
Freedom Riders Research Paper

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Freedom Riders From blacks getting beaten and mobbed to setting the bus on fire. In 1961, the blacks along with others like white people, had enough of the inequality they had to go through. A group of people known as the Freedom Riders, set out on a journey to the deep south to violate laws. The riders were mistreated but they did not give up, they risked their lives and soon their prayer of freedom was answered. Starting in 1961 was when everything began. Freedom riders were starting their risky journey to end segregation at the bus stops and stores. Many people who were part of the freedom rides, blacks and whites were ready to go into the deep south to begin their freedom rights movement. On their way to Alabama, they met with Martin Luther King, an activist and leader of the Civil Rights Movement. King did not agree with the whole situation of going into the deep south to violate laws to end segregation because of the violence that would happen. Once they got to Anniston, Alabama everything went into a huge mess. A clan of attacking, white racist people were ready to attack the freedom …show more content…

Students from Nashville University agreed to help out in the Civil Rights Movement. They all came together and marched and protested. Once the second group of freedom riders were coming in, they signed their testaments just incase they died, knowing what happened last time, this had to be done. Their last attempt was the lucky one, although they went through some tough roads. KKK was mobbing them and attacking them, soon the law enforcement saw what was happening and finally took it into consideration. On May 20th, the freedom riders finally felt safe and had the protection they needed. Although, they had gotten 110 people were arrested for not following the law. Still they did not give up and on September 22, government took down whites only and blacks only signs at the bus stations and all public

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