On monday I attended his funeral. This was the hardest day in my entire life, I had lost my favorite person and had to sit in a cold, hard chair, and watch his casket lower into the ground. He had a beautiful air force ceremony, with the folding of the flag, and farewell son played on the trumpet. Hot tears streamed down my face as I realized I would never hear his voice again, smell his strong Aramis cologne, or be able to give him one last hug. No longer will I get to see him pull up to my house in his cherry red Jaguar, or hear is over exaggerated stories at christmas. I will never be able to cuddle up to him while eating his beloved spice drops and watching PGA tour, as the burning fire embers die down. I will always keep my memories of him close to my heart and remember his best days. Living a life without my grumppop will be one of the hardest journeys I will have to go through but because I live in the moment and try to remember every single detail of our lives together, I know that he will always be with me. How I remember all my experiences so vividly because I lived in the moment with him.I made sure that i wasn't always on my phone when I was around him and made sure I was never distracted so that I could give all my time to him. I know now more than ever that living in the moment is so important because now those memories i had with him, are all that I have left and I will never be able to experience them again. LBI is is an 18 mile island in New Jersey.
The title of Philip Roth’s novel, Goodbye, Columbus, is symbolic of the journey one must take to define one’s individuality or discover one’s life purpose. Superficially, the title is a reference to the ending lyrics of Ron’s senior yearbook album as well as the physical location of Ohio State University in which Ron Patimkin graduated from. With closer analysis, it becomes evident that the title extends to a much deeper meaning of the overall theme of self-examination and self-identity for the protagonist, Neil Klugman. The title, Goodbye, Columbus, primarily acts as an essential metaphor between the expedition Christopher Columbus takes in search of a westward route to India and the life journey Neil embarks upon to discover his identity both in terms of his socioeconomic status and Jewish heritage. The title both clarifies and foreshadows the fate Neil ultimately realizes as he pursues a relationship with Brenda Patimkin.
I know that he’s always watching me now. I was living life just as normally as the other 10 year old. That was until my grandpa had been acting up in the following weeks of my 11th birthday, he was not being his normal self. He underwent a CT scan in early December, and it revealed a tumor on his brain. He underwent surgery to remove the tumor and lost his beautiful, prized hair. Not many men could grow hair like he could. He was recovering well from surgery, and according to the doctors, he would have 6-12 months to live. All was well I was until I was in Fort Wayne, Indiana for a hockey tournament with my PeeWee A team 6 weeks later. My father had received a call from my mother, who was my grandpa’s daughter. She told him that a tumor had regrown behind one of his eyes, and it was the size of a softball. They had no choice but to put him on life support because the tumor rendered him brain dead, and let everyone say their goodbyes. “Feed the good wolf,” was something he would always say to us kids. He loved that saying. He lived by it. I lost the man I wanted (and still strive to) be like. He was the perfect grandfather, and although his life was taken from him at the age of 63 by some horrible disease, he lived a full life. On the dark, candle lit night of January 14th, 2012, I realized how precious life is, and I chose to “Live Like Larry.”
Mankind’s history of burial practices and funeral customs are as old as civilization itself. There is no specific way to planning a funeral. Every civilization and culture has provided for their dead in different ways. Religion and personal beliefs play an important role in the burial practices and funeral customs of a given culture or civilization. Furthermore, each civilization and cultured ever studied have three things in common: some type of funeral rites, rituals, and ceremonies; A sacred place for the dead; and memorialization of the dead. As far back as the time of Christ, burials have been noted to take place. In time burial and funeral customs have become very distinct, interesting and
I’ve seen what it was like to suffer endless pain and severe depression. He was an amazingly strong man turned to one full of weakness. I witnessed him struggle in hospital beds, doctor offices, and operation rooms. I never gave up hope in him. Unfortunately, the cancer had spread to multiple parts of his body and took his life. At that point, I was heartbroken and torn into pieces. I didn’t think I would be able to carry on with those memories haunting me. I didn’t believe I had the capability to accept the fact that I’ll never be able to make another memory with him again. Ten years wasn’t enough time with him, but there was nothing that could be
Something in my stomach was telling me I would not see him. I did not tell anyone this though just in case I was wrong. But I was right I always have a way of knowing these things. He heard a knock on the door. A feeling of relief washed over everyone except me. The person at the door was the only policeman in town and Frank the town leader. My mom could not keep it together. It is a hard sight to see when your mom is sad. The person you look up to when you are a kid is crying. That can mess a 6 year old kid up. The time that would take place next went from 0 to 100 so fast. We cremated my dad's body and moved. My mom picked texas because it had good schools. We did not have any family though and sometimes I felt as if that was a bad decision. My mother would not tell me how my dad died until I was 16. Not living without a dad can be hard. When it is at the crucial age of 6. You need a good role model. My brother became my dad if he liked it or not. Everything that happened in my life seemed like a blurr. The fact my dad was dead never really hit me. But it hit me so hard and so fast. It was like a brick wall. I started almost failing my classes, sleeping all the time, eating a lot, not exercising, moping all the time. I still suffer from it today. Back then though I wanted to die. But it is so much better. I learned that I held my mom accountable and my dad for
We, as humans, often get involved only with the issues that affect us or our environment. Furthermore, sometimes we do not see what is happening around us that affects the rest of the society. The article “Drugs are killing so many people in West Virginia that the state can’t keep up with the funerals” by Christopher Ingraham discusses the fact that in West Virginia, the amount of deaths caused (mostly) by overdose has increased so much in recent years that their indigent burial program has ran out of funds to cover funerals for people that do not have the funds to pay for
The whole family was in tears, but we also knew we needed to continue on our way down south. Mother was most upset, she just wanted to hold him one last time but I was afraid to let her. Thinking it would make things worse, I refused to let her hold him.Then we held a makeshift funeral we laid him in the hole we had dug last night. From there we all spoke out and said what he meant to us and how we will miss him. Father then began filling in the whole. As he did so, we all had one big group hug. It will take all of us time to move forward but we will get there.
Learning that everyone’s time is precious and we should live every moment alongside the people we love the most, because we’ll never be too sure when they’re going to leave us. Till this day it still doesn’t feel real, I keep telling myself that one day she’ll be back and everything will be ok. She was the heart and soul of our family where we all would gather at Thanksgiving time or just on a regular day. Her home was always full of joy and excitement but now it’s full of loneliness and darkness. She is gone now, to a new home, a home called
In the article "Death in Motion: Funeral Processions in the Forum Romanum” authors Diane Favro and Christopher Johanson fully and creatively discuss funeral processions in Rome with the earliest funeral parade being from the middle republican period and the latter two being during the imperial period. The interesting aspect the authors manage to incorporate into their writing is not only the fact that they took multiple interpretation into account for certain funeral processions, but also that they showed multiple diagrams of the funerary routes, and 3d imaging of certain spaces that shed light on the different views spectators might have had, and whether these views would be rational for what the procession was trying to convey. These 3d diagrams
One of my favorite parts about my granddad particularly was how he always had something inspiring to say to me every day to keep me going. Sometimes it feels like he’s still inspiring me today while in heaven. I believe I would be struggling more if I didn’t have him around when I was little. He was the only father that was there for me when needed most. I miss him all the time, but
I clearly remember the day I found out about my granddad's passing. I was at school. It was a normal, joyful day. My dad was planning on picking me up, but instead my friend's mom picked me up. He would not tell me why, but I did not think much of it. I remember the car ride to my house. My friend's mom would not tell me why she was driving me home; all she told me was, "Just know, Ryan, that we will be here for you no matter
Funerals are respectful occasions, and part of being respectful is dressing appropriately. What to wear and what not to wear to a Funeral – is the most popular question in every time. This article covers Christian funerals. What is considered suitable dress for mourning varies by country and culture.
Once, in the first week following his passing, I came through my front door and looked at the area where he would usually be sitting or lying. I called for him with the foolish notation that he would appear and come running to me. But of course, he did not. Then, I walked past his empty food bowls and tears started running down my face. It was a shattering reminder that he was gone and never coming back.
Today was funeral day. My mom’s funeral. It was a dark October thursday, the clouds were brewing a storm. A slight breeze disturbed my neck. My uncomfortable suit sleeves bellowed in the cold breeze.. I hadn’t felt any emotions since the day of her death, which was weeks ago, almost as if my emotion is grey. It was warm then, as my mind was too. Nowadays, up until today, my mind has been a dark fog, as if my mind was released into the sky, darkening everyone’s day, arriving at my mom’s funeral or just to cuddle up with their friends and family in front of a warm crackling fire, telling the stories of their childhood and how times were better. Not me, my dad usually ignored me and he only worked on managing my mom’s fortune. Yeah. My mom’s
Richard played baseball growing up and was currently pitching at the Perkinston campus at the time. He always made sure that I had a smile on my face even if he tortured me with the “stinky sock” which came fresh off of his foot. He was always there when I just simply needed somebody. He was somebody that I knew I could count on no matter what. Richard loved God, family, teammates, and friends. He was a very social person who would do anything to help somebody or just to see somebody smile. He loved to fish and to just simply be outdoors. Our last family vacation was the Christmas before the accident happened and we all went to Disney World. The time at Disney World was very magical because I felt like I was an absolute princess. One afternoon, I was just a little cheerleader who couldn’t wait to get to my neighbor’s house. He asked me to scream him a loud and happy cheer. I did what he asked, kissed him goodbye, and ran off to play with my friends. I didn’t think anything about that being the last time I saw him.