
Freedoms Blow By Langston Hughes Essay

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To be quite honest, poetry is pretty boring right? Wrong! All poetry tells an interesting story, and it’s up to you whether you want to listen or not. The poem “Freedoms Plow,” by Langston Hughes is quite amazing it takes you along the journey of the African Americans struggle and plea for freedom. Langston uses stunning linguistic features to portray the socio-historic values of the time, the poetic techniques to show imagery in his poem and the mood and emotion the audience feels. The beautifully crafted linguistic features convey the message that African Americans were treated unfairly and were discriminated against, which is something that no one should have to experience.
This poem was written in 1943, which was paramount to oppression of race, economic crisis and social tension, causing literature for protest to arise. The use of linguistics in “Freedoms Plow” influence the reader on the socio-historic and socio-cultural values, attitudes and perspectives of this time. The linguistic feature of narrative poetic preaching build the poem from meek and powerless to an aspirational and powerful speech by the end. This mirrors the attitudes of African American peoples of …show more content…

By using such amazingly written imagery and such a powerful extended metaphor to really open the audience’s eyes on the prejudice against African Americans of this time, Hughes condemns us as the young adult audience to feel determined to make a stand against racism, and do everything in our power to give freedom to all, regardless of

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