In the tragedy titled, Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, Juliet Montague, Friar Lawrence, the feud between the families ultimately are at fault for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Throughout the tragedy Romeo and Juliet, there are instances which Romeo is a reason for her and her husband Romeo’s death. The decision that Romeo made which caused his wife’s death, was when Romeo did the act of killing Tybalt (III, i, 125-130). Romeo killed Tybalt because Tybalt had formerly killed Romeo’s best friend Mercutio. After Romeo killed Tybalt, Juliet went to Friar Lawrence for his help to formulate a plan, so that Romeo and Juliet could be together since Romeo was banished from Verona for killing Tybalt. Which is when Friar Lawrence
The play Romeo and Juliet, had many tragic events such as the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. So many that we start to wonder what caused the deaths of these tragic lovers. I think that Friar Lawrence played a very big part in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet for these reasons. Friar Lawrence then married them in secret, he made too many promises that he could not keep and his plan is too rushed and that is why it backfired. This is why I believe that Friar Lawrence is responsible for the deaths Romeo and Juliet.
Were Romeo and Juliet meant for eachother or was it all a coincidence? In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, the outcome for everyone was devastating. If Mercutio had not fought Tybalt, Friar Lawrence had not provided the potion, and Friar John delivered the message; Romeo and Juliet would still be alive.
In the Shakespearean tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence was a monk, and a counselor, who came up with intricate plots and concocted a seemingly magical elixir in order to solve problems that the lovers encountered. Friar Lawrence had a profound impact on the outcome of this Shakespearean play; however, in a way that led to catastrophe. There are many factors that caused the deaths of the lovers, but two of the most important were how Friar Lawrence disregarded his own logic, and how he missed numerous opportunities to save the lovers.
The play “Romeo and Juliet” shows the death of two teen lovers. But who is to blame? Friar Lawrence is the man that married the two lovers and made the plan that went wrong causing the death of the young Romeo and Juliet. He didn’t get the letter to Romeo in time and he gave Juliet the sleeping potion. He also left Juliet alone with the body of her dead husband and she was also in a hostile state. Causing her to make a bad decision, killing herself.
Gulp! There goes the poison out of Romeo’s bottle. Ugh! There goes Juliet stabbing herself once she sees her husband dead. Romeo and Juliet’s death was tragic, but who was most responsible for their death?
In the play, the Friar was responsible for marrying Romeo and Juliet. So when Romeo was exiled and Juliet was to marry Paris, this caused the two lovers to do anything to be with there Juliet or Romeo. Therefore, the Friar then devulged a plan for Juliet to drink a potion that would make her appear dead, so then the Capulets would take her to the grave. However, when Romeo arrived and Juliet had not awoken from this sleep he believed that she had died taing his own life, followed by Juliet taking her life. If Friar Lawrence had not married Romeo and Juliet or thought up this plan, Romeo and Juliet would still be
Angel Lopez Honours freshman english Mrs. Tourangeau Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare very well may be one of history's best romantic tragedies. In this story two characters named, Romeo and Juliet, were both driven to commit suicide because of the disapproval of their relationship from their rival families. Once all said and done one character may be responsible for these characters’ deaths. Friar Lawrence should be held responsible for these two characters’ deaths because he wed the couple in order to solve the feud, he did not try to warn Romeo when the letter was not able to be sent, and he should not of given the sleeping potion to Juliet in the first place. Friar Lawrence in William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s deaths.
The famous story of Romeo and Juliet is written by the even more famous author, William Shakespear. While there are many faults and people to blame in this tragic tale, Friar Lawrence is a prominent character linked to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. A constant theme that Friar Lawrence seems to follow is that lies often lead to the hurts and destruction of relationships.
daughter of his enemy. When he finds out in the party that Juliet is a
Lines 119-120) Romeo kills himself because of the plan created by Friar Lawrence that was never delivered to Romeo. In addition, when Juliet wakes up and see Romeo dead, she takes it upon herself to end her life for real so she would not have to be without Romeo. When Friar Lawrence sees what he has done, he feels immense guilt to what his plan did to the lovers. He then sees that he has, “a short date of breath.” (Act 5, Scene 3, line 229)
The idea of having a trusted role model that you can look up to and find safety in is something many people seek. The story Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare explores the feelings of star crossed lovers and truly exemplifies the meaning of having a trusted adult to look up to. Throughout the events of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the reader can interpret that Friar Lawrence is responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet considering three main factors, the marriage, the letter, and the potion that ultimately lead to their deaths. Although many people could be considered to share the blame, Friar Lawrence had the most interaction with Romeo and Juliet throughout their hidden relationship. Friar Lawrence is to blame because he was
Everyone knows the story of Romeo and Juliet but everyone thinks that they are the reason they killed themselves but that is wrong. There are so many people in the story that had a chance to stop them but didn’t including the Nurse and Lord Capulet. So many minor details that if would have been avoided could have been a drastic change. Out of all the characters who could have stopped the deaths there is one man who had lots of opportunities. That man was Friar Lawrence there was so many chances he had and he made the bad choice every time.
Friar Lawrence the one that was most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, the nurse played a big role in the actions that lead up to the tragedy that was the death of two young star crossed lovers.The nurse was looking out for Juliet and doing what she felt was best.Even though Friar Lawrence helped the two star crossed lovers get away with a lot of their plans involving their love, his intentions were good and honest. Romeo and Juliet's death was also their own fault they knew what they were doing and what the consequences could be. but there love blinded them and the only thing that mattered to them was that they were together. So many other characters and factors had a role in the death of Romeo and Juliet.The Friar's plan
As the title states the story of Romeo and Juliet was a terrible tragedy, because not all stories have a happy ending. These two lovers end up killing themselves to be together. Friar Lawrence was responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
Romeo and Juliet death, The person to blame for Romeo and Juliet death is Friar Lawrence. Friar Laurence is the most blame person their death because He married Romeo and Juliet, Make Juliet fake her death, and Left Juliet in tomb alone.