
Freud id, ego, superego

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To become a healthy adult socially, mentally and physically Freud believed that children must develop a reasonable balance between id and superego. Id is the natural, unsocialized, biological portion of self, including hunger and sexual urges. Superego is composed of internalized social ideas about right and wrong. When describing the effects of socialization: the process through which people learn the rules and practices needed to participate successfully in their culture and society, Peter Berger said, “ Not only do people live in society, but society lives in people." We make up a society. The laws we set in place labeling right and wrong, and the authoritative persons we put in charge teach us obedience. Society lives in us: …show more content…

Some may argue that we have the freedom of choice, but our choices are limited and making the one that is not socially acceptable can result in punishment. When we do not follow social norm we receive ridicule and/or punishment. The United States of America values freedom, yet there are laws put in place restricting us of doing whatever we want. Structural functionalists point out that schools teach children not only to read and write, but also to obey authority and to conform to society’s rules. It is most useful for explaining the benefits of a stable social system. Structural functionalists theorize that socialization in schools, religious institutions, families, and elsewhere smoothly integrates the young into the broader culture, avoiding conflict or chaotic social change. Humans are creations of their culture. Everything we know we have been taught from the people surrounding us. Humans are also self-creating. Bringing what we have learned to other regions sharing and spreading the different cultures creating new ideas and different ideas begin to slowly blend. The conflict theory is useful for understanding how socialization can repress dissent, discourage social change and reproduce inequalities. Conflict theorists can look at how some parents socialize children to consider girls less valuable than boys by requiring girls to wash dishes after dinner, but allowing boys to go outside to play. They can also look at how

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