
French And Indian War: Effects Of The American Revolution

Decent Essays

*These are the effects of the American Revolution. (PG. 40-41) The French and Indian War- in 1754 was the beginning of the French and Indian war. It was called like that because American colonists fought against the French and their Indian allies. It was also called the Seven Years War. The British victory was effective in the explosion of the French in North America and also the rationalization of taxing the Americas to recover the monetary class. (PG. 43) Stamp Act-(1765) it required the colonists to pay a tax which was in a form of a stamp on printed document, various licenses, and other goods. Colonists resisted and threaten the British tax collectors. (PG. 43) Townshend Acts (1767) which authorized parliament to issue taxes on in-demand to imports such as: glass, lead, paint, …show more content…

The first episode resulted in the loss of life. Four Bostonians were killed when the Red Coats fired into an angry mob. (PG. 44) This is the Boston Tea Party. The angry Bostonians which were known as the Sons of Liberty a British tea vessel dressed as Indians and dumped all of its tea into Boston Harbor in the protest of the Tea tax. This resulted in the Intolerable Acts. (PG.44) On September 5, 1774 the First Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia. Continental Congress was formed for the purposes of drawing an agreement within the colonies for the action against the growing threat of British occupation. (PG. 44) Common Sense was another major effect of the American Revolution. It was one of the strongest pamphlets in the American history that urged the American public to support the Revolution and blame the monarchy in England. These are some effects of the American Revolution. (PG.45) The Declaration of Independence was a major effect. The purpose of this iconic American document was to tell the world why America was breaking away from British rule.

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