Requesting Funds For A Trip To India Kaplan Administrators, I am writing to request funding from the Kaplan administration to support our Humanities Class Course HU250 to visit the diverse country of India. India is often described as one of the world’s most culturally and geographically diverse nations (Gannon, 2015). With over 1.35 billion people a trip to India is an excellent way for our class to experience multiple cultures and learn how these cultures interact with each at the same time. India is the birthplace of four major religions and with 125 million English speaking people is the world’s second largest English speaking country, so communication will not be a problem. In India we will be able to visit the Taj Mahal which is one …show more content…
Less than a day’s trip on a train we can visit the National Capital territory of Delhi. Settled in the 6th century B.C. Delhi has served as the capital of various kingdoms and empires. We will be able to visit the red sandstone walls of the Red Fort, built in 138 was designed to keep out invaders. The tower of Qutab Minar would also be a destination for us it was completed in 1368 to signify the beginning of Muslim rule in India. In Delhi we can also visit the Garden of Five Senses. Designed as an attraction that you can taste, see, hear, touch, and feel the garden is a popular tourist attraction that caters to all sections of society. People from all over the world come to the garden for the 200 varieties of plants, food, bars and to just hang out. A trip to Delhi will allow us to see history and socialize with people from all over the globe. Kochi, Kerala would be the last stop of our trip. The state has a unique mix of the three of the world’s largest religions. Kochi population consists of 30% Muslim, 20% Christian and 50% Hindu. Despite being religiously diverse the city peacefully coexists. I believe it would be interesting to speak with the local population and figure out why they have achieved harmony. Built in 1546 the city of Kochi has India’s oldest European church, Fort
All the major religions of the world have cities that hold special significance to their religion. It
Tourism programs need to respect and appreciate different religions and cultures and consider the special needs required by different religions during the journeys
The increasing cost of higher education in the United States has been a continuing topic for debate in recent decades. American society emphasizes the importance of education after high school, yet the cost of undergraduate and advanced degrees continually rises at a greater rate than inflation. According to the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance, cost factors prevent 48% of college-qualified high school graduates from pursuing further education (McKeon, 2004, p. 45). The current system requires the majority of students to accumulate extensive debt with the expectation that they gain lucrative post-graduate employment to repay their loans.
Today I want to talk to you about pilgrimage. I want to focus on two pilgrimages in particular; the Hindu pilgrimage to the Indian city of Varanasi, and the Catholic pilgrimage to St Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
I discovered a love for art history my freshman year in an honors course with Dr. Esther Sparks. She was so passionate about art history and her students. Dr. Sparks painted such a vivid picture of the history behind the art, its importance and significance. When considering study abroad locations, because of the class I took on a whim and Dr. Sparks whom I adored, I knew I wanted to travel somewhere with rich history, culture, art, and architecture. On every street corner of Florence, Italy, stands some piece of history; therefore, I have chosen this location for my study abroad experience. I am completely awestruck by not only the beauty of these masterpieces, but by the stories they hold. I find myself daydreaming of the people who created these magnificent structures, who they were, and what they thought of themselves and their creations. My goal is to immerse myself in the culture and absorb as much knowledge and understanding of Italian history and traditions as I possibly can so that I may, in turn, become a more well rounded individual.
Grant funds are requested by submitting a Cash Request. All requests are governed by the Cash Management Improvement Act (codified as 31 CFR part 205), 2 CFR 200, and state regulations. Together, these guidance documents outline the requirements and regulations that must be adhered to when submitting a Cash Request.
75% of Americans verbalize that college is too expensive for most Americans to afford (“Pew Social”). The cost of college is greater than ever and rising every year. Most students need financial aid to afford college. College is too extravagant for most students to afford. College is not worth it because of its growing costs and financial aid, and college is too costly for most students, and it is too overpriced to plan and prepare for.
Perusing higher education, going to college, getting a degree seems to be way too easy for people to accomplish these days. Getting through high school is simple enough, all you have to do is show up and stay on task. The next step after high school is college for most people, anyone can do it, but why is it so simple? College used to be difficult to achieve, you go to college and people look up to you. The answer to all of this, Financial Aid, the government will pay for your college tuition based on your family’s income.
In order for teachers to create a learning environment that is culturally responsive to each individual student, a teacher must learn the student’s funds of knowledge. The importance of learning the funds of knowledge of your students is crucial. A teacher can approach learning more about a student’s prior knowledge and culture in a variety of ways, including, instructing personal interviews with questions about their personal life such as what are the most important things in your life. Another way to discover your student’s funds of knowledge is by placing yourself in their shoes and doing a school and community walk through. You can also be provided with more insight into your student’s lives by conducting an adult interview from someone that also lives in the same community. In order for me to create lessons and classroom practices that are culturally responsive is by discovering my student’s funds of knowledge. I am at Blackwell Elementary School, which is located in Marietta and is apart of the Cobb County District. After having the students create heart maps and interviewing them, doing a school and community walkthrough, and talking with an adult, I was greatly impacted by all the new information and perspectives I learned. Without going through this process to obtain the information, I would have no knowledge on my students or the community surrounding Blackwell besides what meets the eye. This experience impacted my own thinking about the school I am working in for
Central Idea: India is a fascinating country with diverse traditions related to their language, their costumes, and their cuisine.
There are not enough teachers in India which is why I would like to visit some day. They must have programs where children are helped based on their specific needs. It would also be beneficial if I visited a bilingual school, because I am proficient in English having grown up and studied in the United States of America. It would be a nice change for India if they hired teachers that are qualified in the area instead of having a corrupt schooling system. I would like to become a part of a program that brings many teachers from the U.S.A. to countries, like India, where we can bring access and quality education. No child should be excluded from education, because it is fundamental to a child and the society
The cost of higher education is on the rise in the United States of America (USA). “Technology tends to unbundle stuff. Look how it’s unbundling television, or how it unbundled the music album. The college degree is a bundle that doesn’t work for everybody and creates unnatural market conditions, which is why college costs consistently rise faster than inflation.” (Newsweek) The cost of higher education tuition is skyrocketing throughout the USA. Imagine being a lower class family, both you and your spouse have full time jobs and just one of your children’ wants to pursue a higher education at a university. This is going to cost more than seventy percent of your yearly income, but it’s a gamble that may break the poverty cycle or may end you leaving you worse off. This is the choice that about ninety percent of the population in the USA is forced to contemplate. The struggle is real and the idea of assuming such a enormous financial burden causes so many to forgo the pursuit of higher education because of what it will do their families. So what is the impact of not obtaining a college degree? Sadly, by 2020 it is estimated that a lack of a college degree will automatically exclude a person from applying to over sixty percent of jobs. This will also drive a gigantic wedge into society by polarizing the rich from the poor and creating a larger societal gap.
Rockefeller Chapel is an enormous space—neither religious nor secular, but teetering on the rims of both in its uses as a prayer hall, concert space, and location for the College’s convocation ceremony. On April 22nd, 2017, the chapel is used as a divine space, bringing two religions, two cultures, and numerous ethnicities together in “A Meeting of Two Seas,” a concert celebrating the contributions of Hindus and Muslims to the arts of South Asia. As a performer, I enter Rockefeller Chapel through its West Entrance, two hours before the concert begins for a quick rehearsal and sound check—I am an insider, not only as a Carnatic vocalist, but as a Hindu, who has observed the rifts between Hindus and Muslims, which have lasted seemingly through antiquity. Through the concert, I hope to observe a beautiful amalgamation of these two religions and cultures—and possibly, see the rifts begin to subside.
The cost of higher education is on the rise in the United States of America (USA). “Technology tends to unbundle stuff. Look how it’s unbundling television, or how it unbundled the music album. The college degree is a bundle that doesn’t work for everybody and creates unnatural market conditions, which is why college costs consistently rise faster than inflation.” (Newsweek) The cost of higher education tuition is skyrocketing throughout the USA. Imagine being a lower class family, both you and your spouse have fulltime jobs and just one of your children’ wants to pursue a higher education at a university. This is going to cost more than seventy percent of your yearly income, but it’s a gamble that may break the poverty cycle or may end you leaving you worse off. This is the choice that about ninety percent of the population in the USA is forced to contemplate. The struggle is real and the idea of assuming such a huge financial burden causes so many to forgo the pursuit of higher education because of what it will do their families. So what is the impact of not obtaining a college degree? Sadly, by 2020 it is estimated that a lack of a college degree will automatically exclude a person from applying to over sixty percent of jobs. This will also drive a huge wedge into society by polarizing the rich from the poor and creating a larger societal gap.
The Taj Mahal is a prime example of India’s rich culture. A mix of Indian, Persian and Islamic characteristics, the two decade long project is a renowned “Wonder of the World” that boasts an emotional and romantic history; it was built by Emperor Shah Jahan of the Mughal era in a splendid tribute to his deceased wife. To this day, the Taj Mahal continues to be a famous landmark and cherished piece of Indian art.