
Gambling Ethnography

Satisfactory Essays

I have not participated in any type of gambling. I just turned 19 at the beginning of September, so anytime I was near an establishment that hosts gambling I was not of age. Most establishment I've been to were 21 and up, and if memory serves me, I was like 15 or 16 when I was near the one that was 18/19 and up. I do play poker with a friend who really enjoys the game, but we never actually bet anything. Personally betting money doesn't seem like the right thing for me.

I've been to a few hotel like the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi and the like when I was between the ages of 10-14 because my mom and I would travel with dad on his business trips. We really never stayed longer than 1 or 2 nights. I don't really remember anything of those establishments. My family went to Las Vegas with my dad for his business convention some years ago. We stayed at the Excalibur and to get to our room we had to walk …show more content…

Firstly, the gaming industry is a type of entertainment service in and of itself. Entertainment services are a big part of the hospitality industry and with that the casino and gaming is a very important aspect within the hospitality industry. Secondly, I think what sets the gaming industry apart from other entertainment services is that it can be more of a tourist draw, like Las Vegas or Atlantic City, to name a few. Being a big tourist draw means more people than normal, and with that it's increasingly more important to have basic hospitality management skills. Lastly, but definitely not least is the fact that a lot of casinos are adjacent to hotels and restaurants. As a consumer, the lines between hotel, restaurant and casino is getting kind of blurry. Especially in places like Las Vegas. Personally, running a casino isn't my life goal, but I can see where having a general understanding of it's operations can benefit me and my future career in hospitality

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