
Fundamentals of Research Methodology

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Fundamentals of Research Methodology Monique Vann PSYCH 540 March 24, 2013 Jeanne Henry, Ph.D. Fundamentals of Research Methodology This paper will explore the fundamentals of research methodology in the Psychology field and discuss the importance of psychology. The answers to these questions are the basis for the theories that led to research. Research is the groundwork performed by Psychologists in order to answer questions about behavior and the mind. The outcome of the research will offer a clear picture of why an individual act the way he or she does. In the Psychology field, data is gathered to conduct the research and produce an outcome. This is a time-consuming process but without it there would be many of unanswered …show more content…

The Quantitative data collected can be used to graph or construct a table of the results. The Qualitative data is the more complicated of the two data’s because it is descriptive but both are equally important. Scientific Theory Construction and Testing Testing is conducted and hypothesis is formed in order to reach an outcome. Clearly to understand scientific theory, the word “has” to first be defined. Scientific theory is based on scientific observations are hypothesized and retested until it is proven to be valid, and there is not evidence to disprove it. The variables are taken into consideration when creating a theory. Intervening variables is important when developing theories because the ideas allow the researchers to explain the relationship between independent and dependent variables. If the test is inaccurate and the hypothesis proves to be false, the testing process will be repeated and once accurate a theory is formed. Research is a trial and error process. The Scientific Theory Construction and Testing is an important research process. The first step is to introduce the theory. The second step is to develop a hypothesis used to explain the theory. The third step to conduct an experiment used to approve or disprove the hypothesis. Once the process is confirmed and hypothesis is proved to be valid, a theory is formed. Researchers evaluate theories by judging the

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