Homosexuality is an extremely controversial topic in society today. In Christianity its has become a topic is taboo or preferred not to be mentioned at all. It is a controversial topic because many people think it is wrong to talk about it. Homosexuals serving in the ministry has also become something that many people do not know what to do about it because of its complication. The modern christian church is known to accept and allow them to serve or not. According to the bible homosexuality is a sin against God therefore homosexuals should not be allowed to serve. I interviewed Pastor Marcos Freire from All People’s Church located in Lynwood California about this topic and his answer was very biased and one sided in a way. He said that he is against the modern church wanting to accept homosexuals as leaders in the church. He said he has had certain homosexuals try to serve in this ministry but he has not allowed because he believes that it is morally wrong. He said “they're accepted into the church because you need to love them but them being in the ministry is just something else”. However when I interviewed Pastor Julian from The Church of Christ he said he would “allow them to serve but not in big leadership roles”. I agree with him because as Leviticus 18:22 says, “that a man sleeping …show more content…
It undermines God's created order where he made Adam and Eve, a man and a woman, to carry out his command to fill and subdue the earth (Genesis 1:28). Homosexuality cannot fulfill that mandate. Also, homosexuality undermines the basic family unit of husband and wife which is the God-ordained means of procreation. Again, homosexuality cannot do that. And, believe it or not, homosexuality is also dangerous to society.According to the center for disease control, 2% of U.S. population is gay yet it accounts for 61% of HIV infection: "Men who with men have sex remain the group most heavily affected by new HIV
The answer is that it is extremely harmful to our children and society as a whole. If our children have role models who are gay, they will think being gay is something that is acceptable by society.
Shantessa Pama (cousin) born on March 5 is a retired American elite gymnast who grew up in Kailua,Kona Hawaii. She started her education at kahakai elementary until she was about 8 years old she is now a residence of Dana Point California where she continued her education at Dana Hills High School and graduated in 2009. Shantessa quotes “I missed home a lot when I moved but there was no competition here for me I was no longer allowed to compete here and gymnastics was my passion. I wanted to turn gymnastics into my career”. Shantessa Pama was one of the only 2 female gymnast to complete a triple tuck dismount but the first to complete it at the age 13.
Many people have different opinions on the meaning of courage. To Kill a Mockingbird has many characters that fit the definition well, such as Scout, Atticus, and even Calpurnia. Each character shows honesty, braveness, and standing up for what they believe in throughout different chapters. Courage is something everyone has but may not show it, Scout for instance, is just being herself, but she is courageous.
3. We are restricted from conducting or attending same sex couple's wedding ceremonies, counseling, general events, and retreats. We cannot lead or participate in a worship service conducted with chaplains who practices or affirms a homosexual lifestyle.
Unfortunately there is a separation of views within the church as a whole. The two different views are represented by the liberal church and the evangelical church. The liberal church believes that homosexuals should be allowed to have membership, carry leadership positions, and that even the blessing of marriage should be bestowed upon gay couples. While on the other hand, there is the evangelical church, which strongly opposes homosexuals within the church and believes that homosexuals should not be allowed to hold membership, leadership positions, or receive the blessing of same sex marriage.
Homosexuality is one of the most debated issues among Christians today, regardless of the denomination of their church. Some churches view homosexuality as a sin and have no tolerance for it, while other denominations are more accepting and consider it a non-sin. Even though some denominations have taken a stand on homosexuality, there seems to much discord within the governing bodies of the churches regarding this issue. It has moved from a topic rarely discussed and considered very personal and private, to a mainstream topic of conversation.
Religion and acceptance have a large impact on people in the LGBTQ communities. All anyone has ever wanted was to be accepted for who they are by their friends and family. When this doesn’t happen it can cause stress and thoughts of suicide. If the stress of not being accepted continues there is a possibility that there may be a loss not only with their LGBTQ identity but their spiritual identity as well. Loss of Religious or Spiritual Identities Amoung [sic] the LGBT Population by Andrew William Wood and Abigail Holland Conley ;and The Role of Religion and Stress in Sexual Identity and Mental Health Amoung [sic] Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth by Mathew L. J. Page, Kristin M. Lindahl, and Neena M. Malik are two articles out of the many that
In People to be Loved-Why Homosexuality is not Just an Issue, Preston Sprinkle goes into an in depth discussion about homosexuality and how it is not just about being an issue and sin, homosexuality is about the treatment of the people. The tone of this book is conversational, making the understanding of the issues at hand much easier to comprehend.
Many Christians supports homosexuality and gay marriages. In fact, I know a few Christians who said to be homosexual. I praise them for standing up for what they believe and this demonstrates despite the fact of Christianity is seen as homophobic, there are Christians that acknowledge homosexuality. Many Christians that are homosexual still believe in the Bible and that God exists. Furthermore, in the article The Relative Importance of Ethnicity and Religion in Predicting Attitudes towards Gays and Lesbians, it expresses that Baptists and Catholics do not fundamentally contrast in their attitudes towards lesbians or gay men. For example, in the book of scriptures it expresses that God created man and woman, He saw that coupling was good and He blessed them and told them to be productive and reproduce. The Bible does make a strong qualification when it comes to marriage; it states that an individual should marry the opposite sex. Not only does the Bible, by default, deny same sex marriages, but tradition and nature prohibits it also. The idea is against every tradition known to human race and is obviously against
Churches should focus on love, and accept any - even homosexuals - with open arms. The Bible speaks of “..., That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another,...” (Interlinear, John 7:34) After reading this do we still just pick and choose who we love or hate on as a congregation? To preface this scripture, Jesus said this was a new commandment to be given unto us, and earlier in John he says that hate is along the same lines as murder when it comes to ranking of sin. With this being said, how can we or any congregation that says they believe in the Bible say “No” to anyone who is homosexual walk through the church's doors?
First and foremost, homosexuals are human just like us. They are people who have a calling in life; God put them on Earth with a mission just like he does with everyone else. The Church welcomes homosexuals to the Church as long as they do not act upon their desires. What does this mean? Well we have passing thoughts about actions that are would not be morally right; whether they be heterosexual desires, or wanting to hurt someone. We, for the most part, do not act on these thoughts and they quickly leave our mind. The same thing goes for homosexuals; they are allowed into the Church as long as they live a life of chastity. “Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection,” (CCC 2357-2359). The Church teaches that homosexuals should be accepted with respect and compassion, which is where many Catholics go wrong. “Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s cross the difficulties that they may encounter from their condition.” The Church does not teach us to go around hating on
The way people ultimately view homosexuality, whether in religion, politics or modern popular culture, is all determined by traditional or changing points of view. This essay will discuss mainly liberal and conservative Christian interpretations of the Bible, including many verses that may support or condemn homosexuality. It will also discuss the political views and laws against same-sex marriage and the social activism in the homosexual community. This is all about view points and it has many conflicting views and arguments.
God never created man to be with another man. God created a woman, Eve, out of Adam. God’s will is for every man to have a woman. God has created man out of his own image, and his image is not a homosexual man. According to the Bible, you are this image until you sin, and homosexuality is considered a sin, and therefore homosexuality is wrong because God did not create man for man, but for woman and the purpose of procreation. Any other type of relation is wrong in the eye of God.
Opposition to gay marriage has increased since the summer and a narrow majority of Americans also oppose allowing gays and lesbians to enter legal agreements that fall short of marriage. Moreover, despite the overall rise in tolerance toward gays since the 1980s, many Americans remain highly critical of homosexuals and religious belief is a major factor in these attitudes.
A major reason for the fear and objection towards homosexuality is organized religion. Whether we notice it or not, we as humans follow many everyday concepts from the Bible. Examples would be, to not steal, murder, or commit adultery in marriage. The Bible also states that homosexuality is unethical and should be avoided as other sins. These are all great to follow, if you conform to the rules of the Bible. Religious back up should not be used in order to deem something wrong or unethical. It is essential to understand, to deem homosexuality ethical or not, rational decision-making must occur. One must analyze the pros and cons; if the pros outweigh the cons, homosexuality is ethical, and visa versa. One who explicitly follows an organized religion must follow the rules of a higher power (God). Getting rid of this obstacle will leave room for autonomous decisions on homosexuality, and eventually its place in good ethics.