
Fried Locusts Character Analysis

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In the essay Fried Locusts, the narrator, Kamela Jordan shows her personality traits by the actions she had made. She is adventurous, on page 150, she wrote down that “On Saturdays after our chores were done, we were allowed to ride our bikes down the long hill to the river that ran lazy and clear in the dry season and rushed by in red-brown torrent when the monsoons fell.”
The character is smart. On page 149, Kamela talks about her school. “So rare was the day when someone didn’t go home from school lined with angry red stripes.” Kamela had found a way around this, “With a quick memory and a high motivation to avoid pain, I was rarely switched, though sometimes the teacher called me up to the front of the room anyway, pretending to add up my errors, just for the suspense of it. All in all, half days weren’t a bad trade off.” …show more content…

Page 152, “We ate the frogs, too, scooped them up with a net and popped them down into the basket, tiny things that were best fried whole with a crunchy skin of batter, like the crabs.” Her environment influenced her to be open-minded. The soldiers in the mountain also influenced her think differently, page 151. “At night, machine guns added their rat-a-tat rhythm to the clamor of crickets and slow croak of frogs in the paddies.” The teachers in the school, who would hit the kids when they made a mistake, have influenced Kamela to think smarter and be braver. Her parents, because they were American missionaries so they had to go live in a foreign

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