
Freire Vs Dewey Essay

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Philosophers such as John Dewey and Paulo Freire are still remembered for making a difference in the lives of children and adults. Dewey realized that the education of his time was not giving opportunity for the students to bring the best out of themselves. Mere accumulating knowledge alone is not sufficient to earn ones living. But along with theory , if practical application takes place the percentage of success in life would be greater.
Similarities between the two thinkers are both Dewey and Freire stressed the need of combining theory and practice in education. For Dewey , knowing and doing are inseparable. Dewey wanted to prove that educational method really consists in the methods of thinking made conscious and realized in action. On the other hand education for Freire bases itself on creativity which stimulates true reflection that leads to action. Dewey as well as Freire were both against the traditional method of teaching. Both preferred problem posing education over banking method , where the child learns from experience. Both gave importance …show more content…

He was interested in the inner nature as well as the environment of the child. Paulo Freire was an educationist and a liberator who used education for conscientization. Dewey gave importance for critical enquiry in his educational system but Freire gave importance for conscientizing the people through awareness about reality. Both of their approach was a little different from one another. Dewey suggest finding out the problem , and Freire suggests observation. Dewey prefers a small group of children , smaller classroom’s etc. Freire’s method of education is developed by a team of investigators but in Dewey’s system content is formed from the problem about the reality that the child confronts. Dewey’s education theory was primarily meant for children , a well developed , well functioning democracy. He wanted adults to be good citizens of

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