My hero is Futuristic he’s not a hero that saves people from danger but he’s my hero in my world. People has Dreams I have a dream and it's to make it somewhere in rap. I'm not so good but with Futuristics music it motivates me that i need to fight for my dream. Futuristic Dream was to be a big rapper and he is achieving his dream because he never gave up like he’s says in a few of song block out your haters and come out on top.
The 90s was anything but an ordinary era, with its booming entertainment industry, production of hot new foods, basketball players like Magic Johnson, and the presidential elections of Clinton and Bush. The 90s will always be an unforgettable decade. The banging music industry had incredible artist like Nirvana, and Britney Spears, who are both still popular today.Popular sitcoms like Friends, and Full House kept watchers eyes glued to their televisions. The MLB strike from 94 'to 95’ shocked America, as did Michael Jordan of the Chicago Bulls with his extreme amount of talent in the NBA. Sports were not the only thing shocking America though, the hot new candy Baby Bottle Pops, and Melody Pops, were some of the most popular new candies of
Weather manipulation weapons have also been said to have been created at Area 51. Some of these manipulations could be beneficial to the public's safety and help restore resources. Some rumored projects include cloud seeding to try and slow down and prevent hurricane winds along with getting water from clouds (Brannan). On the negative side there have been theories of chemicals made at Area 51 being pumped into the atmosphere in order to harm and kill civilians. There have been rumored black planes that are silent while in flight. These planes are claimed to fly over suburban neighborhood spraying toxic chemicals into the air. Some civilians have said they have been abducted in these black silent planes and had experiments dones on them
Heroes come in all sizes, shapes, genders, and backgrounds. Heroes can be defined by many different standards and are people of great character, who spend their lives doing what they can to help others in need. Everyone has his or her favorite hero, my favorite hero is one that is little known but to me is a true inspiration. My hero is Rolf Benirschke. He is my hero for the courage, inspiration, and help that his words provided me when I was recovering from lifesaving surgery.
I. The F-117 Nighthawk is one of the known stealth aircraft said to be tested in Area 51. Located about eighty miles northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada, Area 51 is a military base and airfield for the United States. The base was originally used as a bombing range and later used to test government aircraft such as the U-2 spy plane and the SR-71 Blackbird. Although it has been disclosed as being a military base, many have suspicions that it is correlated with extraterrestrial beings.
Who is your hero? Before that, what exactly makes someone a hero? Is someone a hero because of their traits or because of their actions? All of the answers to these questions can only be answered by you. I, however, have a hero. His name is Greg Grey. I could give you reasons why I consider him a hero, but I think a story better answers why I consider Greg Grey a hero.
My hero would be would be the all inspiring Adrian Peterson. The life tragedies he would have to overcome would prove to be a true story of learning how channel that energy into sports and moving forward in life. From everything that has happened to this man the thing that spoke out most to me is that how he learned to move forward whether it be good or bad… just move forward. Losing a brother and a dad would be pretty hard and sometimes it seems like lifes out to get you these are just some of the things that plague Adrian's life, he would channel the energy from this into sports surpassing records and even legends.
A hero is someone you look up to. Who’s your hero? Who do you look up to? “I love my hero to Neptune and back!” My hero, Tasha Young, came from a poor family, works hard and survived cancer. My hero is the oldest of five kids, she didn’t graduate high school and she was a single parent. My mom, Tasha Young, is my hero.
Who is your hero? If that question was asked to a group of people, some might think of loved ones or family, and some may talk about doctors, firemen, or even a teacher. However, most would probably say their hero was some celebrity or star athlete. While some celebrities and athletes can justifiably be labeled "heroes", there are some people who may appear to be heroic, but lead a completely different life off the field.
What is a hero? That’s a question I know I’ve asked before. My hero is Eddie Jackson, why? Because when he is determined, and followed his dream. Eddie Jackson is a chef who competed in Food Network Star and won.He inspires me because he worked hard and long to win and i want to win someday too. A hero is someone who works hard, is courageous, brave and admirable. Someone who can be idolized, and to me that person is Eddie Jackson, winner of Food Network
Perhaps one of the most substantial curiosities of the era is the possibility of other life forms in the universe. It’s an undeniable statement to claim that there is, in fact, other forms of life beyond the life on our planet. As the mind toils over this indisputable claim, one can’t help but to wonder if another life form has found the Earth yet, or have the people of Earth found them. Area 51 is believed to be the dwelling of extraterrestrial details for multiple reasons; there have been multiple sightings of strange aircrafts, it is exempt from many local, state, and national laws in order to protect classified information, and despite all of this the Air-Force still denies its existence entirely.
Technology of the 1980s shaped the modern world today. The "go-go eighties" had the greatest inventions along with an improvement with the internet. It also had the greatest toys for children that caught on and are still known today. According to the article titled, "1980s News, Events, Popular Culture, and Prices," the greatest inventions were game machines, portable color television, under counter dishwasher, compact refrigerator-freezer, solar power lamp, fruit and vegetable peel, outdoor gas grill, space saver microwave, stereo sound television, Timex Sinclair color computer, counter craft toaster, oven range, Mr. coffee machine, projection screen television, commodore computer system, portable camcorder, audio video rack system, clock
An example of a hero in a futuristic time is the character Dink from Ender’s Game. Dink was a hero because even though he could have put himself in tremendous danger, he warned Ender to be safe when he knew he was being targeted, as showed in this excerpt from the text:
My hero is a small town redneck that came up from the backwoods of Cheatham County, TN. He’s known for his YouTube videos and his rising music career. His name is Ryan Edward Upchurch, he comes from a family that is full of humor, which is the reason why he even started his career. The small town redneck is a very independent and outspoken person who can speak on any topic. The redneck is not just a hero to me, but a role model.
1-What is your plan for the next year and how likely are you to stick with your plan?
Do you have any clue as to what Earth will look like in 2100? Earth is constantly changing all around you. The air is getting warmer, hurricanes are gettign more powerful, glaciers are melting faster, and the sea level is rising. Here in 2100 all is these things are happening right now.