The topic I choose for my final project is pluralism – a condition or system in which two or more states, groups, principles, sources of authority coexist. In other words, pluralism represents a condition or system in which diversity is highly valued, making itself a very important view to the knowledge of human beings.
Pluralism, attaching great importance to diversity, offers an approach to comprehend distinctive perspectives within one certain subject. In this circumstances, we are able to establish a social system protecting minorities and reach an incredible harmony, with the significance of pluralism in science, philosophy, politics and etc. For science, pluralism encourage scholars to interpret certain phenomena by using distinctive
[1.1].In your setting, there is a range of policies which formally sets out guidelines and procedures for ensuring equality. The policies must take into account the rights of all individuals and groups within the school as well as considering the ways policies work to ensure equality, inclusion. Policies also pay regards to the values and practice, which are part of all aspect of school life.
In “Problems and Promise in Pluralism,” Annalee R. Ward argues for academic freedom through the lens of confessional pluralism. Ward challenges the academy to revisit pluralism to ascertain whether various denominations can have an “engagement of differences in creative ways” that allow for coexistence in scholarship” (Eck 9). Although academy insists that pluralism tugs on personal integrity, closer examination show that “authentic peaceful coexistence” is a possible outcome when approached correctly (Ward 5).
Pluralism is a state in which racial and ethnic categories, though distinct, have equal social standing. (Macionis, 2012 pg.84) So in stating what it is we are looking to foster gives us a better idea of what to expect if we do foster a climate of acceptance and cultural pluralism in the United States. Though to get there we need to teach, I mean really teach each other and about one another in every way form what we eat to how we celebrate traditions. We need to get everyone involved as much as possible, which means in schools, jobs, and community. By doing all of this we will have a better understanding of one another which well level out the minorities with the majorities and make acceptance easier all around.
In the United States, pluralism is pertinent and very significant for the government because the government itself is distributed with various powers given to the states. These states then give powers to their local governments, which continues to distribute the power. In the government system, there are levels of that consist of branches that control the many different parts of the system, so that no one person or group is given too much power. The United States has a system of checks and balances, which is pertinent to the power system and the pluralist theory ("What is a pluralist theory of government?" 2017).
Duclos, Denis. "Dehumanization or the Disappearance of Pluralism?" Diogenes 49.195 (2002): 34-39. Expanded Academic ASAP. Gale. Maize High School Library, KS. 27 October 2004 .
1.1a Explain what is meant by Diversity Diversity is a reality created by individuals and groups from a broad spectrum of demographic and philosophical variations. It is important to support and protect diversity because of valuing individuals and groups free from prejudice, and by fostering a climate where equity and mutual respect are intrinsic. "Diversity" means more than just acknowledging and/or tolerating difference. Diversity is a set of conscious practices that involve: •Understanding and appreciating interdependence of humanity, cultures, and the natural environment. •Practicing common respect for qualities and experiences that are different from our own.
Reading over the brilliant work of Michael Walzer’s “What does it mean to be an American” I have discovered that the identity of Americans is that of a “melting pot.” We , as Americans, promote an abundance of cultures that are interconnected to make our country the amazing place it is today. Walzer believes in the diversity of America, he realizes that America’s cultural diversity is part of what makes us the best country in the world.
Pluralism is one of the three theories of government, which is a condition or system in which two or more states, groups, principles, sources of authority, etc., coexist. Pluralism is a combination of different sorts of people among the many are like-minded people, unions, professional associates, and business lobbyists. For pluralism to operate and to be successful in establishing the common
Nowadays, racism, politics, and prejudices are the cause of boycotting, riots, and injured people lately, but racism is not the issue. We are constantly surrounded by several different types of race, skin color, and culture. Today, people do not pay attention if a person is different because we are all equal, but with different background and we are worth the same. We have all spoken to a person with a different heritage and shared several different priceless moment with at least of person who is different. Cultural pluralism is the best hope for a just and cohesive society.
Buddhism from India, Christianity from the Roman Empire, Hinduism from India, Islam from Saudi Arabia, Sikhism from India, Judaism from Israel . Should they all gave the rights and freedom to practice what and how they want even if they are not in their country? According to the First Amendment in the U.S constitution its states freedom of religion which is the right to practice whatever religion one chooses. Sadly, episodes of vandalism, fire related crime, and even physical viciousness have likewise once in a while been coordinated against these new religious focuses and the groups that call them home. In the article “From Diversity to Pluralism” Eck define pluralism as “the engagement that creates a common society from all that diversity”.
Malcolm Forbes once said, “Diversity: the art of thinking independently together.” The same diversity that shaped the United States going back to the sixteenth century when immigrants landed in North America. Diversity of people and species, but their real differences were religion, politics, economics, social issues, and the fantastic ways they dealt with those issues.
Pluralism is a worldview in which the society members structure their culture based on acceptance and diversity. These common traits all strive for the common good of all and also realize there is some truth in other beliefs (Pluralism, 2015). This worldview stresses the importance of tolerance of other religions but does not however deviate from their own beliefs.
The understanding of the concept “Pluralism” is when different people from different class, religions, race, culture, organizations, etc., are living together in a society and they continue to practice their different traditions or interest, rather than just one group or culture determining how things go. Pluralism recognized the fact that different religious or cultures have equal right to voice their ideas or opinions. No one particular religion or worldview is privileged over others, therefore the truth is beyond the ability of one group to capture.
The pluralist approach recognizes that different groups exist within an organization and that conflict can, and does, exist between employer and employees. (Gennard and Judge, 2002, P208)The pluralist perspective is
We live in a society where people come from different countries, they belong to different cultural, religion, ethnic groups, and races. All these factors come together and contributes to differences that make us unique from each other. Hence, a multicultural country with huge diversity. This reflection journal will cover what “human race” is and what role it plays in ones’ personal life and in a nursing profession. Moreover, what bias, assumptions and judgements are, and how to avoid them. Lastly, what caring is and what role does it play in nursing.