Sound is an expression. Sound is what enables music and the ability to hear is what allows me to experience that. I know this is something that I can never take for granted. Music is art that entertains and I will continue spending the rest of my life devoted to that. This idea was discovered when I played the drums for the first time. Fifteen years went by where all the instruments consumed me. Now, at twenty, after three years of working and pursuing an undesired degree, while marching my way through adversity, I see again how I cannot lose my passion for art and music. Full Sail was introduced to me when I was a sophomore in high school. I did research, but eventually ended up in a traditional four year school. Everybody goes
Sound is what makes everything come alive. From when an infant in the womb becomes familiar to their mother’s voice. Noise can have a great effect on humans, especially music. Music can speak louder than words, particularly in certain situations where they may not be able to express what they are feeling. It is incredible how many sounds and voices put together can have a special connection to emotions, and bring back memories. Music is a language everyone can understand and relate to. Poet Rachel M. Harper, uses the idea of music to let readers into her childhood. Harper dedicated the poem to her father, who has a significant part in her life, since he is the only parent she has left.
For anyone interested in a degree from a credited college — who have a passion for the entertainment industry, film, local media, audio and video production — you need look no further than Full Sail University. Full Sail is unique in that it focuses on training those with a passion for a creative career in the entertainment and media industry.
I now realise that the Arts, including music, creates opportunities to engage, inspire and enrich our lives. Music making and responding can challenge, provoke responses and enrich our knowledge and understanding of ourselves, our communities and the world.
Music is something I have always been passionate about. During my years of musical training, I have learned universal truths about music that I have come to love and enjoy. These universal truths help define me as a musician and all seem to revolve around a central theme: Music is not a thing but an experience.
Music with a purpose. Music serves a purpose throughout our lives, it is more than just entertainment and something to use for background
To understand why music is a product of human intention and perception, we start by defining or understanding the nature of music. Music is defined as the sounds or combination of vocals and instruments in a way that it produces a form of beauty, expression, or harmony of emotions. Arguably, people compose or make music through many ways (Resnicow, Joel E., 20-29). While some people might compose music without incorporating instruments, others use instruments to produce beats that match with their sounds. However, to argue that the
Without music I am like popcorn with no butter; dry. Music has been instilled in me since early years. Growing up I used pots and pans as my own drums. It was until I was years old that I got my first drum. I still remember it till this day. The drum was a Little Tikes Tap A Tune Toy Drum. From that day on, music was always a part of me. As I grew older I tried different instruments. They varied from the guitar, trumpet, tambourine, and the trombone. Even in trying out these various instruments, the drums have been my main instrument. I’ve always had the ability to play to a song without thinking too much about it. It’s a natural talent. Music in general has been a stress reliever for me. When school stresses me out, listening to a song soothes me down. Throughout my life I have been in various programs. I was blessed to be chosen for the Howard County Children’s choir, and elementary school bands. Both these programs gave me a platform to try a of variety of instruments. As I aged, I turned back to the drums. I honed my skills in the drum by constant daily practice. To others, it may seem as a pain, but I find practicing the drums a joy. If it wasn’t for the noise and disturbances it makes, drumming would be an all day affair. Along with the drums, I have learned how to play the piano and bass guitar. Both self taught, which took a lot of patience, and perseverance. I started to teach myself the piano and bass guitar when I was 14. Now
Music helps me sleep, relax, exercise, and also tells my story. The impact that music made in my life was a major one. I’m sure that music made an impact like that of the one it made in my life for a lot of
For many years we as individuals and as a society have created and listened to various forms of music. Initially there are two ways in which music can be introduced into one's life. The first initiation is through listening to music. This can then be followed by the second initiation which is playing music. Through these initiations people are able to remember music and do not need the external influence because of memory. For example, if someone likes Mozart, they do not need to actually listen to the music because they can hear it in their own mind. The memory of music can never be fully taken away, not even from someone who has become deaf. Music has been used as a means of expression, and a way to convey feelings and emotions such as love,
The power of music in my life is unexplainable as it affects every day and never stops. I will be forever grateful for this gift from God that is shared from my friends and family because they have opened my eyes to a variety of sounds since I have been a kid and teaching me how to enjoy it. This music, I have heard will never leave me as it holds a nostalgic part in minds. The countless times I have used headphone will continues and so will my audiophile life
Music has always been a fundamental part of my life. It sends me on a beautiful journey, full-to-bursting with emotions held within. It is here, within my own thoughts, that I can truly be myself. What music does so masterfully, is its unyielding capability of captivation and wonder. The listener is made to feel so many things at once, that it is all too easy to become lost within a euphoric trance. As one of my greatest passions, I turn to its pleasures time and time again. Whether it be while writing a work of fiction, jogging onward at the brink of dawn, or perhaps in the still night before bed. My love for music in its entirety has only soared as I have grown older and thus, my first symphony experience, is a wonderful memory I will forever hold dear.
I am engrossed in music because it is unique to me because of its flexibility and freedom. It provides a sanctuary to reduce stress and escape from the madness of reality. It allows me to think of life in a different perspective and see things more clearly. Alexander Graham Bell influenced me to perform music because he combined both music and engineering to create the telephone. With my passion already set on engineering and chemistry, music broadens my understanding and knowledge.
French Poet Victor Hugo once said, “music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.” We already know the saying a picture is worth a thousand words, but music plays an important role in further expressing our feelings embedded in a picture. Music has the ability to convey the feelings one would like to express but is unable to do so through pictures and words. Our feelings often come from memories; American musician Stevie Wonder (2004) mentioned, “music, at its essence, is what gives us memories. And the longer a song has existed in our lives, the more memories we have of it.” For someone like me that loves listening to music, we almost always try to picture the scene the song is describing while
There are many things that I can find about music to write about, so many things have happened in music that can be called an inspiration, or a reason to appreciate music. One thing I can say I appreciate about music is just being able to hear it. The sound of is something to appreciate alone. Not everyone has the blessing to be able to hear the beautiful creation that many different artists have to offer around the world. It is one thing to never have your hearing and not know what it sounds like at all, but to have the ability and lose it can change a lot. If I were to lose my hearing, I’d image that I would be going crazy. There are many things in life that are inspirational. Things that have happened and that will happen that can change the course of a life. Depending on what it is and how it happens changes things in
People say that music has the ability to heal a person mentally and spiritually. But to me, music is much more than just healing. It is a way for me to escape this world called reality and enter a world with in my imagination through the different beats, harmony, and chorus. Only when listening to music, I can truly feel all my emotions with each song having the power to make me remember, from painful to happy memories. As I grew up to be the person I am today, my music journey also grows with me. Looking back at it now, I would never want to change a single thing.