Depending on whom you ask spirituality can have many different meanings. The definition of spirituality can be as simple as a picture on a wall that holds a significant meaning to an individual, or as complex as one’s values, religion, beliefs, or theories that one obtains from his/her life experience. In simple terms, spirituality can be found in almost anything or anyone.
Due to the variation in how one defines spirituality everyone can express spirituality differently, such as through rituals, songs, dances, stories, prayers, talks, or writings. One article defines spirituality as the “aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning and purpose and the way they experience their connectedness
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believes that his meaning of life is “to serve, know, and love the Lord in this life and be happy with him forever in the next” (G.J. personal communication, October 17, 2015). G.J. expressed his spirituality through prayer, going to mass, sacrament, promoting justice, and giving charity. By giving back to the community, he gets this feeling of joy and fulfillment. As long as the Lord is happy with his actions, G.J. feels like he has fulfilled his purpose. He attains peace from knowing that the lord is listening. His life revolves around the God, because he has no living relatives other than his sister who has dementia and doesn’t remember …show more content…
spirituality, 83 year old, white male. She met G.J. in the lobby of the retirement home in which he resides. G.J. is in good spirits, has a positive outlook on life despite various medical diagnoses. He appears to be spiritually well. Patient has some obvious arthritis in his hands and thumbs are completely fused. Psoriasis is evident on areas of exposed skin. G.J. appears to exercise good hygiene habits and dresses appropriately. When speaking with him, the student nurses found themselves having to speak up so that he could hear them without difficulty. However, G.J. exhibited no issues comprehending what we said or forming responses. The patient’s verbal expression was congruent with his nonverbal behaviors and attitudes. Throughout the whole interview he was smiling and was happy and at peace with his current condition. He did not express any signs of pain or distress. He appeared very active and mobile for his
appeared her stated age and appeared in good health. She was in no acute distress. She was alert, satisfactorily groomed, and casually dressed. She was cooperative and appropriate in the meeting. She had normal motor activity, with no unusual gestures or mannerisms. She made eye contact appropriately. her affect was appropriate. Client ambulates with a cane. She was oriented to person, place, time and situation. She denied suicidal or homicidal ideation.
Spirituality gives meaning and purposes to their belief (51). In Reconnecting science and spirituality, Walach defines spirituality as “a way to understand the natural makeup of the world by means of rational methods of inquiry”. This quotes allows the world to have faith in their own beliefs (425). The happenings in Hydesville involving the Fox sisters started to increase the rate of mediums around the world (Walliss 129). Spiritualism started to have a greater influence of people’s lives. People started to go to mediums to communicate with lost love ones. Spiritualism was given closures to people in the world (Walliss
The previous three questions are helpful in focusing on what is important and not important in one’s life and what has worth, and assists in redirecting one’s desires and gaining insight into what is most important in life.
The video titled “Spirit at Work: Sidd Bobb explicitly mentions that spirituality allows for the entirety of the human person (both their identity and history) into practice and incorporate it in a positive way. Sid Bobb further states that one’s spirituality should be used for the betterment of the earth, where one should strive to do no harm. Another explicitly poignant statement made in the video “Spirituality,” wherein the German Students state that spirituality involves believing in something without any scientific proof validating that belief. This also implies that the only truths worth believing in are those truths, which have been scientifically proven. The explicit factor that speaks to my own sense of spirituality is the need to
Mark R. McMinn’s (2011) Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling establish a way to bring Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality to Christian Counselors. He introduces a replica of how to integrate the three disciplines in the counseling office. The purpose of the book is to instruct counselors how to integrate categories of Psychology, Theology and Spirituality into Christian Counseling. McMinn (2011) contends that many challenges both professional and personal face Christian Counselors on the frontier of intradisciplinary integration. (Intradisciplinary integration is the new emerging frontier for Christian Counselors).
Spirituality does not have one definite definition, it varies depending on who is searching for the meaning. The meaning of spirituality can change within one person, the more they search for answers and find their beliefs. To this writer, spirituality reaches beyond ourselves, it is the connection between ourselves and something greater.
“Spirituality is derived from the Latin word spiritus, spirit, the essential part of the person which controls the mind and the mind controls the body. Thus the spirit is the vital life force which motivate people and influence ones life, health behavior and relationships” (Baldacchino & Draper, 2001). She also stated that spirituality is the mainstream of life which unifies all aspects of the human being. Spirituality applies to both believers and non believers, including the presence of diverse cultural beliefs (Baldacchino & Draper, 2001). Culliford stated that : “In times of emotional stress, physical illness, loss, bereavement and death human beings tend to find comfort, peace, inspiration, reverence and meaning by focusing on their spirituality whether they believe in God or not” (Culliford, 2002). In a study conducted by Tuck and Thingajana the meaning of spirituality was voiced by person living with HIV disease and healthy adults. The definitions voiced by the HIV patients were that “Spirituality is relating and believing in God, who is always present. It is perceived as being guided or helped or being inspired or giving unto. Spirituality includes the process of journeying, discovering and centering and is outwardly expressed” (Tuck & Thinganjana, 2007). The definitions of Spirituality expressed by the healthy individuals were that:
It would seem that he views other people as closer to God, not simply because of his own isolation, but because he witnesses their apparent ability to function in a world of God. This is seen on his act of acquiring a sense of morality through observation of behaviors of others
Spirituality is defined by the Merriam-Webster (2015) dictionary as “the quality or state of being concerned with religion or religious matters.” That is the simple definition of it from a dictionary. In depth, spirituality is defined as a person’s beliefs, attitudes, values and connection
Spirituality is defined in several ways as it pertains to different worldviews. Today we will look at the worldview as it relates to Pluralism, Scientism and Postmodernism.
Spirituality and religion hold different values and truths depending on your personal beliefs. Being religious is a belief or practice that contains certain values one should follow. When looking deeper into religion you can find spirituality which is the part of religion that effects our spirit and soul, it is not tangible. “The Sacred within” is spirituality and pertains to God dwelling inside of our heart and soul. When looking at “the sacred within” there are certain senses that we can tap into so, we may obtain that sort of spirituality. Through solitude, silence, imagination, and nature, we can have a better sense of spirituality.
Spirituality and psychology are two complex subjects to discuss and they become even more complicated when you try to relate one to the other. Psychology deals with the processes of sense perception, thinking, learning, cognition, emotions and motivations, and personality, focusing on the behavior of individuals. Spirituality, on the other hand, is all inclusive. “Spirituality is living one's life from the realization that the body/mind/ego personality we have been taught to identify with is just the tip of our iceberg, our little head sticking through the window of the senses into this world, whereas our true body is the universe. It is recognizing that our perceived world is mostly an illusion, a shared
I would like to share with you a spiritual tradition that I had not been aware of before, Apophatic Spirituality, also known as Negative Theology. A word of warning, it’s said to be a bit like marmite, you either love it or hate it, I was fascinated by it. I hope you find something new and of interest in this spiritual tradition too.
What is spirituality? Everyone has it however not all understand what it is exactly. Individuals can experience and express spiritually differently. It can be confused with religion or ghosts (Lepherd, 2015). For many years, there have been many definitions and descriptions of spirituality; it is described as the search of the meaning of life, alleviation of suffering, or creating inner peace in an individual. Which explains how spirituality is made useful for meditation and practicing yoga. Each person’s spirituality is different from others because according to his article, ‘Spirituality: Everyone has it, but what is it,’ Laurence Lepherd (2015) explains, “People have [different levels] of depth or intensity of spirituality, from [person to person].”
What is spirituality? And is it only related to religion? It is hard to answer these questions as there are a lot of definitions of spirituality and what is it related to. For some people, spirituality has no meaning outside the circle of the religion. On the other hand, some people say that spirituality can exist inside the religion and also outside the religion. People should stop relating spirituality to only religion. Instead, people should know the true meaning of spirituality outside the circle of the religion as it will open doors for knowledge and have a butter understanding and better life. In the United States, religion is frequently equated with spirituality or a personal relationship with God