Freshman prom
Prom 2K16, the scariest night of my life. Me and my boyfriend Colin started dating december of my freshman year his junior year. We met through mutual friends, I fell for him the moment I saw him. It's crazy to think how far we have come but that a story for another time.
When prom season began to emerge so did the question on would I Lina Belfiore be going to prom as a freshman in highschool. This will become the biggest stress of my year, I'm dramatic so it felt like the most stressful thing in my life.
There was a million reasons not to go but a million reasons to go I was going crazy he wanted to go but me not so much. I want to the extent of telling him to take another girl. This was no option he wanted and I wasn't gonna
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By this point I was having an amazing night now it's time for the dance the scary part.
The place was a nightmare to park up but we finally gave up and parked at my stepdad's law firm the place was so pretty but the music was awful the Senate matter to me and Collin we danced anyway finally an hour and they play the slow song this is when we slow dance for the first time we stayed till the end and then left to go change
Next was after prom this was fun for a few hours but then we all just annoyed we had to stay till five in the morning. After prom has so many fun things to do and the best food. Turpin always has the big snake that everyone takes pictures with. I personally hate snakes so my snake pictures are a site to see. Me and Colin snuck out early because we wanted to leave. When we left we were both so tired, he drove me home kiss me goodnight and I realize prom was one of the best nights of my life I'm so happy I didn't listen to other people's opinions because of this night would've never
Winston Churchill once said, “Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.” In the story Where the Red Fern Grows, by Wilson Rawls, the theme of the novel is never give up .
I can't believe it how could i forget that Jake's birthday is on the day of the dance of course i'm not going but just i have no one to go to with so ya , I buried my face in my hands with the feel of a tap on my shoulder i look up and see NATHAN what does he want why is he here !?!?!
Goring Ox Law Many people do not realize how many laws people had to follow in the ancient east. The Hammurapi’s Laws and the readings from Exodus 21-23 have many similar qualities. But just like everything else they can be analyzed differently when they are being compared. While throughout both readings they talk about the goring ox law.
Freshman 101 is a class adapted from the parrot program (Fay & Medway, 2006, p. 226). The parrot program was designed for college students at Cornell University. Freshman 101 is the first of its kind in the state of South Carolina and the first to extend Parrot’s college program to high school freshmen (p. 226). Each two-hour intervention class contained 25 to 30 freshmen students. The objectives of the class were to have participants understand the definition of acquaintance rape and the frequency that it takes place along with South Carolina’s laws regarding rape (p. 226). Students also learned about mixed messages associated with verbal and non-verbal communication and how to clearly state their wants and desires (p. 227). Communication,
We burst out of the door, unveiling ourselves to the crowd outside. We felt like rock stars. Everyone had to get a few more pictures with other friends as they arrived and then we filed inside. The place was decorated from top to bottom, glittered stars hung from the ceiling, white Christmas lights twinkled all around, and glimmering gowns in every color made the entire venue sparkle. As a class, months earlier, we had chosen the theme, “I’ve had the time of my life”. The girls had pulled it from our favorite movie, “Dirty Dancing”, and I think the boys just went with it. We sat down for dinner where we were served our choice of meat, with rice or potatoes and a medley of veggies. Nobody ate much though, either because of nerves, vanity, or just plain desire to get to showing off our best moves, we wanted to boogie! After about an hour the tables were cleared off of the dance floor and it was time to the highly anticipated partying. The DJ played the hottest jams of 1999 and we danced the night away. Most of the girls were in their bare feet, unable to take the pain of high heels any longer as we busted our best moves.
Soon enough, time for Prom came. We were all rushing to do the last touches of our makeup as our dates were waiting in the dining room with our parents. My friends and I made our way downstairs. Our heels clicking every step we took.
I was up walking around everywhere and many people kept coming up to me asking for pictures so that lasted around another two hours. So it was time, I had to prepare myself mentally because there was more people than expected. I had the girls in a straight line and when the music began they danced their way on to the stage. Soon as the song began to my part I danced on to the stage with the other girls. Is was going pretty smoothly but the Dj we had messed up the parts for the music so I had to guide the girls with me to make sure everything goes as planned. The dance took around 5-8 minutes it was really short but we kind of expanded the time. The guest clapped and began to continue to party, around three hours later we had the Father-daughter dance, it was really emotional for me because he was really proud of me because I was becoming a young woman and how he would never forget the first time he held me in his arms. I was just really happy to see him on my special day. Then I danced with my mom who also cried and my godmother and my aunts and uncles, there was just a lot of dancing with my family
The day was already crazy, I got home from my vacation at four in the morning. I was running off of five hours of sleep and the concert didn't even start until seven; ending at twelve. I was on my way to go pick up my best friend, Taylor; its a ritual for us to get ready together before every show we go to. Taylor and I went back to my house to start preparing for the rave. Finally it was four o'clock and we were ready to leave.
Sophomore year had ended, and my summer had just begun. After a long wait to gain permission to go on a backpacking trip. My father gave me the approval. I took my love for the outdoors and began to explore it even more.
That makes it hard to breathe. That summer, the instructors and the upperclassmen put the cadets through physical tests that test their problem solving and leadership skills. His first ride in a military jet was during his freshman year. He flew in a Lockheed T-33 (109-115). The summer before his sophomore year, he went through survival training. It was called SERE training, which stood for “survival, evasion, resistance, and escape.” It was designed to teach them skills if they were captured, how to not be captured, and just basic survival skills. By sophomore year, Sully realized how all of the skills he had learned helped him mature. His sophomore year, Sully got an outstanding amount of flying experience and instruction. He signed up to
We all regret some of the choices we’ve had in the beginning of our high school journey. Since we can’t go back and change them, we can always give advice to the incoming freshman who may need our advice. Coming from middle school can be a hard transition because there are so many new things to learn. New students will face a new campus, teachers, friends, and overall a new way of life. I believe that freshman students who struggle to adapt into high school can lead to poor grades, peer pressure, and losing focus of long term goals. Here are some suggestions to help incoming freshman have a successful high school experience.
Sophomore year is going to get tougher as you go on, but there will be many room to have fun, like the assemblies. Dont give in to video games, like last year. I will not play League of Legends or any other games until I finish my homework and studies. My days of being a procrastinator master is over. Remember back when you stayed up till 3:00 studying or doing a project at the last minute. Doing everything the day they are assigned makes your life more stress free. I wouldn’t be tired and have a mood swing while doing my homework, and then sleep for a few hours, and waking up feeling like poo.
Sophomore year in general has been treacherous . Now it's become harder trying to manage work while studying for finals, Eoc and keeping up with work. Nowadays, I find myself wishing to be back in elementary school. A memory that has been engraved to the deepest part of my brain is one of my teachers telling me of the importance of flushing and cleaning up after the mess that I create. I can’t believe that I once thought that elementary school was difficult. Let’s ignore the fact that my English wasn’t that good in elementary school, now that I’m actually reflecting on the time that I spent in elementary school, I can truly see how simple everything was. For example, I had to write my weekly vocabulary words thrice. But, this is the real world. We aren’t given the chance to go back in time just because we wish to relive certain periods of our lives.
There was tension at the table as Michael, Allison, Steve, Shelly, Sarah, and Melody ate dinner and watch slideshows. But that tension lifted once everybody hit the dance floor.
When I was 14 my ass hoe boyfriend of almost 10 months dumped me the month that i started school and i was so naive and heart broken and fucking stupid for thinking that he actually loved me and wanted to be with me and then one night while in my dark and twisty moments hanging