Major mergers, however, are not the only “flavor” of galaxy collisions. Nowadays, ma- jor mergers are considered to be mergers of galaxies with mass ratios of ∼ (1 − 4.5) : 1.
Galaxy mergers with mass ratios of ∼ (1 − 2) : 1 can directly produce slowly rotating el- liptical galaxies, i.e. systems which are mostly random motion pressure supported, while mergers with mass ratios of ∼ (3 − 4.5) : 1 will, likely, result in disky, rapidly rotating ellipti- cal galaxies (e.g. Naab and Burkert, 2003; Bournaud et al., 2005). These are not disk galax- ies, but rather elliptical galaxies with a disky isophotal shape, i.e. systems which are, to some considerable extent, still rotationally supported. Galaxy mergers with mass ratios of
∼ (4.5 − 10) : 1
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The main difference between them is that a typical Seyfert AGN releases as much energy in the visual bands as all the stars of its (∼ 1011 L ) host galaxy, while a typical QSO is by a factor of
∼ 100 times brighter than the stars of its host galaxy. Seyferts and QSOs, however, are not the only sub-classes of the AGN family. Below, I briefly summarize the most important characteristics of the basic AGN sub-classes: i Seyfert type-1/Seyfert type-2: Likely, they are intrinsically the same type of source.
Seyfert type-1s show broad line emission in their spectra, while Seyfert type-2s do not (except in polarized light). Presently, it is generally accepted that this distinction is a function of our line-of-sight angle. If we can see directly towards the nucleus, then we can see the broad line region (BLR) and, therefore, we observe a Seyfert type-1 galaxy, otherwise, we observe a Seyfert type-2. ii QSOs: They have similar spectra with Seyfert galaxies but with weaker stellar ab- sorption features and weaker narrow lines relative to their broad lines. About 5−10% of QSOs are strong radio emitters. The number of QSOs per unit volume reaches a maximum at a redshift of ∼
The collision between the two parent galaxies produced a shockwave effect that first drew matter into the center and then caused it to propagate outwards in a ring. The elongated companion perpendicular to the ring suggests that Arp 148 offers a unique view of a collision in progress.
Leo contains a few bright galaxies and Messier objects. Three of the galaxies come together to form the Leo Triplet: M65, M66, and NGC 3628. (8) Another object, Messier 105 has 11 stars with known planets. (9) More information about Leo’s deep space objects and galaxies, along with pictures can be found here:
sense it does not even fill even an undecillion of the Milky Way, which is a
The first step in the analysis of the NGC3718 NIR data is to align the J , H , and K S images.
Images of the galaxy in the radio portion of the electromagnetic spectrum show two jets protruding in opposite directions from the galaxy's center. These jets extend many times the width of the portion of the host galaxy which emits radiation at visible wavelengths.[5] At the ends of the jets are two lobes with "hot spots" of more intense radiation at their edges. These hot spots are formed when material from the jets collides with the surrounding intergalactic medium.[6]
The Eta Carinae star system is feasibly one of the more interesting star systems that scientists have discovered to date. Eta Carinae is a colliding wind binary star system. ‘This type of star system occurs when two stars are orbiting each other while they are blowing off each other’s outer layers.’ ‘The biggest of the two stars is about 90 solar masses; according to is “a unit of measure, equivalent to the mass of the sun, in which the masses of stars and other celestial objects are given, and the smaller star’s mass in the binary system is about 30 solar masses.” The stars will ultimately end their life as a supernova.’
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) are very luminous and dense regions in the center of galaxies believed to host Super Massive Black Holes (SMBHs). The electromagnetic radiation sent out from AGNs is conjectured to come from matter that the SMBHs accrete which then takes the form of an accretion disk circling the black hole. These accretion disks are best approximated with an irregular density and temperature distribution made up by very hot gas and plasma~\citep{skadowski2015global}.
Corona Borealis Galaxy Cluster (Abell 2065) is highly concentrated with galaxies. About 400,000,000 galaxies are in this.
"Astronomy For Kids." Astronomy For Kids - N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2017. .
As the student assistant to Dr. Steven Lucas, we have studied many different factors of the two stars known as Rodia and Alderaan. Since Dr. Lucas is interested in finding more life within the universe, and finding more Earth-like planets; we have come to the conclusion that Rodia should be studied more carefully and be highly observed.
The shape used to classify them into four major types, broad, flat rotating disks of stars, gas and dust. The bulge in the center has older red stars, with cylinder, or rectangular bars and a halo of older stars. Some of the spirals have larger central bulges, where some have smaller ones. Some of the spirals have arms resembling cotton, where others have wide arms or tightly wound
This led to two disk-dominated galaxies were forced by gravity to merge into a single galaxy. The merger had also destroyed the disks and produced a huge pileup of stars.
Then the distribution of nebulae in the sky, for Shapley, they do not exist in the galactic plane, he accepted it like that. Curtis has suggested a ring around our galaxy's obscuring of it, which prevents us from seeing them on the galactic plane.
A cylinder bar that's pointed in the Earth's direction. Unlike inside the spiral arm where stars are still being born, all of the blue stars have been dead and left behind lower mass red stars. The bar rotates as a single unit where stars at the end orbit at the same time as the stars close in and in the very center of the galaxy is a Black Hole which is 4 million times the mass of the
Collisions are less violent than a merger .The major difference is that after a collision, the galaxies usually remain separate. Interactions are the least violent : the galaxies do not actually collide but instead simply become distorted or exchange gas and dust as a result of mutual gravitational attraction and through observation and theoretical evidence