
Freedom Of Speech Vs Hate Speech Essay

Decent Essays

Hate speech, although a relatively new term when related to the Constitution of the United States of America and the Declaration of Independence, has found its way into the context of interpretations. According to researcher, Chiang, there is no clear definition for hate speech but, as it was coined in the 1990s, it is often used to refer to verbal attacks against an individual based on demographics that are covered under the equal rights laws. For instance, these can include, but are not limited to, “speech attacks on an individual or group based on race, ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation or preference” (Chiang, 274-75). These verbal attacks are considered to be violations of human rights as they elicit negative feelings in the …show more content…

The government is expected to balance these rights and amendments in a way that no right is violated for any individual citizen and that all groups are able to freely practice and express their beliefs. Waldron raises the question as to how the government is expected to do this when one individual or group chooses to utilize their rights in a way that violates the rights of others. Can freedom from religious persecution coexist with freedom of expression? Proponents of freedom of speech explain that, yes, these two can not only coexist but that this was the intention of the constitution. In fact, these groups claim that the religious persecution was referring to that of the government and not from one another. The government cannot persecute a religious group nor can it suppress verbal expressions. Instead, the government is simply in place to ensure that these practices are allowed. In short, Taylor explains that the speech, itself, should not be prohibited but rather the practice of injustices should be

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