From The Great Learning, I decided to select the following quote: “From the Son of Heaven down to the mass of the people, all must consider the cultivation of the person the root of everything besides”. From this, I find that no matter the social standing of an individual, the cultivation of humanity must start from the root of the person. We cannot hope to spread acts of humanity or preach of harmony, if we do not fully understand ourselves. I think it is quite vital that we must first reflect and seek improvement in ourselves before we can change society in a positive manner. It will only be hypocritical if we are to try to fix society, but in actuality, we need it the
This quote is the resolution in Unbroken. After being rescued from Japan, the falling point of the book, Louie’s post-war life suffered from frequent flashbacks and nightmares and he struggled with alcoholism. He had secretly dedicated his life to killing his past tormentor, Mutushiro Watanabe, thinking it was the only way for him to move on. At one point, during one of Louie’s flashbacks, he began to choke his own child thinking it was Watanabe. His wife, Cynthia, had temporarily left him. However, after being talked into attending a sermon led by Billy Graham, he remembered his past promises to God. When Louie was lost at sea, he prayed for rain and promised that if rain was provided for him, he would dedicate his life to God. This quote
First off, I really liked your response due to the fact that I also addressed this question, and I was able to gain a different insight from your discussion board on things I did not include in my response. For instance, the way you explained how first point of view gave strength to the overall idea of history brining pride to many Chicanos not only showed great analysis, but also supported your argument regarding the character’s strong identification with his culture. You use a quote to support your answer and further analyze the quote and speak about the effect cultural heritage and history has on the person Joaquin is.
Has there ever been an insightful enough book that looks into a topic no one really bothers to read or think about? Yes. Of Mice and Men is a dramatic fiction story, and was written by John Steinbeck. It showcases life during the Great Depression, and was published in 1937. Of Mice and Men conveys a tragic, and almost predictable story of how two men bonded by natural attraction through loneliness, concocted a truly elaborate plan for an end-game, but ended up leaving one man with nothing but his own guilt and the other’s memory.
Why can't you be successful? Maybe the only reason people are successful is simply because of luck. Benjamin Franklin once stated that diligence is the mother of good luck. While there are factors in our lives that can’t be controlled, ultimately it’s up to the individual to overcome their obstacles. With that being said many of the factors that can not be controlled can expand an individual's success.
This quote is very interesting, “She grew strong as I grew weak. (Yes! Jesus loves me!) And so it came to pass, in the Eden of our mother's womb, I was cannibalized by my sister” (40). Leah and Adah are twins, but they are totally different.
In chapter one in Of Mice and Men there is a lot that goes on. “Damn hot day” (4) which represent that it must be in the summer time and it is a hot afternoon near Soledad, California, sometime during the 1930s. Nearly everyone is poor and scrambling around desperately for work, food, and money. We meet Lennie and George, which are two guys who are bacisally the poorest and scrambling for new work. George is small and smart, “You never oughta drink water when it ain’t running” (3).
Steve Jobs said “the ones, who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” This saying mean person who effort and creative to their work, they can shape the world their desires. Person who want desire the world they need work hard enough and assert itself. In the Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell write 11 chapters about success and to become an outlier, people who practice 10,000 hours to become a success, people who have a different cultural legacy they can change their life and to become an outlier, and people who effort they can change disadvantage to advantage. Although Malcolm Gladwell assert “if you work hard enough and assert yourself, and use your mind and imagination, you can shape the world to your desire”, people can success their self, people who practice 10,000 hours than they can success, cultural legacy change their life and to become an outlier and when people effort hardly
Marilyn’s real name is Norma Jeane Mortenson.She born and raised in california. When Marilyn was little her mom worked a lot and was in and out of hospitals while Norma stayed at families and neighbors.
Mice and Men is a novel written by John Steinbeck about the life of two men named Lennie and George. In the novel, a main overarching theme is the brotherhood and friendship between George and Lennie, and how they will do anything to protect each other. To start at the beginning, Lennie and George find themselves running from their old town weed after Lennie scares a little girl, “They run us outta weed, he explodes triumphantly. Run us out, hell, said George disgustingly. We ran.
Lennie And George have a dream of one day earning enough "jack" to buy a house and a couple acres to live on. This dream is Harmful and helpful because they have something to look forward to but also a reminder if they fail. The idea of living of the land is a great idea for the two men because it is cheaper and easier to do. This idea is a very helpful reminder when they are working to do their best to hopefully succeed. When George tells the story Lennie chirps in often but always wants George to finish the story “why'n't you do it yourself?
Terry Shu, Ms. Laws English 9, Period 3, February 6, 2024. The Book of Unachieved Dreams Have you ever had dreams that did not happen in real life? Well, in the story Of Mice And Men, where multiple characters have their dreams that didn’t get fulfilled, Steinbeck uses the developments of George, Lennie, who is a worker on a farm and Curley’s Wife, who is frequently ignored by her husband Curley to create the theme of unachieved dreams to show that working hard doesn’t always get them what they want. A prime example is when George tells Lennie that workers like them usually don’t get a social life, shown by the quote: “Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world.”
In John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men, George’s actions are justified. This is because George thought about what could’ve happened to Lennie, like getting tortured and dying in a more painful way, Lennie would never be happy again if he had to live and go through so much pain, but if Lennie got away he could hurt and possibly kill someone else since he can't control his strength. This led to George protecting Lennie from harm and this limits George’s opportunities. Instead of having a stable job, he has to move from job to job because of Lennie's incidents. One of the themes in Of Mice and Men is the American dream.
The love or lust for a specific individual is a common conflict in personal rivalries today. A universal understanding of the term rivalry is the competition for the same objective or superiority in the same field. Many rivalries are established in the chronicles of the Salem witch trials. These often correlate to the lust or love rivalries or personal rivalries between two or more characters. Arthur Miller's timeless classic The Crucible demonstrates the fight between good and evil of rivalries through an engaging plot. Personal rivalries are a major component in the theme of Arthur Miller's play.
“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him... We need not wait to see what others do.” — Mahatma Gandhi
In the area of multiple pathways to leadership development, researchers examine the institutional makeup of universities, school districts, and third-party organizations about effective educational instruction and preparation. In fact, many reformers agree there are a countless number of approaches an individual can take to become a licensed administrator. However, philosophers haggle over the degree of required administrative competencies of diversified school systems. The diversity of in-service programs raises serious questions about how to evaluate and compare program effectiveness given variations in clientele, training design, underlying theories, and specific learning objectives. (Davis, Darling-Hammond, LaPointe, and Myerson p.14)