One difference in the movie that is different from the play is that a gun is symbolized as a sword but not in the play. I thought that making a gun the symbol for a sword was a good idea because both symbols are very deadly weapons. By having a gun is much better choice than a sword because a gun can injure someone from far away but a sword is only a hand-on-hand combat weapon and having a gun in a sword fight is a good advantage. So, in the end the director made a good choice for making a gun the symbol for a sword in my mind. There was one character that had some differences. The character was Friar Lawrence. In the play the Friar had a beard and looked older. But in the movie the Friar looked younger and didn’t have a beard. I thought
With any comparison between a play and its movie counterpart there are bound to be major differences and key similarities between
The final three differences all have to do with Abigail. First of all, she is seen stealing money from her uncle where in the play we only hear of it second-hand. Second, in the movie, Abigail visits John Proctor in jail, which never occurred in the play. Lastly, Abigail accuses the Reverend John Hale 's wife of witchcraft, and is told by Judge Danforth that she is mistaken. This did not happen in the play, but helps in the movie to more clearly define Abigail as one of the "bad guys" in the movie.
For Friar Lawrence, I based him off of Act 5 scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet. Act 5 Scene 3 pg. 281 he says: “I am the greatest but was able to do the least.” Through this, he is saying how although he has lots of power he wasn’t able to save Romeo and Juliet from their deaths. For his character, I gave him a black cloak to represent not only his modesty as a priest, but to also reflect his scheming nature and the various plans he created throughout the story for Romeo and Juliet’s marriage.
The play Romeo and Juliet has a tragic ending and someone always was the blame someone for the death of Juliet and Romeo. Friar Lawrence is the priest figure in the story Romeo and Juliet. He is a common character in the story. Friar Lawrence marries Romeo and Juliet. He give Juliet a potion so she can nap for awhile.
Another difference is the presence of three judges in the movie, whereas in the play there were only two, both of whom where made out to be "bad guys." One additional judge is added in the movie possibly to show that it was not the entirety of the Church that was unjust, cruel, and nearly ignorant. I
There are many characters in the play of Romeo and Juliet that have important roles and unique characteristics. One of these characters is Friar Lawrence, a Franciscan monk who is an expert in plants and medicines. While the Friar does not appear in all parts of the play, he acts as an advisor to Romeo and Juliet and gets them married. Being an honest, trustworthy, and loving friend, Friar Lawrence helps keep Romeo and Juliet together while maintaining his character and not acting dual-sided or having a second nature. Throughout the later parts of the play, Friar Lawrence’s characterization remains consistent as he guides the two lovers through their troubles and eventually ends the family feud between the Capulets and the Montagues.
William Shakespeare's famous tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, follows two star-crossed lovers in fair Verona. Their families engage in a bitter feud and cause the lovers to marry in secret, gaining the help of Friar Lawrence and Juliet's nurse. They later find out that “violent delights have violent ends” when Romeo is banished from Verona as the outcome of a terrible quarrel ( The nurse encourages Juliet to marry Romeo but in fear that Juliet may never see Romeo again, the nurse thinks it’s best for Juliet to marry the person her father thinks is her first marriage, the County Paris. When Juliet refuses the marry Paris, Lord Capulet becomes enraged and threatens to throw her out.
Even though he was not actually on stage for most of the play, he was the most important character in the play. There was basically three major parts that lead to the tragedy; marriage, the plan and the deaths. In all three of these parts Friar Lawrence played a vital role. His attempts to make the marriage of Romeo and Juliet was very admirable but were poorly planned. It these attempts that make his role the most significant one in the play. This is why Friar Lawrence is the most powerful character in the play.
differences exist between the original play and the film. Apart from the specific techniques of lighting and
Friar Lawrence is a character in William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet that served as a mentor for Romeo and Juliet, the two star-crossed lovebirds. He served as a mentor and a friend throughout the entire play, and because of it, his life was forever changed. In the beginning of the story, we meet the friar and can see that he is a happy go lucky guy, frollicking through the fields and giving advice to Romeo. However, the friar has to deal with quite a bit more than a two lovestruck teens, and it changes him for the worse. By the end of Act V, all of the drama that had taken place had taken it’s toll on Friar Lawrence and he was very upset and seemed to have been broken by the events of the week. The first time that we hear him speak,
First of all, in the both versions, some of them don’t have the same exact characters like in the movie or the play. For the movie, you can’t see the movie being made, but in the play they have sets and other costumes and equipment to make the play more realistic.
One of the biggest things that is different is the time periods, the play takes place is a early time period where there are castles and a lot of walking on the streets and stuff like that. Another big difference is that in the play they would always carry around swords and would fight with the swords. In this paragraph I will be talking about the differences from the play in the movie. One of the major
The change in the location and the time century where this is taking place changes the way that the actors talk, wear and respond to the play that they are doing. Another difference that is in the movie but not in the play is that the character Nick Bottom has a wife in the movie while in the play he is a single man. Even though he is married the wife is only seen in two to three scenes and with that, she is not necessary towards the plot of the movie. Even though this is a minor part of the movie, this is still a notable difference that the movie has that the original play does not have. Another part of the movie that was not in the play was the scene where Hermia and Helena had gotten into a fight in the mud pit. This part of the movie was not originally in the play, but was added to the movie to add a more dramatic scene to the movie. The next difference was that in the book it tells us that the queen of the fairies refused to give her husband the Indian man so her husband, Oberon, curses her and then when he succeeds in getting the Indian man, he tells Puck that he acquired the man. The differences are that in the movie there is no mention of the Indian man after the confrontation and is not brought up again after that. There are many differences in the play and the movie then there is anything else since it was easier to
In Summary, with these three examples it is shown that the play and the movie contrast quite a bit. Most of the story line and the dialogue were very similar to the original story in the movie but some things were changed, possibly to shorten the story to be able to make
Friar Lawrence was one of the most important characters in the novel. Even though he was not on the stage for most of the play he greatly contributed to the tragedy that would soon happen at the end of the play. There was basically three major parts that lead to the death of Romeo and Juliet, which Friar Lawrence was involved in all of them. Friar Lawrence played a vital role in the marriage, planning and death of Romeo and Juliet. His attempts to do the right thing were noble, but because of poor planning they would soon lead to the inevitable tragedy.