It was the year 2514. New York City was in ruins and people were desperate for hope. David and Timothy were two intelligent (Adj) teenagers who were roaming the city, trying to make a life for themselves. Everything seemed completely (Adv) hopeless. The boys had grown up in a time of chaos and destruction. They felt that things would always be the same, but they wished things could be better. In their group there were others who felt like them. A secret meeting had just ended, where the group was trying to come up with ways to make a better future. As they were walking in the shadows they stumbled on an old (Adj) titanium cylinder. They could only make out three words, “He will prevail”. This got the boys very excited, they pulled out the cylinder …show more content…
Let’s see if Mom can help us find a safe place,” said Timothy. The boys were sweating as they pulled the heavy cylinder down the back alleys to Timothy’s house. You could almost (Adv) see the excitement in Timothy’s mom’s eyes. It was decided to put the cylinder in the basement for safety until they had another meeting. They now felt like they could prevail, like the cylinder said, “He will prevail.” The next day, the boys got their group back together to show them the cylinder. Everyone was excited with the find. As they sifted through the Information in the cylinder everyone knew this would be a long road to recovery, but now they had a plan. Better than a plan, the group had a blueprint for the future. Now people would start working in separate groups on different parts of information to rebuild the city. David and Timothy had another meeting. This time they brought parents and other adults with them to start working with the information to rebuild their city. People didn’t want to live in ruins forever. They knew it would take many years, but now they had just what they needed – hope! With the new information from the time capsule, they now were equipped with the tools to start rebuilding. Now the teenagers knew it was just a matter of time until the city was whole
That night Christopher just got off a double shift at the police station. Before he went back to his apartment, he went by a dinner to get him some coffee and something to eat. When he went back to his police car, he heard the message for the kidnapping of the the kids. He responded and said that he was be looking out for the RV.
The two boys in potential combat stand in front of "the dark cake, round and heavy as a turret". This is an illusion to a medieval turret, a sort of Trojan horse used to smuggle in ancient
When the boys leave the room they find the area where they had eaten the night before. They then went down a hallway which was unfamiliar. The lights in the hallway then go off, a
The Rocket Boys were dedicated. Even with obstacles, the boys still took time out to research and build the rockets. Although the first rocket blew up the fence around Homer’s house, they still kept trying. This was a turning point in his life, when he must choose between his dreams and his father’s advice. This brings him into conflict with his father who feels that working for the mining company is an honorable profession. After many months of building rockets, the boys are finally very successful. Their teacher, Miss. Riley, who was one of the few people that had faith in them, tells them to enter in the science fair. After several disputes, the boys decide to enter their rockets in the science fair. The result ended well, with first place. This is a very emotional moment for the Rocket Boys because they had to go against a lot of people to keep building their rockets, many people in Coalwood wanted them to stop launching and building rockets. Now, they received first place in the science fairs. Their work has finally paid
David has seen two teachers that have been exposed to the teens so far and they are dead. Life has gotten worse in that area now they have food drops that come from the soldiers from a helicopter, the people started forming groups to get more supplies the groups would be the nerds, jokes, sluts, freaks, and the pretty ones also there are the loners such as David which don't fit in a group or have a group. David starts doing others laundry to get more supplies for him and his brother for them to survive. David was outside trading when he sees a girl named lucy who was the girl getting attacked at the booth, David saved lucy from being raped and attacked Brad which stopped it and saved her. When David punched Brad it knocked him to the ground and Brad fell and hit his head on the concrete which killed Brad.
unable to find it, they were given prompts until retrieval. To succeed, the children had to realize
The Rocket Boys had to follow their dreams of building rockets despite of what others thought of it. The boys had to believe in themselves and be confident
(Hord Zinn). David is a telepathic boy living in a post apocalyptic nuclear wasteland, called the “Tribulation” in the book The Chrysalids. David manages to change the world and the vision of mutation and deviants. David would have never able to do that without the people around that changed him. This Essay will explore how Sophie, Uncle Axel and Gordon though minor characters have a major impact on David's development.
Picture Manhattan in 1860, a time before the city had been dolled up and gotten ready for the silver screen, before the glamour and allure took over. Amsterdam Vallan (DiCaprio) is a young Irish man that migrates to the USA at a young age. Amsterdam’s story takes place in Five Points District of New York, a filthy and dangerous part of the city before it was deleted form history. As a young boy Vallan witnessed his father’s murder at the hand of William Cutting or Bill the Butcher (Day-Lewis) during one of their many gang wars. As Amsterdam’s story progresses along side The Butcher they become inseparable, but Amsterdam had ulterior motive. Ultimately, Amsterdam attempts to betray his new found ally in order to avenge his father’s death.
This quote shows that there was still a part of civilization that the boys were holding on-to.
There nobody there because it was so late. The boys wanted to talk about a plan to stop whatever was going to happen. They went from talking about building some muscle to saving the Earth. Suddenly, a man came up behind them.
Believe it or not, my life changed for the better the day that David caught me smoking the devil’s lettuce. Near the end of that summer before my freshman year of high school, I enrolled in the top ranked high school in Los Angeles. It wasn’t as simple as it sounds, in reality it was a struggle. I needed to take the bus everyday to and from school which took about an hour, I was one of the few colored people in the school, I worked full-time while going to school, and I couldn’t waste any money on entertainment just like any other regular student. Despite all of this, and all the hardships, obstacles, barriers, and challenges that I needed to overcome, I managed to keep my promise with David. Not only this; but, I went on and became the school’s
The two boys then left the laboratory and hit the streets. They were astonished by what they saw. Cars were soaring through the air, people were weaving in between others on hoverboards, and buildings rose for miles. People were happy, and they could not see a frown on anyone's face. Suddenly, the side of a building lit up, and quickly it became a giant T.V. screen. The picture showed a man with a gun in his hand, and was holding it against another man's head. The man that was being held had a suit on, and they were both in what looked to be the Oval Office. The man with the gun started
The boys went back to their time and saw that there was a lot more trees and instead of cars everyone rode scooters and bikes. They knew their job was done! They went to their pre school teacher or 1st grade teacher to tell them the news!
The two slipped the cube into Deans backpack and returned to the office area. As time slowly passed, the two boy’s fathers came in and asked them if they were ready to head home. Jim made several remarks about how their jobs weren't that exciting and that the boys probably should go to work with their mothers the following year.