
Freshman Year Research Paper

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Freshman year is the most important year in high school because it determines your future in school and what it beholds. This year can help with so much in school and it can basically determine your whole entire future in school and even in life.There are so many little things that can be determined while you are a freshman and that's why I think it’s the most important year of your life if you do indeed want to succeed. One of the biggest reasons why 9th is actually so important is peer judgement and how you are looked at. If you fail 9th there is a lot of punishment socially. For one, many people won't respect you and feel that you are a failure or that you are a lazy, lazy human being. This is such a monumental thing because it can almost destroy your social life all through high school, which can result in you falling into a vicious cycle of failing and getting bullied. Freshmen year, as well as social punishments it also builds you for the future and is almost like the training camp for the upcoming Junior SAT’s. To pass these huge tests you have to be consistent, responsible and social. You aren't just born superb at everything, you have to undergo hardships and struggles to be the best you can possible be. Freshman year really determines …show more content…

If you wanna be a sloucher and be unsuccessful, then failing 9th is the option for you. But if you wanna be a doctor or a dentist, etc you really have to show that you want to do those things by working your hardest in school and trying your very best to be the best person you can be. Freshman year can bring that out in you and really show everyone what you really are and what you really want to do. Freshman year is the year that you show everyone what you want to be and how you want to be seen and that's such a monumental part of your

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