
Functional Curriculum

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Life Skills Curriculum or Functional Curriculum
One of the primary objectives of special education is to assist student on getting. A functional curriculum includes a myriad of skills that help prepare students with LD to live independently. These skills may include independent, vocational, communication and social that are necessary for future living (Flexer, Baer, Luft, & Simmons, 2012). It is important that the curriculum taught in inclusive environments that meet the needs of students with LD and if the students are participating in the general classroom they can still place in programs that modified in functional, life skills, and goals are included in the instruction.
Transition Curriculum
Early and continuous planning is important to …show more content…

At Level one, students with LD should receive direct instruction about work and its importance. They would be introduced to diverse work environments and have many chances to interact with people who work in those environments. They can also learn this through video and movies and by reading about the occupations. Fantasy and role-playing task to help children envision themselves in these work environments. Transition planning should integrate career guidance activities that are created to being the process of getting them use to unique personal characteristics and how these may affect future vocational and education goals.
Level 2 should continue during middle school to high school and should measure vocational interest, aptitudes, work habits, and career maturity. Assessment strategies include observations, interviews, and norm-referenced assessment instruments. Assessment outcomes should continue to center on career exploration task that help make tentative choice about school and career goals. They are to be provided with many chances to practice job-related skills. Level three assessment happens in high school and includes experience-based measure such as work sample and situational

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