1 Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, is about how strong the bound of love can be between two people. I have chosen Friar Laurence as my secondary character. He was a main reason why Romeo and Juliet killed themselves. He’s the one who married Romeo and Juliet and gave her the sleeping potion. Laurence married Romeo and Juliet in secret. The reason he did that was to stop their families from fighting and to bring peace. The only reason the Laurence agreed to marry Romero and Juliet is because he thought that it would bring the families together and stop the fighting. Soon after the two lovers were married, Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, was killed by Romero which only made the feuding worse. “Thy purposed marriage, send me word tomorrow” (Act II, Scene II, line …show more content…
“By holy marriage. When and where and how We met, we wooed, and made exchange of vow, I’ll tell thee as we pass; but this I pray, that thou consent to marry ustoday.” (Act II, Scene II, line 61-64). “In my behalf—my reputation stained With Tybalt’s slander—Tybalt, that an hou”. (Act III, Scene 1, line 109-110).The double suicide of the married couple all started with Juliet taking the sleeping potion to keep from having to marrying Paris. “Romero, Romero, I drink to thee” (Act 3, Scene 3, Line 58). The Friar’s message to Romero was never received because of the outbreak of a disease kept Romero from hearing what Juliet’s plan was. Romero gets word of her death then says, “Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight”. (Act 5, Scene1, Line 34). After Romeo kills himself, Juliet then wakes up to discover that he has drank poison and is dead. Seeing this she then says, “yea, noise?
Juliet took a Potion that put her into a deep sleep, which in result made her family think she was dead. Also making Romeo think the same thing, he went to her grave site to take his own life, there he had an encounter with her fiancé, Paris, and they engaged in a fight and shortly after killing Paris Romeo took his own life. A short time after Juliet awoke from her deep sleep she discovered that her husband and fiancé were dead and took her own
Even though some people may see Friar Lawrence’s involvement with the two star-crossed lovers as a way to provide them with the happily ever after they had always wanted, once you look at the facts you will be able to see that he is the reason why they are both dead. Some key events were when Friar married Romeo and Juliet in the first place, he made poor decisions, and he gave Juliet the idea to fake her own death. Friar Lawrence is to blame because he knew that he would face dire consequences if the Capulet’s or Montague’s were to ever find out that he married their enemy’s kids.
In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the play ends in sorrow, with every character feeling the impact of Romeo and Juliet’s tragic end. However, one character stands out from the others in terms of blame for the tragedy: Friar Laurence, due to his disregard of Romeo’s headspace when he comes to The Friar, and secondly in giving Juliet the sleeping potion instead of just coming forward with the secret marriage of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence marries Romeo and Juliet without their parents permission. As stated by Fr. Laurence, “Young men's love then lies.
The character that should be blamed the most in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is Friar Lawrence. Friar Lawrence should be blamed because he was the one who married the couple after only knowing each other for like an hour. But what the Friar was thinking was a really good idea about marrying the two to maybe end the feud between the families. Then the Friar would be famous for the one who ended the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets.
The first step to peace was getting Romeo and Juliet married. Unlike every other relationship at that time, Romeo and Juliet married each other for love. Because of the rivalry between the families, their marriage would not be accepted so they married in secret. Since Friar Laurence is trustworthy and loyal to Romeo, and he is a holy man, Romeo asks for help to set up the secret wedding in Friar’s cell. From Romeo and JUliet getting married, they cannot be separated from the marriage. As a result, the two families would have to join together instead of gaining wealth and status from Juliet unwillingly marrying Paris. In this play, marriage means the woman is entitled to the man. They cannot just
Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, explores the devastating demise of young Romeo and Juliet. The play is based on two young lovers not being able to express their love for each other, and having to hide their relationship away. They come from a line of hateful families, the Capulets and Montagues. Furthermore, there are many characters throughout that impact the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence is the most involved in adding to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
I believe that Friar Laurence is responsible for the tragic death of Romeo and Juliet. If the Friar didn’t make the potion would Romeo’s life had been spared. Wasn’t it the Friar that decided this was the plan that needed to take action. After all, Juliet thought about this plan and trusted Friar Laurence In a sense that everything would be turned out as planned. The Friar should have also made sure Romeo was in full correspondence with the plan as well. Balthasar should not have been the wingman on the trip. Friar Laurence made the mistake of putting himself on the line and he has to fully acknowledge that this was his fault.
In Act 2, scene 3 Romeo goes to see Friar Laurence to tell him about his new love for Juliet. Friar Laurence being the caring guy he is and thinks it’s just best if he waits to marry her until he knows that Juliet is his true love. He just doesn’t want him to move on to quickly because earlier he was in love with Rosaline. After Friar Laurence heard Romeo out he started thinking that maybe this marriage could help solve the feud between the two families.
A person who has took play of someone’s death must be convicted for murder. Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William Shakespeare and both came from completely different families which balances the cause of their tragedy. The quote, “The Friar comes up with a dangerous plot: he has a potion, when swallowed, makes a person fall into a deathlike coma for a period of 42 hour. ”is evidence to how Laurence should have been held responsible for what he did in (Harold,8).
Throughout the play, Friar Lawrence has many interactions and inputs on Romeo’s and Juliet’s situation. Friar Lawrence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet because “For this alliance may so happy prove/ To turn your households’ rancor to pure love”(Shakespeare 411).
Friar Laurence thinks the violence would end between their two families if he marries them. In (Act 2, Scene 6) Friar Laurence states “So smile in the heavens upon this holy act… these violent delights have violent ends and their triumph die, like fire and powder, which, as they kiss, consume. Now this evidence explains that as soon as Friar Laurence marries Romeo & Juliet and they kiss, he hopes the violence between their family comes to an end. So, when Romeo & Juliet is married Friar Laurence is going to think that he did very well on his job of marrying them by stopping the family violence. Two enemies getting married is not going to help bring the family together it’s just going to make it
In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, a longstanding family feud and many swept up emotions cause rash decisions from some characters and in the end cause the death of Romeo and Juliet. But some characters had good intentions. Benvolio was a kind a caring cousin to Romeo, trying to take his attention away from his love, unfortunately he was the one who made him go to the ball in which he fell in love with Juliet. The nurse motivated and supported Juliet to marry Romeo, but as the nurse lost faith in the marriage, she pushes Juliet to marry Paris but this only pushes Juliet further away. Friar Lawrence arranges their marriage and creates a plan to let them escape, but as his plan fails they both die. All these characters had good intentions,
A tale of the birth and death of true love, this is the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. These two were made to love one another and did so until their bitter end. But this sad twist of irony is not at their fault. Their bitter deaths can only be blamed on Friar Lawrence and their savage kinsmen, Balthasar and Paris. To begin with, Friar Lawrence’s extreme laziness is the cause of Romeo’s doom in the tomb.
Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet was a tragedy of two star crossed lovers who fell in love. They were from opposite sides and at the time there was a big feud occurring, the two lovers had trouble being together. Romeo and Juliet ended up taking their own lives. The reason they took their own lives was because of Friar Laurence.
Throughout history, there exist numerous Elizabethan writers that base their work on romantic and catastrophic events. William Shakespeare is commonly known as the preeminent writer in the English language. His high degree witting is consisting of an epic tragedy or romance. In the Romeo and Juliet play written by Shakespeare, multitudes of other characters contribute to the untimely deaths of Romeo and Juliet. This statement is evident by three central characters, the Nurse since she is encouraging and facilitating Juliet to see Romeo without letting the Capulets know, Friar Lawrence because he is marring them in secret, and Capulet because he is demanding that Juliet marry Paris.