
Free Society: Mohammed Ali Vs. Edward Snowdin

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Free societies all around the world are hanging from a thin thread, Law and order. A society, let alone a free one, can simply not function unless there is a set foundation for it to run on. When the people of such societies rise up and speak out, it tends to cause civil disorder and rioting for example Rosa Parks and the Civil rights movement. The cause in which they were fighting for was a one that was worth fighting but it came at the price of hundreds of African Americans getting beating by Police and Brutal anti-Black sentiment from the White majority. Free societies function on law and order however is it worth speaking up and jeopardizing it or better to just keep quiet and let the society run its course. Mohammed Ali was one of the greatest fighters to …show more content…

federal government. In 2013 Snowdin had released to the public thousands of classified NSA document revealing one of the most controversial undertaken by the intelligence, carrying out espionage on American soil. Snowdin's actions were peaceful put however this could have created a deep resentment toward the federal government and caused riots due to the fact that our own government was committing espionage against us. At the time Snowdin may have thought that what he was doing was good but the consequences that followed would be much more meaningful then the direct effect A free society is all but a facade that has spoon fed to us since birth. We are led to believe that we the people are the ones who make the decisions for this country but instead they are made by political elites in the nation’s capital. Peaceful resistance is what these people carry out through their actions but the consequences that follow are always more substantial than the ones that immediately reveal themselves. Yes, peaceful resistance negatively impacts a free society in that it threatens the very fabric that holds such society together Law and

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