
Fumigufium Research Paper

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Our world is giant but fragile. Fragile enough that we are able to greatly affect it. Our final articles focus on the topic of pollution and how it degrades our society as well as the environment. Fumigufium by John Evelyn begins by describing the terrible smoke and its affects caused by the burning of coal in London. The city is transformed from one of beauty to disgust. It was claimed you could barely distinguish someone from a crowd. People had developed persistent coughs as well. It was obvious the pollution from fossil fuels had produced negative affects. Although, a fairly new energy source may now be harvested which burns cleaner than coal and oil. It is natural gas. As seen in Fracking Nation, natural gas is an untapped resource which …show more content…

I believe the answer to this is no, but it is more complicated than it seems. We may not be able to develop without degradation, but we may be able to limit degradation so that our effect becomes negligible and the environment is healthy enough to replenish itself. In the case of Fumifugium, the burning of wood rather than the burning of coal is seen as a cleaner solution since it emits less pollutants than coal. Even though it would require massive amounts of wood and deforstation, it was pointed out that trees could be replanted year by year replenishing the used supply. This increase of trees planted could also benefit the little pollutants that are created by burning the wood as trees are able to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Fracking Nation also provided its own solution to minimizing the affect of the fracking problem by the use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). LPG converts back into a gas underground which allows it to be almost 100% retrievable when being sucked back up with the natural gas from the reservoir. It's retrievablity lowers the cost of filtering it back along with lowering the need for water and decreasing the size of staging operations needed. It eliminates the need for pits for waste. Furthermore, Restoring Rivers, describes how collaborative efforts and organization may promote restoration projects. Through these efforts the goals of improving water quality, managing riparian vegetation, enhancing in-stream habitats, providing passages for fish, and stabilizing banks may be

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