
Freedom By Malcolm X Language Analysis

Decent Essays

Freedom means being freed from something and don’t have to worry about anything. Freedom could be deciding that being like everyone else is not what you to do and you be yourself. Or freedom could be working at a job you don’t like and you decide to quit. Sammy has no freedom to say that the manager is wrong for treating the customers wrong and actually getting the manager to agree with him. Malcolm X shows a feeling of being nothing to something.
You can do anything you put your mind to especially if you don’t agree with the situation. Sammy felt like the manager shouldn’t have talked to the girls like that. By him feeling like that he said how he felt but the manager didn’t agree with his opinion. So he decided to quit to show the manager that he …show more content…

The girls wasn’t dressed appropriate so the manager did have a right to say what he said. “You know it’s one thing to have a girl in a bathing suit down on the beach… and another thing in the cool of the A&P…” shows that the girls wasn’t dress fully. By the manager staying calm when Sammy said he quit was a good thing. Lengel said “I don’t think you know what you’re saying” shows that he was calm. It was confusing when Sammy went from being in the store to her living room when he quoted

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