Our world is giant but fragile. Fragile enough that we are able to greatly affect it. Our final articles focus on the topic of pollution and how it degrades our society as well as the environment. Fumigufium by John Evelyn begins by describing the terrible smoke and its affects caused by the burning of coal in London. The city is transformed from one of beauty to disgust. It was claimed you could barely distinguish someone from a crowd. People had developed persistent coughs as well. It was obvious the pollution from fossil fuels had produced negative affects. Although, a fairly new energy source may now be harvested which burns cleaner than coal and oil. It is natural gas. As seen in Fracking Nation, natural gas is an untapped resource which …show more content…
I believe the answer to this is no, but it is more complicated than it seems. We may not be able to develop without degradation, but we may be able to limit degradation so that our effect becomes negligible and the environment is healthy enough to replenish itself. In the case of Fumifugium, the burning of wood rather than the burning of coal is seen as a cleaner solution since it emits less pollutants than coal. Even though it would require massive amounts of wood and deforstation, it was pointed out that trees could be replanted year by year replenishing the used supply. This increase of trees planted could also benefit the little pollutants that are created by burning the wood as trees are able to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Fracking Nation also provided its own solution to minimizing the affect of the fracking problem by the use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). LPG converts back into a gas underground which allows it to be almost 100% retrievable when being sucked back up with the natural gas from the reservoir. It's retrievablity lowers the cost of filtering it back along with lowering the need for water and decreasing the size of staging operations needed. It eliminates the need for pits for waste. Furthermore, Restoring Rivers, describes how collaborative efforts and organization may promote restoration projects. Through these efforts the goals of improving water quality, managing riparian vegetation, enhancing in-stream habitats, providing passages for fish, and stabilizing banks may be
|pollution effects and other fossil |pollution’s ill effects, the lifestyle changes that will be required, and | |
Pollution has always been an issue within our society. Derrick Jenson and Stephanie McMillan as well as Michael Pollan have all written articles about the issues in our environment and the effects of pollution. We are causing an increasing amount of pollution as time goes on. Virtually everything we do causes some form of damage to the environment and it seems that regardless of how much we want to fix this issue we are making no progress towards a solution. Based on their articles “As The World Burns” and Pollans article “Why Bother” these authors have similar views and yet contrast on many points.
During fracking, pollutants known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are released into the atmosphere. These pollutants can increase the risk of respiratory diseases and cancer. The article contains credible evidence towards fracking’s effect on air quality. Many citizens in the areas surrounding the natural gas wells have reported health problems and their accounts will help support the argument against fracking. The release of these toxic chemicals is unsafe for both people and the environment and the information provided will contribute to supporting the evidence of fracking’s impact on air
This source features a report by Jill U. Adams on the dangers, and current regulations of air pollution and climate change. Holding a Ph.D. in pharmacology from Emory University, the author primarily writes a health column for the Washington Post. She has also been featured in the magazines Audubon, Scientific American and Science. Because this article covers climate change, there is an inherent liberal bias. However, this bias coincides with irrefutable scientific data proving the existence of climate change. The audience for this article is anyone effected by air pollution and climate change; just about everyone. This source upholds my speculation that human beings have a significant effect on the climate. Before reading this article, I wasn’t aware that 55 million people a year died from air pollution. I found this source on CQ Researcher while searching for ‘pollution.’
We all know that fossil fuels and harsh burning of chemicals are bad for our environment. Through the cause of global warming and the depletement of the atmosphere it is apparent. From the start of coal burning all the way through nuclear
The natural gas industry, according to Greco, is living in a persistent lie as being clean and climate friendly. Although burning natural gas produces less carbon dioxide, the natural gas can also pollute waterways, release methane which is 86 to 105 times as powerful as carbon dioxide, cause health problems, and also contributes to the amount of site accidents occurring in our nation. For example, the natural gas storage leak that occurred outside of Los Angeles in Porter Ranch after a lack of a subsurface shutoff valve caused clouds of gas to be produced outside of the plant for three and a half months caused the locals to experience nausea, vomiting, headaches, and nosebleeds. Erin Brockovich, an environmental activist and research, claimed that the leak was a “BP oil spill, just on land” because of its massive impact and the magnitude, duration, and climate effects. In regards to
Citing the documentary “Gasland”, the article brings to account instances in the past where people who lived close to fracking sites had experienced sickness and foul-smelling water. The documentary had then influenced New York State’s decision to ban fracking. By citing this documentary, the article makes the reader to not fully accept the given conclusion. Without going into great detail, the article mentions a couple of environmental groups questioning of the legitimacy of the study, considering that the study uses data generated by oil and gas companies. This also brings to question the limitations of the data used. The article reads unbiasedly towards both sides of the fracking industry, it recognizes the conclusions of the EPA study but still lets the reader know that there is still a lot that has not been explored in the topic.
Today we rely on a majority of fossil fuels with a small percentage of solar or wind energy generation to power our comfortable living. With fossil fuels being our primary source of energy, we are releasing things such as lead into the atmosphere to be inhaled; coal has to be mined causing deforestation and additionally causes water contamination from mining water runoff, the same to be said with fracking.
Natural gas is not a clean nor renewable source of energy. A transition to wind, solar, geothermic, and hydroelectric energy along with other natural resources that do not produce the harmful environmental concerns are needed. The cleanliness of our air and the reduction of our dependence on fossil fuels is something that needs to take priority. There is a responsibility to do as much as we can to take care of the resources around us and not to destroy them without knowing the consequences that will be
Repercussions of burning oil have arisen more progressively. The debatable topic of global warming holds burning fossil fuels responsible for higher temperatures in colder climates. An article by World Book explains why oil is so harmful towards the environment. As more cars are produced more pollutants are released into the atmosphere, those pollutants cause smog in larger manufacturing oriented cities as well as, acid rain. Factories, burning oil, dispose of the remaining chemicals into bodies of water rendering them unsafe to drink for both humans and animals alike (Hunt par. 1). Another article produced through World Book describes the
ISSUE: The new supply of natural gas reachable by fracking is now changing the overall picture for U.S. electricity generation, with consequences for air quality.
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" on their famous Statue of Liberty. Immigrant into the USA has recently become the contentious issue. Democrats and republican have clashed with each other, and with the white house. Republican has clashed with republican also. Lots of terror attack as well as illegal immigrants who are here in US for the job opportunity and for their future is the reason for the Issue. All of the immigrant who are here and the out world all people are interested in the issue because the people who are here living in US are in fear of deportation as well as for the future of their family. Similarly, US is known as the melting pot where there are people from all around the world so
The new technological advancement which is also known as “Fracking” process has tremendously increased the supply of natural gas in America. And on the other hand, as natural gas does not emit the greenhouse gases like that of coal fuel energy, the consumer preference of coal based products switched to natural gas. As supply and demand of natural gas kept increasing, fracking process has also increased in larger extent in different regions of the country. As a result, negative impacts are also generated like water contamination, air pollution, health problems, natural resources impact and broader economic impacts (Environment America
Pollution has become a prevalent issue worldwide and has begun to affect the air used to breathe, the soil used to grow food, and the water used to drink. All of these effects result in commonly occurring destruction of health and wildlife that one may have seen on the news or heard from peers. In order to live, one needs food, water, clothing, and shelter. If the water and food that society consumes gets contaminated, a major component of life has been eradicated, which can only have negative consequences. If more people are educated as to what effects the environment, the world has a chance to counteract the effects of pollution. The main causes of pollution are the burning of fossil fuels such as with car exhausts, littering as a result of societal norms and laziness, and factory waste as a result of lax waste regulation, and can result in mass destruction of the environment and catastrophic effects on the everyday lives of contemporary people.
The environment is negatively affected be the burning of fossil fuels. The affects of the gases contribute to global warming, along with acid rain and polluted air. This pollution cuts short an estimated 30,000 American lives according to the Clean Air Task Force (Rich). The United States must stop using fossil fuels because the gases produce harm the environment we live causing harm to come all the citizens. “The future of energy production will