
French Should Be Mandatory Through School Essay

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Should French Be Mandatory Through School ?

When learning French is brought up during a conversation, it is quickly shut down. Although French is used in over twenty countries. It has been proven that knowing French opens you up to so much more, but people still do not seem to want to learn to speak it. The question is why? Why would you want to deny yourself of the knowledge of one of the most known languages in the world? For us as Canadians French should be mandatory to learn from first grade through twelfth grade. French being the second language in Canada, it is important for our people not only be literate in English, but to also be literate in French. Be bilingual opens Canadians to greater experiences, and better jobs.
Knowing how to fluently speak French sets students up for further success in the working …show more content…

the answer is simple; young Canadians should be required to be fluent in both our languages. We live in a bilingual country, so why do we take the opportunity for further success after high school, the knowledge that is beneficial and the sense of continuing the culture from these young Canadians? French should be taught through grade school and high school to give our young students the chance to succeed in our second language, benefiting them down the road. There is no excuse of why people who go to an English speaking school don’t learn how to fluently speak French. In our French schools students learn English from grades one through twelve, which allows French people become fluent in our first language English. So if it’s mandatory for them why isn’t it mandatory for us anglophones? It is our second language people! and it shouldn’t be taken away from our students. Our country should be fully bilingual and we need to start by making it mandatory for students to take French throughout

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