
Future Modal Ethos

Decent Essays

CONCLUSION: THE FUTURE OF MODAL ETHOS As the influence of memes continues to grow across varied political and social contexts it is that they must not simple be taken seriously as networked texts, but rather as networked rhetorical agents in their own right. Specifically, through their modal construction they are able to develop an ethos that is greater than sum of the iterations that make up the meme. In creating this space for the meme to dwell, memetic participants take diffuse networked fragments and aggregate them into an implied body enacting a narrative in a particular place. Simply put, once imbued with ethos memes are able to take on the role of the traditional rhetor. Consequently, as meme and other modes are studied in the future, they ought not to be …show more content…

Specifically, in drawing attention to the ways that particular acts, figures and ideologies might be considered to be “scumbags,” the meme demands networked participants reconsider dominant political assumptions. Moreover, since it is done with a wink and a nod, audiences are able to laugh at these political proclamations. In essence, memes function as clowns in the throne room of politics. Against the stately discourse of official rhetorics they may seem trivial, but in their ability to provide comic remediation they provide an important foil to the pomposity and authority of political leaders. While less threating, these multiple voices and participatory iterations allow networked participants ever growing influence to not only comment on politics, but also to redirect the affect and ethos surrounding those politics. Ultimately Steve’s deliberative nature and diffuse agency fractures the seemingly unified ethos of political rhetoricians and issues, revealing that these ethoi are not fixed, but subject to the negotiation of the varied

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