
Friedl Dicker: A Life Story Of The Holocaust

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While walking in to an art gallery, everyone had a moment of stopping in their tracks to be memorized by a painting or a drawing. Only to think about what that art is about and the meaning behind it. Especially at a holocaust museum. There are many works of art about the holocaust. The prisoners had a life story to share. Also, the people who did the art works had to be careful, not to be caught by the Germans. The reason for this, was it was illegal to draw what's actually happening in the camps. Few of the prisoners were "privileged" to make art for the Germans, to only draw or paint what the Germans say. The prisoners were only chosen, because they were talented enough. But for the prisoners who weren't "privileged" had to be smart, by …show more content…

She was a woman who taught 600 out of 15000 children to draw out their emotions. She used her raw material she brought with her when she arrived. She stayed joyful for the children's sake. She went to Auschwitz in October 1994, where she perished, with thousands and thousands of children. For example, Liana Franklova (13), Ruth Cechova (13), Josef Pollak (9), Panel Sonnenscein (11), and Petr Weidmann (12). Only having 100 surviving children, like Helga Weissova. From Dicker helping the children, she saved 5,000 artworks of the children's emotions and dreams. With the kids only being under 14, with little knowledge of what's going on. Only taking comfort of others and doing what others say.The children would draw what they see or wishing they were somewhere else. From these drawing we know who these kids were and what they experience. For example, they would draw about family, homes, or what they do during the days. The kids were defenseless and scare, but one woman changed that.

The Holocaust happening and the art that came with the horrors, we can use the art for proof and to help us understand. We have many examples of brave men and women showing us in different ways. Yet, we will never know what the prisoners went through and what they felt. With all the art of the Holocaust, we have proof that it did happened and the horrors that the prisoners faced, young to old. With all this knowledge we will never forget about the ones who died and suffered. We have the artist art that shows us their story and what they went

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