language then that would mean people being hired as translators making more jobs C. Support Paragraph 3 (Counter Claim) 1. Topic

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