
Funds For A Visit To India Essay

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Requesting Funds For A Trip To India Kaplan Administrators, I am writing to request funding from the Kaplan administration to support our Humanities Class Course HU250 to visit the diverse country of India. India is often described as one of the world’s most culturally and geographically diverse nations (Gannon, 2015). With over 1.35 billion people a trip to India is an excellent way for our class to experience multiple cultures and learn how these cultures interact with each at the same time. India is the birthplace of four major religions and with 125 million English speaking people is the world’s second largest English speaking country, so communication will not be a problem. In India we will be able to visit the Taj Mahal which is one …show more content…

Less than a day’s trip on a train we can visit the National Capital territory of Delhi. Settled in the 6th century B.C. Delhi has served as the capital of various kingdoms and empires. We will be able to visit the red sandstone walls of the Red Fort, built in 138 was designed to keep out invaders. The tower of Qutab Minar would also be a destination for us it was completed in 1368 to signify the beginning of Muslim rule in India. In Delhi we can also visit the Garden of Five Senses. Designed as an attraction that you can taste, see, hear, touch, and feel the garden is a popular tourist attraction that caters to all sections of society. People from all over the world come to the garden for the 200 varieties of plants, food, bars and to just hang out. A trip to Delhi will allow us to see history and socialize with people from all over the globe. Kochi, Kerala would be the last stop of our trip. The state has a unique mix of the three of the world’s largest religions. Kochi population consists of 30% Muslim, 20% Christian and 50% Hindu. Despite being religiously diverse the city peacefully coexists. I believe it would be interesting to speak with the local population and figure out why they have achieved harmony. Built in 1546 the city of Kochi has India’s oldest European church, Fort

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