
Frequent Formative Assessments

Decent Essays

Throughout this process, I discovered that each student should have clear individual goals that are communicated to them through feedback on both formal and informal assignments. Providing students with choice in texts can encourage students to engage in reading texts that relate to their lives, beliefs, and values. When students need help with key skills, such as grammar or identifying evidence from the text, additional practice (i.e.: with the computer program NoRedInk) and graphic organizers can help students develop skills, practice, and apply learning to their reading and writing experiences. Frequent formative assessments help me to understand students’ skill levels with comprehension, writing, and synthesis of ideas and also allow me to track student progress. Formative assessments also allow me to provide students with feedback and communicate whether …show more content…

Summative assessments that include written reflections and essays have shown student progress and mastery of predetermined goals. After examining the final products produced by both Student A and Student B, it is evident that significant growth has been made in the areas of reading and writing that will allow them to continue to identify main ideas, make connections to the those ideas, and synthesize those ideas in their written work. Student A achieved her goal because she was able to successfully identify author’s purpose in a variety of texts, draw conclusion and make connections to her life, and demonstrate understanding of nonfiction texts. Student A defined happiness after watching a TED talk and applied the speaker’s assertions to her own life. Student A also demonstrated an ability to comprehend classic literature by applying happiness and the American Dream

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