Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler
In the 1600’s Galileo and Johannes Kepler were very important figures in mathematics and astrology. They both did very great things for each subject, Both of these men were from the same time period. Later, Kepler was influenced by Galileo’s work. Galileo also contributed to lots of Kepler’s work.
Galileo Galilei was probably one of the best astronomers in the history of astronomy. He was born on February 15,1564. He lived his life in Pisa,Italy and later unfortunately died on January 8,1642 in Arcetri, Province of Florence,Italy. His nationality is of course Italian. Galileo studied medicine at the University of Pisa, but he later became a mathematics professor. He taught at the University of Padua for 18 years. Like many scientists at that time, Galileo was very curious about the stars.
Johannes Kepler was a great mathematician and a key figure in the seventeenth century. He was born on December 27, 1571 and died on November 15, 1630. He grew up in Weil der Stadt,
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In 1597, he published The Cosmographic Mystery where he stated his theories about the distance of the planets and the sun. He also read about Galileo’s discoveries with a spyglass and then published his own papers in support of Galileo’s theories. This was important because most people at that time thought the planets revolved around the Earth. Kepler helped prove what was really true about the solar system with his laws of planetary motion.
Galileo And Kepler were very important figures in the 1600s as proven in this essay. While their lives kept going they did very important things to help society today. They both did great things for mathematics, astronomy and astrology. They helped people understand the solar system and how the planets go around the sun. Although they are not with our society today they will always be remembered and
Galileo might be the most famous person in the development of astronomy. He is famous, not only because of the amazing work he did to advance Copernican theory of heliocentrism, but also because of the controversy that surrounded him. Using new methods and instruments, he provided compelling new evidence to support Copernican theory. He also contributed to the development of theories of physics that could account for the movements of bodies in new terms. His observations of the movements of objects in the heavens required different explanations than the old ideas about the heavens. It required him, and others, to begin to understand the reasons to explain these new observations. His efforts to publicize his findings was met by
Henry Clay is often referred to as the “Great Compromiser” and the “Great Pacificator”. However, people do not realize the truth in those nicknames and how he earned them through his actions. He was the seventh child of a middle class family in Hancouver, Virginia on April 12, 1777, just a year after the Declaration of Independence was published. He was a reputable farmer but his political career started from when he got a profession as a lawyer (Biography of Henry). On top of that, he had other political professions throughout his life which gave him the opportunity of working for the wellbeing of his country which is what he loved doing. Henry Clay deserves to be in the United States Hall of Fame because he has
Galileo has been credited with the confirmation of the phases of Venus, the discovery of the four largest satellites of Jupiter, and the observation and analysis of sunspots. He also worked in mathematics and with technology, helping to improve the military compass. Galileo was a renaissance man.
Johannes Kepler was a man who made a surplus of achievements and discovery. What he is most known for is discovering that planets don’t go in a circular motion around the
Johannes Kepler was born December 27, 1571, Weil der Stadt, Germany. He was a German mathematician, astrologer,and astronomer. He attended Tübinger Stift a university in Germany from 1587-1591 and would be a teacher of astronomy at the same university. He married Barbara Müller and had 5 kids 2 of those kids died as infants he would get a divorce and remarry in 1613. He would die November 15, 1630, Regensburg, Germany he would leave a large contribution to the science and math curriculum coming up with laws and theories. Kepler would also change the way the world thinks.
Scientifically, Galileo will be remembered for invention of the telescope, which allowed astronomers, sailors and other view the heavens and seas, which fed their own theories. He used his own invention to discover the four moons of Jupiter, the mountains and craters of the moon, and sunspots. His work on falling objects led to gravitational studies and mathematical theorems which are on a basic level, physics. Experimentation was used as a means to prove the laws of science along with the mathematical theories. Math, according to Galileo, was the only infallible form of logic. If a mathematical law could be formed from an event, then it was a logical, rational event. His breaking from the Catholic Church, voicing his findings and staying with his convictions broke the traditional way of thinking that the Church was the end all and be all of all things. In the end, he was proven right for most of his beliefs and vindicated for his suppression.
He tried to explain that his theories were proven by science and math was a very sensitive subject where people didn’t know much of mathematics. Kepler was a mathematician supplied with years of great data by his master Tache Brahe who had studied mars in the solar system. Kepler
Galileo’s Influence on Astronomy Galileo has made a vast influence on Astronomy and has molded it into what it is currently. Galileo Galilei was not only an astrologist, but a physicist, mathematician, and philosopher. Galileo received the name “The Father of Modern Science”, he gained it due to his his role in the scientific revolution. Galileo is the one who put together most of experiment theory and mathematics into a common framework which influenced the scientific method. It is widely agreed upon Galileo is the person who utmost shaped modern astronomy into what it is now.
Galileo is still important because of his telescope discoveries, he is most known for his discovery of the four most massive moons of Jupiter: Io, Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto, which are now called the Galilean moons.
Johannes Kepler was a mathematician, an astrologer, and an astronomer. He was a key figure in the 17th century scientific revolution and was best known for his laws of planetary motion.
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Johannes Kepler was a German mathematician, astrologer and astronomer. His hard work influenced many others, along with famous scientist, Isaac Newton. Kepler had the chance to work with renowned scientists and use their information to learn and explore more of his own theories. Thanks to Johannes Kepler, we now have three laws to base our knowledge of planetary motion on along with other improvements. Johannes Kepler was born on December 27th, 1571 in Weil der Stadt, Germany.
Johannes Kepler had several theories and laws, including some that shape our world today, including his 3 laws which are, the path of the planets about the sun is elliptical in shape, with the center of the sun being located at one focus, which is called The Law of Ellipses. An imaginary line drawn from the center of the sun to the center of the planet will sweep out equal areas in equal intervals of time, this law was named The Law of Equal Areas. Finally, his third law stated that the ratio of the squares or rectangles of the periods of any two planets would be equal to the ratio of the cubes of their average distances from the sun (The Law of Harmonies). Several people and companies indeed did like his laws, including NASA, Johannes Kepler and NASA where close with their work and so close, NASA even named a mission (the K2 mission) and spacecraft (The Kepler spacecraft) after
If Galileo did not exist we would not have all the discoveries that we do today. The world would still think that Earth is the center of the universe. By observing the spots on the Moon’s surface , he determined that the Sun was moving on its own axis. Galileo also tried to calculate longitude by studying Jupiter. To study longitude he had to use a special measuring tool that he created called Jovilabe.
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