
Fundamentals of Research Methodology

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Fundamentals of Research Methodology Paper

Psychology is a discipline which seeks to study the thoughts and actions of men in a scientific way. Science is a marvelous development in the history of human thought. The American Heritage Dictionary defines psychology as the science dealing with the mind, mental and emotional processes, and the science of human behavior. It defines science as systemized knowledge derived from observations and study. Scientific study is a way of understanding life and developing theories based on what is observed (Simonton, 2009). Psychologists develop theories and conduct psychological research to answer questions about behavior and mental processes that impact individuals and society. …show more content…

Although quantitative research is an integral part of doing research; qualitative research explores the processes that underlie human behavior using interviews, surveys, case studies, and other personal techniques (Salkind, 2009). Its general purpose is to examine human behavior in the social, cultural, and political contexts in which they occur. Qualitative research can be powerful and appropriate non-experimental way to explore an academic question rigorously, as when additional context is needed to explain phenomenon missed by quantitative research methods. When properly performed, qualitative research projects add to the body of knowledge on their subjects and make the researcher well informed (Salkind, 2009).

Qualitative research deals with descriptions and data that can be observed, but not measured. It explores items such as textures, colors, smells, tastes, and appearances and is obsessed with the quality of the item. Its goal is to describe the meaning, rather than drawing statistical inferences. What these experiments lose in reliability, they gain in terms of validity; providing a more in-depth and rich description. Quantitative research deals with numbers and data that can be measured. The length, height, speed, time, humidity, cost, age, weight, area and volume are the items quantitative research methods deal with. The quantity of the item is

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