Freedom of speech is the ability to express your opinion about everything. We have the right to bear arms which is the right to own firearms to protect your home and family. We have the right to protest which allow us to complain about any of our problems. Lastly we have the right to pursue in any religion that you believe in. These rights are the most important to our nation because it shows that we have the freedom to do anything we want. Some other countries like China don’t have rights to have as many children they want if they are limited to three children if they have more than three children they the child would be sent to another country and put up for adoption in the past if you had an extra child it would be killed. Iran cannot believe
These freedoms include freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition the government. All these freedoms do what they include in their names, gives people the right to do that action without the restriction of the government. Freedom of speech is what the United States thrives off of and what makes us the greatest country in the world. Freedom of speech gives each and every person their own belief, idea, and thought process without being limited on what can be said or the topic being discussed. Most other countries destroy freedom of speech at its core, forcing their people to be closed minded and given limitations. If the American government tried to take the freedom of speech away from the people the whole country would fight back as freedom of speech is a privilege that they will not let be taken away. The only form of speech that should be limited is based upon certain illegal activities or actions but other than that no limitations should be placed upon the people. Not every person is going to agree with other people's ideas and theories but they are allowed to say what they want wherever. Not a single person should have the right to be able to change the rules that have been set for hundreds of years. All the freedoms basically revolve around freedom of speech because with speech comes the right to fight the government, the right to prove your religion, to join together in a group to fight as one, and to share new to all the people of the
America’s gift to my generation is our rights. One right in particular is the second amendment of the constitution “The Right To Bear Arms”. The second amendment of the bill of rights guarantees the right to own firearms and use them. The second amendment was approved 8 years after the revolutionary war.The second amendment was created December 15 1791. The ten amendments were created so they wouldn’t be put in a situation where they were controlled by a tyrannical government again, and to set the foundation for our newly founded government. The ten amendments were written in independence hall in Philadelphia. The second amendment isn’t just referring to the use of a weapon as a means of hunting but to protect you or many persons if needed.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” (The Second Amendment). Ever since 1791, Americans have had the right to bare arms. Recently people have begun debating whether or not these rights should still apply and lawmakers have even been slowly taking them away. Our founding fathers were clear when they stated that these rights shall not be infringed.
Kids always try to get their hands on a Nerf or airsoft gun. But imagine if people HAD to bear arms in the US. People get shot all of the time, and that is one of the major reasons why this law should be passed. Also, guns are popular, with people going paintballing and kids playing with Nerf guns. But the only problem would be that if weapons are distributed into the wrong hands, heck could break loose. This law should be passed because is for the better.
A 12 year old girl in Oklahoma was all alone in her home. Suddenly, a loud banging began on the door to the house. The glass was shattered and the intruder entered the home. Kendra, paralyzed with fear, bewildered of what she should do. She called her mother asking for help, “Kendra, get the gun and go get in my closet now! And call 911!” As recorded by the 911 tapes the girl was in a panic hiding in the closet with a .40 caliber glock. A police officer was on his way, but then, the knob of the door started to turn. Kendra fired a shot through the door hitting Stacy Jones (intruder) in the shoulder, sending him fleeing. The police later caught him and charged him with first degree burglary (Greenblatt, Mark. "Kendra St. Clair:
After 9/11, Netanyahu argued against regarding basic liberties such free speech and the right to bear arms as absolutes. In modern western society, we have rights, such as freedom of speech, and in some countries, the right to bear arms. In response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Netanyahu argues that these rights are not universal to everybody. We need to set limits as to how far these rights can take us and suspend these rights for some people, because not everybody deserves to be granted these rights. At times when we are under threat from terrorism, we need to reduce freedom of speech and the second amendment in order to protect ourselves. There are also people who do not deserve these rights at all, because they will use them in order to further the terrorists’ agenda. Freedom of speech will encourage people to convince others that terrorist acts are acceptable, and will further convince people to join terrorist organizations and participate in terrorist acts.
The right to keep and bear arms may be the single most controversial and contentious right listed in the constitution and this might be because the right was listed in 1791 and understanding what the founders and framers actually meant. Some people think that the Second Amendment is outdated and if the founders even had any idea of what kind of weaponry we would have today they would have included that the right to keep and bear arms should only be used in hunting and sportsman ship.
A well-regulated militia necessary of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. It isn't much, but the power in these words is what keeps this country free. It's what keeps the people in this country safe. Everyone has their own opinion on the subject, but the facts show that the right to bear arms benefits this country more than it hurts.
In December 1791, the Second Amendment was made: The Second Amendment offers “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep arms, and shall not be infringed.” This basically means United States gives the right to its residents to keep arms, and it guaranteed individuals the right to possess arms for their own personal defense. In the past few decades there been thousands of pages that are written seeking to uncover the meaning of the “the people,” and “bear arms,” have been strongly debated.
The freedom of speech give you the to say whatever you want without censorship or restraint. It also means you have the right to burn the US flag but it's still very disrespectful. You can protest on school grounds and in public parks.The right to speak out against the government is also included in the freedom of speech.
The Second Amendment written in The Constitution has been under great scrutiny lately. Extremists from both sides argue their points, however, how accurate are those points? For example, one can argue that it is a right that was given in The Constitution therefore, it cannot be taken away. However, was living back then a much different world than we live in now? Do we need guns to protect us in today’s society? The other extremist could argue that yes, it was a much different world and therefor, the right that was written into The Constitution is no longer relevant to today’s society. To fully grasp what the Second Amendment entails, one needs to know what it says. The Second Amendment reads: “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” (Second Amendment). This has recently been interpreted according to the Second Amendment article on the Cornell Law website to grant the right of gun ownership to individuals for purposes that include self-defense. I believe that there is a solution to the problem at hand with The Right to Bear Arms, and it does not include banning arms, rather it only sets limits on what one can purchase for their arms at the store.
What subject did I choose for this bill project? I chose gun control. I chose it because I thought it would be a good subject to do, and I think it's important that we have it. I also think it should be one of the top priorities for this country. Now don't get me wrong, I love that we have right to bear arms, I just think we should be cracking down a little bit more on gun control in bigger cities. One last thing is we should be making sure that not all people with guns have bad intentions and the gun is not the one who pulled the trigger.
Our founding father gave American citizens the right to bear arms, but was that the best idea or was it even the safest idea? Many Americans today own a gun and the majority use their gun in a safe manner. However, when the gun was first invented, it was intended to kill whether that be hunting, self-defense, or in battle. The gun is still to this day intended to kill and will always hold that purpose. Americans were given the right to bear arms in a time of need during the end of the revolutionary war, where there was still opposition from loyalists, in the early years of the country. Over the past two centuries, guns have become more advanced way beyond any beliefs of the founding fathers. Guns in America are not benefiting society but
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall no be infringed.” If you don’t know already, I chose to write about the 2nd Amendment, more specifically gun laws in the U.S. and the role they play in our political system and everyday lives. Gun laws and the interpretation of the 2nd amendment are constantly changing and so are our opinions but lately it seems that the outcome of some of these laws, or lack their of in some peoples eyes, has had a negative effect when we talk about guns and our views on them.
Political laws are set of rules that keep a country or nation together. It was existed for quite a long period of time, including when our ancestors were alive. All political laws were developed by governments, and they believe it was necessary to be passed them down for better human rights. These laws are usually justified for moral dress codes, freedom of speech, and possession of guns, etc. However, during the past years, France has been dealing with a political issue called the French Veil. It is a kind of law that the French governor believe could keep their people from behaving badly. Although France is dealing with a political issue, it has been affecting our society, such as women’s rights, religion, and social life events of people.