I am Heaven, and I am talking to you about Galileo Galilei .For reasons not getting thrown in jail for his impressive theory or method.One reason why he should’nt be thrown in jail is because he improved a handmade telescope.Also two is that it made astronimacal discoveries. He shouldn't be thrown in jail for improving a significant thing in life.Also made astronomical sight seeing.The website showed that “Without seeing an example, he had made his own”so without a thought he just heard that someone made a telescope.He improved a poor thing into a rich thing.Like a not so good thing into a good thing. His creation of the telescope does not go against the law of god.He saw with his telescope and sunspots,mountain valleys,and the planets.The
During the Scientific Revolution, in the 17th century, several philosophers began to doubt scientific knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. One of those philosophers, Galileo, discovered a new innovation that could have changed the viewpoint on the Church’s Scripture accuracy. Galileo discovered that the sun stayed still as the Earth revolved around it, which was the opposite of what the Church taught. During this time, it was very dangerous for Galileo to oppose the Church. This was because doubts about the Church would lead to a loss of its power and the people’s trust, which was unwanted.
God is known as the creator of Earth and one who knows everything. However, Galileo’s invention of the telescope has found things our leader did not inform us about Earth. Galileo believed earth was immobile and the sky was unchanging but his invention later proved otherwise. He discovered four moons around Jupiter proving that everything in our Universe did not circle the Earth. The telescope led him to see the rings of Saturn, phases of Venus, sunspots, and stars in the Milky Way.
There were many who cited portions of scripture such as Joshua 10:13, which states “So the Sun stood still in the midst of heaven” (Joshua 10:13), and Isaiah 40:22, which states “he that stretcheth out the heavens as nothing, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.” (Isaiah 40:22), as pieces of holy evidence to refute and definitely disprove the heliocentric theory as truth. However, Galileo could not easily be written off as a rambling, heretical madman either, seeing as his theories were first proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus, who was “not only a Catholic, but a priest and a canon.” (Galileo, Letter to Christina, 2) Even if Galileo was not a respected member of the Church, Copernicus was, and if his theories had originally been proposed by a Catholic canon, then it was harder to dismiss his ideas as heretical. Additionally, Galileo himself frequently offered to present others with evidence of the truth of his theories, stating “to the leading philosophers of the faculty here…I have offered a thousand times of my own accord to show my studies…” (Galileo, Letter to Kepler).
I believe Galileo was the father of modern day astronomy and made what astronomy better. The reason I chose Galileo was because he had a very interesting life and was the real first one to start experimenting to prove people’s myths about certain things. Contribution to
Galileo's condemnation held by the Roman Catholic Church has been regarded as wrong, 350 years after he was charged with heresy. The many years it has taken for the Church to recognize its wrongdoing may have been due to the Church's resistance to admit their misdeed and their need to stand firm on recognizing past beliefs and practices. This unique apology sparsely occurs, with "The Vatican's formal acknowledgement of error...is a rarity in an institution built over centuries on the belief that the Church is the final arbiter in matters of faith," (Cowell 1). After years of contemplating whether or not to publicly announce the rightness of Galileo, the Vatican may have wanted to finally apologize on behalf of the Church to set it straight
The famous scientist I am defending is Galileo Galilei. He is an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher. He is a very accomplished scientist most known for his developments with the telescope, making great discoveries in the field of astronomy. He also created or perfected the scientific method which played a large role in the history of science. My client should be released from prison because he has done nothing wrong, he was merely speaking his mind. Not only that but in many people's opinion he is correct. It is for these reasons that my client, Galileo Galilei is innocent!
After hearing the Grand Duchess Christina object to the heliocentric system, Galileo wrote and later published his Letter to Castelli. Galileo begins by addressing the Grand Duchess’ first concern: he agrees that the Scripture cannot err, but the interpreters of the Scripture can make mistakes. Galileo states that the Holy Scriptures were created to be understood by the common person, but it is up to “wise expositors” to unveil the true meaning of the words (196). Galileo explains that the Scripture says many different meanings from the truth when evaluating the meanings of words. In regards to the nature, Galileo states that it cannot violate established laws, it cannot be doubted based off the Scripture, and that not everything in the Scripture can be associated with effect in nature (197).
1) What was Galileo’s discontent with Aristotelian mechanics in De Motu? - According to Aristotelian philosophy, he believes that there is no effect without cause; therefore, there is no motion without a force. In this theory, an object that is falling down is known for the force that is cause by the weight and it is pushing down the object; however, the resistance is the medium such as air or water. The objects that fall are looking for their natural place; therefore, large objects contain greater concentrations of heavy elements and it causes them to fall faster than small objects. In fact, Galileo did not believe that all of the large hailstones were falling from farther up in the sky; therefore, he decided to test his own theory and disagree
There have been many frontiers throughout the Renaissance era. There have been huge accomplishments, especially in the field of science. Yet, none have even come close to the accomplishments of Galileo Galilei. Galileo provided a frontier in history because of his improvements in the field of science, especially physics and astronomy with his inventions and ideas. Galileo was not supported by anyone when he started, but he soon began gaining popularity when he started to prove his theories true and the ones of the past false.
In 1610, Galileo was able to construct a three-power telescope, later refined to ten-powers, without education in optics. This allowed him to discover an imperfect lunar surface, contrary to common belief at the time. Similarly, his 30-power telescope was used to observe the movement of Venus, Jupiter’s moons and the nature of Saturn’s rings to support the Copernican idea of the solar system, first published in “Starry Night,” but later re-punished in “Dialogue of Two World Systems,” which was Galileo’s Copernican ideology argument. As demonstrated, Galileo’s ingenuity and astronomical ambitions and innovations allowed him to make significant astronomical contributions as well as prove the Copernican Solar System
I believe Galileo should be set free Because of the knowledge he provided and the theory about the Earth being in the center of universe was proved to be a lie by Galileo and now we know the truth, that the sun was in the middle of the universe and the Earth was two planets away from the sun. Without his invention no one would know about the planets we have and if there was even a space. Galileo was able to to prove that the sun was in the center of the universe. The way he did proved his theory was because one of his inventions he made, the telescope. Thanks the Galileo we now are able to make better telescoped that cans see very very far and we couldn't have done it without the idea of Galileo.
As Barberini, now robed as POPE URBAN VIII, the Inquisitor insists that Galileo’s mathematical charts should be destroyed, warning that if the people start to doubt the Vatican, it won’t be long before they doubt the Gospel.
Galileo wasn't people’s idol but he wasn't a person that can't become an idol. What I’m saying is people didn't like him because he contradicted Aristotle's theory and agreed with Archimedes. This experiment about the mass droppings and the discovery about the heliocentric view is what changed history. Galileo Galilei a scientist that would never be forgotten because of all his
Due to your belief my client is now in prison. My client made a telescope, in the bible it never states that there were things wrong with a telescope. Galileo Galilei should be set free because with his invention he was able to, see the stars and make things out of them, prove people wrong by showing that planets are not flat and, another inventor used his invention to find out the Earth wasn't the center of the
During this semester, the course has covered many natural philosophers. One of my favorite natural philosopher that we learned about was Galileo Galilei. Galileo himself was a fine example of modern day scientist. He was a physicist, engineer, philosopher, mathematician, and an astronomer. He was basically a modern day scientist.