Fundamentals of Research Methodology Monique Vann PSYCH 540 March 24, 2013 Jeanne Henry, Ph.D. Fundamentals of Research Methodology This paper will explore the fundamentals of research methodology in the Psychology field and discuss the importance of psychology. The answers to these questions are the basis for the theories that led to research. Research is the groundwork performed by Psychologists in order to answer questions about behavior and the mind. The outcome of the research will offer a clear picture of why an individual act the way he or she does. In the Psychology field, data is gathered to conduct the research and produce an outcome. This is a time-consuming process but without it there would be many of unanswered …show more content…
The Quantitative data collected can be used to graph or construct a table of the results. The Qualitative data is the more complicated of the two data’s because it is descriptive but both are equally important. Scientific Theory Construction and Testing Testing is conducted and hypothesis is formed in order to reach an outcome. Clearly to understand scientific theory, the word “has” to first be defined. Scientific theory is based on scientific observations are hypothesized and retested until it is proven to be valid, and there is not evidence to disprove it. The variables are taken into consideration when creating a theory. Intervening variables is important when developing theories because the ideas allow the researchers to explain the relationship between independent and dependent variables. If the test is inaccurate and the hypothesis proves to be false, the testing process will be repeated and once accurate a theory is formed. Research is a trial and error process. The Scientific Theory Construction and Testing is an important research process. The first step is to introduce the theory. The second step is to develop a hypothesis used to explain the theory. The third step to conduct an experiment used to approve or disprove the hypothesis. Once the process is confirmed and hypothesis is proved to be valid, a theory is formed. Researchers evaluate theories by judging the
According to the course syllabus we were introduced to the techniques of psychological research. This course was able to provide an understanding of how research is done, and what methods we can use to do so. By having a clear understanding of research and techniques used, it allows us to communicate effectively in regards to ideas behind the research process. In this paper, I will use myself as the case study to examine exactly what I learned about research.
The scientific method is a process that is used to answer questions and solve problems. Although there are different variations of the scientific method, it contains 5 basic steps. (1) Recognize a question or an unexplained occurrence in the natural world. Once this question has been developed examine scientific literature to determine what is already known about the subject matter. (2) Develop a hypothesis. A hypothesis is
There are four main characteristics of the scientific method: observation/measurements, make an assumption, test the assumption, and revise the assumption. The first stage we make an observations. For instance, I notice that my peppers in my garden are not growing well. I am going to assume this is because I did not water that area well enough. So I am now going to test my assumption. This is done by watering the peppers in my garden more frequently. Lastly, I am going to see if my assumption was correct. If my peppers only needed more water, they will begin to grow more rapidly. It is also possible that my assumption was wrong, and that my peppers were getting enough water; however, there could be something wrong with the soil, temperature, etc. These are the four main characteristics of the scientific method; it is important to note that our assumptions sometimes be wrong, thus it is always important that we test our assumptions to make sure we are correct.
15. A scientific hypothesis has two important qualities. The first is that it is testable. What is the
The scientific method consists of steps to ensure there are no mistakes made during the investigation. In the powerpoint we looked at regarding scientific investigation, it explains the different steps to the scientific method- making an observation, forming a hypothesis, conducting the experiment, analyzing the results, and communicating the results to others. The final step to the scientific method, communicating your results, is also known as full disclosure and verifies the validity of the investigation through the input and research by other scientists (Science Daily). When other scientists are able to review the findings of an experiment, they are able to form their own hypotheses and conduct their own experiments, validating that the original research done has not been skewed in any way, whether the bias was accidental or on purpose (Science Daily). 2.
The main stride of scientific process is the literature review. Scientists will later get that topic, observe it and see if the previous scientists use all accurate tools they needed. The scientist who is observing will later on use their new tools to re test it, to see if they can come up with furthermore intelligence (ch 6, para. 41). All scientists begin with a theory clarifying on how everything works and why it works. Beach talks about Matthew Crawford, a mechanic who did not understand how a motorcycle engine worked, Crawford eventually came across a more experienced mechanic and pointed out and how it worked and why it worked. This example of Crawford is a theory, it's putting everything together to find out how and why the motorcycle engine functions (ch 6, para. 42). Once a scientist comes up with a theory, it then comes up with a hypotheses basically testing out your theory to prove if it is wrong or right. After the scientist test out their hypothesis, they go to the last step of scientific method which is important called the peer review. It is basically presenting your conclusion to the public to get a second observation to see whether or not you have any errors or false
Scientific method is the steps used to test out hypothesizes, your guess on the why something is the way it is, such as why something does not work. Scientific method is important because testing out experiments is a sure way to find out why something is the way it is. Science is something you can count on when experimenting.
The scientific method is when you have a specific problem and you go through steps to try and solve your problem. The steps of scientific method are develop a theory, check and analyze your theory, explain your hypothesis, and prove your hypothesis. Whether that hypothesis could be wrong, you can still change it. That is the best thing about theories, hypothesis, and the scientific method.
The fifth step of the scientific model is to test the hypothesis. The scientists has asked the question and determined what they think should happen to answer it. They have gathered the relevant data and now must design a test to either prove or disprove their hypothesis. Importantly, the outcome is profound either way. If the outcome of the experiment or test proves a hypothesis, then it demonstrates that asking X question under Y conditions should result in Z outcomes. However, it is equally important that if the results are not what was expected then there is an additional series of questions to be asked. Working with the hypothesis is the sixth step of the process to ensure that the experiment or test was capable of producing a result in keeping with the original question. If it is, then then any variation in the expected outcomes is not the culprit. The hypothesis is solid. If the test or experiment fails to achieve the desired results then it might be the case that its not the tests that are incorrect, it 's the hypothesis that provided an alternative outcome.
The modern scientific method is composed of several steps: observation, hypothesis, experimentation and verification. On observation of a phenomenon a scientist will attempt to interpret the phenomenon is light of current scientific knowledge (theory). The scientist will then attempt to develop experiments in which to determine the validity of the theory. Through this experimentation the theory will either be validated or disproved. Popper states that any experiment must be a serious attempt to disprove or invalidate the theory being tested, and further, that any theory so disproven cannot be considered science.
During my reading of the scientific method and how they are essential to invention and innovation. I found six methods to scientific. Each method has a purpose to assure that you are giving the experiment a fair test. The first method is to “Make an Observation” one should take notice by watching or identify. The second method is to “Ask a Question” by doing this you can find out the WH questions words. Those are the how, what, when, who, which, why, or where? For the third method is to form “A Hypothesis” to assume a basis for an argument. Then for step four is to “Performing Experiment” this is to test to see if your hypothesis is supported or not. As you move on to the fifth step “Evaluating the Results” at this point you will determine if your argument is being supported or not. As the sixth step that will bring you to completion, you will have to “Determining a Conclusion” you will have the opportunity to express you’re finding from the experiment to others.
Scientists are people that observe things and try to figure out how they work. Scientists need to keep the observations and research they do organized. The method they use is called the scientific method. The scientific method is a process of steps that helps scientists determine answers to problems or questions. The first step is called hypotheses. The hypotheses is a educated guess of what will happen.In order to test the hypotheses a scientist will repeat the experiment several times to see if the results are the same or different. After the scientist has had the same result over and overThe scientist will attempt to explain why this happens by gathering data, observing, and looking for evidence to support the hypotheses. After they find
The Scientific Method is represented by a reasonable order of steps used to come across a conclusion obtained by an experiment or attentive observations. There are five orderly steps which are the following; asking a question or stating the problem, creating a hypothesis, conduct an experiment, evaluate the results, and create a conclusion. A method used by scientists to find an answer a question or the solution to a problem. Now, let’s take a closer look of what each of these five steps consist of.
Generally speaking the Scientific Method begins with an observation that allows you to form a hypothesis. In order to come up with a well informed hypothesis one can look through scientific journals that may lend some light onto the subject your thinking of investigating. Sometimes talking with peers or discovering new tools on the market that allow you to look at things differently than before can be inspirational and lead to observations that then allow you to form a hypothesis.
The first step in scientific method is observation where we choose the behavior of interest and begin recording its characteristics. For an example, a researcher will try to observe the rat in the experiment receives food every time it jumps through the checkerboard on the left. The second step is detecting regularities where researcher looks for regularities in observation. For an example, over repeated trials, the researcher notes that the rat consistently jump to the checkerboard on the left. Next, the third step is generating a hypothesis which is a prediction about the characteristics of the behavior under study, which in this case, the rat. For an example, the researcher made a hypothesis that if he move the checkerboard to the right, the rat will jump to the right for food. Lastly, the final step of scientific method is to observe where we check for the accuracy of our hypothesis’ prediction. In the experiment, the researcher notes that the rat still jump to the left which contrast to his prediction and his hypothesis do not support his