
Functional Behavioral Assessment

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One of the most crucial parts of successfully managing a classroom does not only have to do with providing a child with a great education, but also having the ability to successfully manage behavior in order to have a strongest learning environment possible. There are two important questions a teacher needs to try to answer when collecting data on a behavior. The first is "does the target behavior happen frequently enough to warrant a formal intervention program?" (Lee, 2011) , as well as "Has the intervention changed the target behavior to a more acceptable level?" (Lee, 2011). These questions can be answered by knowing how to successfully track and monitor behavior with the use of tracking behavior through data summarizing sheets and graphs, …show more content…

Once it is determined that the behavior needs to be addressed in a more formal way, a Functional Behavioral Assessment will take place. A Functional Behavioral Assessment, or a FBA is "premised on a behavioral perspective, in which behavior, appropriate or challenging, is viewed as being driven by function" (Adams, 2009). There are considered to be five functions of behavior. These functions include: attention, escape, medical, sensory and tangible. A proper intervention of challenging behavior cannot take place without first understanding the function of a behavior. When it comes atypical students, "Common functions of behavior in a school setting include gaining attention (negative or positive), escape/avoidance (difficult academic tasks, social situations), and a need for predictability/safety" (Adams, 2009). The use of an A-B-C data sheet can help to track behavior in order to determine the function of a behavior. A-B-C stands for Antecedent, Behavior and Consequence. An example of when an A-B-C data sheet would be used is when after collecting data on a student, you notice that she tends to have a tantrum every day during recess. The use of the A-B-C data sheet will allow a teacher to determine why the tantrums are continually taking place during …show more content…

The antecedent is what is was taking place in the child's environment before the behavior took place. Going back to the child at recess, after filling out A-B-C on her tantrums, she notices they tend to take place whenever a particular puzzle she enjoys is being used by another child, before she has had a chance to play with it. Next on the data sheet would be behavior. The behavior is what the child did that is considered the problematic, challenging or maladaptive. The behavior for this child would be her tantrum of screaming and crying. This is taking place immediately after the antecedent. After behavior is the consequence. The consequence is what took place immediately after the behavior, usually in attempt to stop to behavior from continuing. The better an understanding of why a child is acting a certain way is the best way for a teacher to be successful in creating a better learning environment for all of his or her students. From filling out the data sheets, the teacher notices that the behavior is increasing by receiving the puzzle after she has a tantrum. This tells the teacher that the girl has learned to gain access to the desired puzzle from screaming and crying. The teacher know knows that her receiving the puzzle after crying is increasing the problem behavior, so she starts to have the girl wait to receive the

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