
Garey Key Club Secretary: Personal Analysis

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I first served as Garey Key Club secretary in tenth grade. This position helped me develop organizational skills required for a leader. My first attempts to become organized by utilizing sticky notes as reminders proved to be very inefficient. I progressed by using planners and updating them as frequently as events arises. I learned to integrate my physical agenda with Google Calendar. Programs such as Google Drive, allowed me to collaborate with others when organizing membership rosters, monthly reports, and upcoming service events. In eleventh grade, I ran for Key Club President; to lead my club to organize and participate in community programs. I developed my speaking and networking skills to improve as a leader through public presentations. I presented my clubs ideas to city hall officials at public events. …show more content…

The inconsiderateness of the clinic for my father’s injury only further fueled me to research and contact many lawyers to find the best one to represent my father. I continued to lead my father through this new and unfamiliar situation. I further developed my researching and inquiry skills to uncover resources and opportunities for the benefit of peers as myself. Bright prospect is a program aimed to empower students to gain admission, and graduate from universities. Currently, I’m the crew leader of my Bright Prospects team. Many of my crew members were unaware of the benefits and opportunities offered by their community. One of my crew member wants to pursue a career as a firefighter, but was confused about how prepare. I led him to ask around Pomona City Hall and introduced my crew member to various internships opportunities within and around our hometown. Because I pursued a positive change in myself, my family, and my peers, I took the initiative to find organizations in which I could take on leadership roles. I continue develop my leadership skills to persuade others to be active in communities and to seek opportunities to achieve their personal

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