One of the themes that I have noticed so far in the book is linked with gang philosophy. One of them is belonging to a gang instantly gives a teen a second family. That family automatically understands him, which is usually different from the family into which he was born. Being in a gang also means that you are accepted. You are not an outsider. Life isn't fair. The idea that life isn't fair is based on one's perspective. Whether life is unfair to the greasers (the main character's' perspective) or to the Socs, (the rival groups' perspective) is a question that is repeated in the novel. A second theme that I have found in this novel is the use of the colors black and white. Hinton does a good job of painting verbal pictures in the reader's
SE Hinton’s “The Outsiders” teaches the responder about various themes through a range of language techniques and through characterization. Through the characters there are many important themes such as love, violence, isolation, society class and loyalty. Loyalty stands out the most because it being portrayed the most through text it being shown through the greasers relationship it is all ways family first in there eyes. The author shows in the text how two rival gangs that are born into different social situations and the only way to change the fact are to work hard. These themes and techniques constantly keep showing up through text to make the story interesting. Some other novels relate because they might have the same themes just like
The Outsiders is a great book that is filled with some drama and action. A town in Oklahoma is split apart, there are the greasers and socs. These are two gangs that don’t like each other at all, and one of them is Ponyboy. Ponyboy is a greaser, him and the rest of his gang are being jumped and hurt by the socs. Finally they get sick of it. He will be the one that tells you the story.
Most people strive to belong, to be someone or part of something important. People all around you experience different ways of belonging, such as cliques or social class. Others who are excluded, are simply left as outsiders, forced to make up their own groups, maybe just because of where they live, how much money they have, and the items they have and do not have. This is the case in author S.E. Hinton’s prominent novel The Outsiders. Within this well known book is a 2 week story of 14 year old Ponyboy, as he learns to mature in his rough, poor, East side neighborhood while also dealing with most of the rich, stuck up, West side kids known as the Socs. To rival the Socs are the Greasers, a tight-knit gang that includes many East side teens that have become almost like brothers to each other. Throughout this novel, Ponyboy learns many life lessons, while facing multiple obstacles and overcoming his own inner problems to finally realize a bigger picture in the end. S.E. Hinton focused deeply on symbolism to display these multiple themes.
One major theme in the book is coming of age. Both Alex and Dean are pushed into situations where they must make life or death decisions on the behalf of a group of children. This forces them to leave behind all of their childish notions of how the world should
The two main divisions were between the Greasers and the Socs, and this rivalry led to many conflicts in the book. Hinton illustrates the divisions and fighting in this quote, “They caught him and one of them had a lot of rings on his hand that’s what had cut Johnny up so badly” (Hinton 33). Johnny was attacked by four Socs when he was playing with a football at the park. There are many times in the book where Socs attacked Greasers that were walking alone. Howard explains the divisions and violence of the gangs in this quote, “Tulsa was one of many American cities that had seen an increasing division between social classes since World War II, and the animosity between Greasers and Socs gangs illustrated the extent to which this division between social classes had permeated society” (Howard 28). The Greasers were seen as the poor outcast while the Socs were the popular one with all the money. The Socs provoke the Greasers by saying hurtful things and attacking them so both gangs feel the need to fight to prove that they are better. Hinton did a good job of portraying the violence and building up to these points and this keeps the reader interested in the book.
The Outsiders written by S.E Hinton is about a gang made up of poorer teenagers called Greasers and their struggles competing against the Socs, a group of privileged teenagers from the west side of town. The book mostly focuses on Ponyboy as he struggles to find the reason of why the Socs and Greasers don’t get along. There are many different themes in the book but in my eyes I think the clearest one is friendship and family. This shows throughout the book. For example the Curtis’s leave their door open for the other Greasers if they’re having trouble. This shows that they are caring to their friends and treat them as family. Here are some more reasons of why I think the theme is friendship and family.
Social novelS.E. Hinton’s realistic fiction novel, The Outsiders, takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma- where people are socially divided. Ponyboy, the youngest child and main character, is treated like a baby by his brothers. He and his friends are part of a gang. They call themselves “Greasers.” Greasers are and of un-wealthy people. The “Socs” are the wealthiest people. Both Greasers and Socs discriminate and jump or beat each other. Ponyboy is considered and even considers himself different from other greasers. Unlike other Greasers, Ponyboy is smart academically, has an interest in reading, and loves to watch movies. One day, Pony was strolling his way home from the movies, and the Socs follow him and beat him. From that moment, problems for the Greasers and Socs start escalating. While some believe S.E. Hinton’s coming of age story theme is brotherhood, I argue that the central theme is about social division. This is supported by S.E. Hinton’s use of dialogue, repetition, and figurative language.From the beginning of The Outsiders, social division have been shown through dialogue. For instance, “...but I am a Greaser,” (Hinton 3.) Ponyboy is aware that he is part of a different social class, he even classifies himself as a Greaser. The whole gang of Greasers gets discriminated. Another example is, Hinton’s use of dialogue to stow social division is when Pony says his goodbyes to Cherry, “’ I mean...if I see you at school or someplace and don’t say hi, it’s not personal
The first way the author conveys the theme is through the characters actions. The main character is really stubborn and really wants the main umbrella. She stands out in the rain to try to prove that her mother is coming to get her any minute. The main character won’t go inside of her teacher’s house to stay warm. She also makes dinner if their mom doesn’t come home, so they can eat dinner on time.
I think the theme in the book “The Outsiders” by S.E Hinton should be don't judge someone on how they act, dress or who they talk. I say this because the real greatness is in the inside. Ponyboy lives in a time where they convince them that if you don't fit in with your gang you become an “outsider” with no one to have your back. Similar to our times with less gang fights and switch blades.
One way Paton connects the reader to the racial tension in the novel is through the repetition of the thematic title throughout key events in the novel. Paton often uses the
The theme of the story is to respect others and not to judge other people. How does the plot, setting, and conflict relate to the story’s theme? Well in this essay, this will be talking about what the plots, setting, and conflict relates to the story’s themes. This essay will also have some reasons why this was the theme. This is the introduction and the main theme of the story.
The main theme of The Outsiders is violence does not solve social conflict. In the beginning of the book Ponyboy thinks that violence is the solution to the Socs, but later through Johnny stabbing Bob, and finally making amends with Darry, Ponyboy figures out that you can’t solve social conflict with violence. This theme was relevant to the real world in Hinton’s time and still is today.
What are some of the themes in the life of average people? Is it heritage, love for family, persevering through all life’s struggles, loyalty to oneself or other people. It could possibly be all of those; maybe even none of them. In S. E. Hinton’s The Outsiders, many of the characters live hard lives that contain complex themes. Three of the most important themes in S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders is loyalty to oneself or other people, love for family and friends, and perseverance through all of the life’s struggles.
“The Outsiders” identifies the 60’s, illustrating the violence between groups, often involving a group’s social class. For instance, the violent tensions between the Socs and Greasers lead to Bob’s death, Johnny’s death, as well as many injuries throughout both gangs. The book “The Outsiders” is written by S.E. Hinton and is portrayed through the eyes of a high school student in Tulsa, OK where S.E. Hinton grew up. Hinton began writing “The Outsiders” in 1965 at the age of 17 and the book was finally published in 1967 when she was 19. The difference in perspective upon the society and social class creates issues throughout “The Outsiders” and since the Socs and Greasers assume the problems will be solved with violence, they take action.
In this essay I’ll be talking about the theme of The Outsiders. Theme is the message or messages of a story, the lesson the story is trying to teach you. Like for example, in the story The Tortoise and the Hare is slow and steady wins the race. I believe the theme of The Outsiders is a victory doesn’t guarantee the war has been won. This is because the Greasers always wanted even the slightest bit of respect from the Socs. At least enough where they would stop doing villainous things to them. No matter what they did they could not get that kind of respect from the Socs. This is the best theme because most of the conflict and the climax of