
Freud 's Theory Of Psychology

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One of Freud’s greatest contributions to psychology was the psychoanalytic theory. According to The American Heritage, “ Psychoanalysis is the theory of personality developed by Freud that focuses on repression and unconscious forces and includes the concepts of infantile sexuality, resistance, transference, and division of the psyche into the id, ego, and superego” (Houghton Mifflin, 2005). This theory has had such a big impact on psychology, that it is even practiced today. Many other theories, have been developed from the basis of the psychoanalysis theory. The development of those theories either modified parts of the theory or reacted against it (Gladding, 2013). This paper will go in-depth about how psychoanalysis effects: the view of human nature, the goals of psychoanalysis, the roles and techniques of the counselor, and the strengths and limitations the theory has. Freud felt that the transformation within a person’s personality was dynamic. Freud broke the personality down into three parts which consisted of the id, ego, and superego. These three components join together as one to make up a person’s behavior. Of the three, the id is the only component that is seen at birth. The id aspect of the personality involves the basic behaviors and instincts. It is seen completely in the unconscious. Freud considered the id the primary trait of personality (Sergist, 2009). Early in life, the id is a very important component that an infant must have. This is important

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