
Freshman Peer Interview Paper

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Freshman Peer Interview
As I met with Taylor Dohlman on September 4, 2015, in Larch room number 2321, I learned a great deal about the young Ag Business freshman. She is a recent Osage graduate with a passion for agriculture. Throughout the interview I learned about Taylor’s family, agricultural background, and hometown. Taylor Dohlman was born at Mercy Hospital, located in Mason City, Iowa, on May 23, 1997. She was the first child born to Michelle and Jim Dohlman. Taylor grew up outside of Rockford, a small town located in Iowa. She attended kindergarten at Rockford, but moved to Osage, Iowa in first-grade. From then on Taylor would spend the rest of her years attending Osage Schools. Dohlman has twin siblings, Trystan and Mady, …show more content…

Both her grandfather and mother taught agriculture to high school students, and her father farms. When Taylor started high school, she took ag classes and joined FFA (Future Farmers of America), an organization that focuses on teaching leadership skills through agricultural education. While in FFA, Taylor participated in various contests and served as an officer. This led Taylor to follow in her parents footsteps and pursue a career in agriculture. Dohlman declared Agricultural Business as her major at Iowa State University. Throughout high school Taylor was involved in various activities and organizations. She participated in golf, cross country, band, and cheerleading. Dohlman was also part of NHS (National Honor Society), FFA (Future Farmers of America), and student council, which she served as secretary. Taylor was also a religion teacher for fifth-graders at her local church in Osage, Iowa. So far, Taylor has been enjoying her adventure at Iowa State. She has learned a great deal about herself and is adjusting to the various challenges she faces. Taylor is concerned about managing her time and making it through tough classes, which includes calculus. Dohlman looks forward to meeting new people in the upcoming years and joining various clubs, which include; the Ag Business Club and Dance

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