Essay Outline Template I. INTRODUCTION A. Hook Many people in America don't speak english and have of immigrants can't either C. Background Information 61.8 million people in the US speak a foreign language B. Thesis Statement/Main Idea Immigrants should be able to speak any language they want when they come to America because 61.8 million people in the US speak foreign languages and it helps them keep their culture II. BODY A. Support Paragraph 1 (Claim) 1. Topic sentence A Lot of people in America speak a foreign language 2. Supporting Ideas a. Explain what the event was (reference) 61.8 million people in America speak a foreign language Reference b. Explain more specifics/ details about the event (reference) English …show more content…
Connect it to the topic of education: why is this important?(reference) So we can be educated about languages in the US 3. Summarizing/Concluding/Transition sentence showing the time jump to the next topic America should not have a national language so people can keep their culture B. Support Paragraph 2 (Claim) 1. Topic sentence America should not have a national language so people can keep their culture 2. Supporting Ideas a. Explain what the event was (reference) If people can speak their native language then they can keep their culture by communicating with others in their culture b. Explain more specifics/ details about the event (reference) Such as understanding dances and the past of their culture c. Connect it to the topic of education: why is this important?(reference) In school you learn about people's culture and if those people couldn't understand there language then they couldn't understand the culture 3. Summarizing/Concluding/Transition sentence showing the time jump to the next topic If America had a national language then legal situations would go easier. However if America let people speak any language then that would mean people being hired as translators making more jobs C. Support Paragraph 3 (Counter Claim) 1. Topic
Topic sentence: Cisneros describes Esperanza’s experiences in the book of being in the same ethnic community which provides comfort to its inhabitants.
Following the successes of Hernan Cortes with his conquest of the Mexica-Aztec Empire of Mexico and Francisco Pizzaro with his conquest of the Inka Empire in the Andean Region of South America, many other Conquistadors embarked upon expeditions to discover and conquer wealthy Native American civilizations. Among this new wave of conquistadors was Lope de Aguirre who accompanied an expedition led by Gonzalo Pizarro, a brother of Francisco Pizarro, to find the lost city of gold known as El Dorado. The film Aguirre: The Wrath of God is a work of historical fiction that provides additional insight into the motives and behaviors of the Spanish and Aguirre during this expedition, Spanish-Native American Relations, Spanish-African slave relations, the status of role of women within colonial society, the role of the Catholic Church within Spanish society, and the nature of Spanish society within the context of Aguirre’s excursion. Aguirre: The Wrath of God provides insight into the desire for a wealth of gold and glory by the Spanish when undergoing these harsh expeditions, the abuse and subservience Native Americans were subjected to by the Spanish Conquistadors, the African slaves served the Spaniards and had to complete exhausting and humiliating work, the inferiority of women compared to Spanish men and how easily they were dismissed by Spanish men, the desire for not only conversion but gold and wealth for the Catholic Church by allowing the Conquistadors to commit atrocities in the New World, and the Spaniard belief in the righteousness of their conquests in the New World due to the successful Reconquest of Iberia from the Moors.
These programs were making a change in the African American man community. And some caucasian people helped with these programs to so they were also trying to make a change.This topic relates to the next topic because their is a change being made in the male community and it becomes successful.
Directions: After developing an outline to organize your reasons and evidence, construct your essay below. Don’t forget to explain how your evidence supports your reasoning, and not just explain what the quote means.
Topic Sentence: First of all, when you read Douglass’ Narrative, you notice how Douglass compares a lot and has a lot of personal experience to show the American idea that “All men are created equal no matter how
Why the United States Should Not Have an Official Language Should the United States have an official language? This question has been debated since 1780 when John Adams presented to Continental Congress that English should become our amazing country's official language. This was not a big issue when people started to come to America because they brought their native language with them; therefore, many languages were spoken and no one wanted to officially name a single language because they thought it would deter more people from coming to the new country. When English started to become more popular people started pushing it to become the official language, fortunately, people started pushing against the idea which is why an decision as not yet been made. Many people have different opinions on the subject but there can only be one solution to the problem.
Although the founding fathers decided to leave the idea of establishing a national language out of the Constitution, there have been several movements to establish English as the national language since then. Even though none of these movements could garnish enough support to make this into a reality, they have been influential in that English is the official language in 31 states. In recent years, five additional states have considered legislation that would mandate English as well (Schwarz 2014). Since many individual states have sided on the issue, it poses the question of if the national government should follow the trend as well. A strong argument can be made that the United States should make English as the official language because it would promote unity and patriotism among Americans, be economically beneficial for the nation while rightfully placing the responsibility to learn English on the non-English speaking immigrants.
In our society there are companies that are accused of having a monopoly over certain products. An example of a company accused of having a monopoly is Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in California. Filed on November, 2013 Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield was accused of monopolizing the states health insurance and using their power as a monopoly to overcharge the customers in California. They were suspected of a monopoly, because the people saw them as the only one firm with no real substitutions; therefore, qualifying them as monopoly for the state of California.
The debate on whether the United States should make English the official language has been raging within the borders of the country for decades. Several bills have been presented to Congress over the years, but have stagnated due to the opposition on either side. Though there would certainly be drawbacks to introducing English as the official language of the United States, there would also be immeasurable benefit. Not only would an official language streamline government processes and reduce government spending, it would also aid the United States by unifying its’ people.
The debate of instituting English as the official language in the United States is a debate that has been going on for centuries. Many people believe that English should be the official language because we are American, and Americans speak English. However, many of those people fail to realize that we all come from different heritages and corners of the world. Language should be an art of expression, one where people of all heritages and backgrounds can speak in the language that they have learned. Implementing English as the official language in the United States would be to essentially ignore and disrespect all of the heritages, nationalities, and religions that make the United States a unique place to live. The United States is
There are emotional and legal concerns surrounding whether immigrants should learn to speak English. Domenico Maceri (2009), an award-winning author and foreign language instructor at Allan Hancock College in Santa Maria California, states “I never met an immigrant in the United States who needed laws to be reminded that English is necessary to succeed” (par. 9).
Body Five main points to support your persuasive argument Transition Sentence: First, let
(447). Dissolving fear in the post 9/11 era is, perhaps, the country?s most pressing need. The inability to help out a fellow American in a time when help is needed brings fear to many Americans. Examples of instances when help would be needed could be an attack on a building or a group of people on a street minding their own business. Communicating in the same language, so the group of people trying to help out can understand each other relieves stress in the minds of frantic compatriots of the situation. English as the official legal language will unite all citizens and will prove communication in a single language really is a unifying factor. To get through the troubled times, communication has eased the fears and heartache, but the separation of languages within cities still keep some of the startled citizens from a feeling of complete comfort since the attacks on the Twin Towers. The dissolved distrust and fear due to unifying everyone with the English language carries a message to the rest of the world that our country is made of an array of backgrounds brought together by a common language, which is not afraid. Immigrants coming to our cities today along with families that past on their heritage for generations need to come to a consensus on a very important concept to our American society: communication in a single language will promote a message that the country is striving forward
Murderers, thieves, and all types of criminals - these are all unlawful and corrupt people. But what is the driving force that causes them to murder, steal, and go against the law? Some criminals are motivated to do illegal things because of their greed for money or wealth. Others do it out of revenge. Even some people are driven to do bad things because of their conceit; they just like to ‘win’ against the government. In William Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, Petruchio is defined and driven by many unfavourable attributes. Greediness, arrogance, and deceit, are the most prevalent negative aspects of Petruchio seen through his actions and words.
The language barrier is one of the biggest problems people face when they move to another country. Many immigrants who come from other countries are met with many linguistic challenges that not only impede their control of daily life tasks but also their ability to survive. I believe that it is important for immigrants to speak a national language. If they are unable to speak a national language, they will be unable to function to the fullest and therefore become isolated and disempowered from the community.