
Functionalism And Structural Interactionism In Our Social World

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When reading this have an open mind to hear all three arguments and understand that each viewpoint is not necessarily wrong but seen differently in the eye of the beholder. The world is viewed in three different perspectives, sociologically, at least. The first being conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, and lastly structural functionalism. Structural functionalism is the one that I identify more with. According to our textbook, Our Social World, “The goal of sociology is to understand the social world and establish scientific social facts” (Larkin, 2015). With that being said that is why each theory was developed, to understand your own viewpoint in the world and know exactly where it is that you as a member of society lie. When discussing structural functionalism, our book defines its as a “macro-level theory that views a society as a complete unit, in much the same way one might look at a human body as a complete organism that is made up of vital parts and systems” (Larkin, 2015). When using the body as an example it is understood that humans are composed of so many parts and without one of those parts the body wouldn’t function correctly or if at all. It goes the same way with society; it is made up of different groups, class systems as well as different authority positions that all work together to keep the society functioning. Although conflict theory is nothing like structural functionalism they do have one thing in common, they are both a macro level

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