I first served as Garey Key Club secretary in tenth grade. This position helped me develop organizational skills required for a leader. My first attempts to become organized by utilizing sticky notes as reminders proved to be very inefficient. I progressed by using planners and updating them as frequently as events arises. I learned to integrate my physical agenda with Google Calendar. Programs such as Google Drive, allowed me to collaborate with others when organizing membership rosters, monthly reports, and upcoming service events. In eleventh grade, I ran for Key Club President; to lead my club to organize and participate in community programs. I developed my speaking and networking skills to improve as a leader through public presentations. I presented my clubs ideas to city hall officials at public events. …show more content…
The inconsiderateness of the clinic for my father’s injury only further fueled me to research and contact many lawyers to find the best one to represent my father. I continued to lead my father through this new and unfamiliar situation. I further developed my researching and inquiry skills to uncover resources and opportunities for the benefit of peers as myself. Bright prospect is a program aimed to empower students to gain admission, and graduate from universities. Currently, I’m the crew leader of my Bright Prospects team. Many of my crew members were unaware of the benefits and opportunities offered by their community. One of my crew member wants to pursue a career as a firefighter, but was confused about how prepare. I led him to ask around Pomona City Hall and introduced my crew member to various internships opportunities within and around our hometown. Because I pursued a positive change in myself, my family, and my peers, I took the initiative to find organizations in which I could take on leadership roles. I continue develop my leadership skills to persuade others to be active in communities and to seek opportunities to achieve their personal
During my high school career, I have immersed myself in numerous clubs and committees, empowering my development as an avid leader. I have been involved in my school’s poverty club for four years. Currently as club president, I direct meetings and the implementation of our events and fundraisers for local homeless youth. Additionally, I am co-president for the organization of Moscrop Human Library, a school-wide event that breaks down stereotypes through dialogue. Being involved in the planning since 2015, I was in charge of finding speakers, gaining sponsors, and more. This year, I will be leading the event, delegating tasks, coordinating volunteers, and more. Furthermore, I have been an active member in graduation council for two years and
I learned how to organize school wide events, delegate tasks to my fellow members, and lifelong leadership
Starting from Girl Scouts to CJSF, my early love for aiding others quickly developed. However, my most pivotal service experience is my involvement in Key Club. As I became further involved in this organization, the thought of advancing my role by becoming an officer became very persistent in my mind. Being extremely shy and withdrawn, the idea of being a leader was incredibly intimidating to even fathom. Despite my shyness and anxiety causing me to doubt myself, my love for serving others outweighed any uncertainty I had in myself. After a daunting speech and election process, I gladly accepted the challenge of a club secretary, which has given me the opportunity to not only serve my community, but the members of my club. My experience as a Key Club officer has enriched my perception of myself and widened my range to serve. It has taught me to take risks and step out of my comfort zone in order to pursue my passions. Key Club has served as a platform for me to become more engrossed in my community and lead me to consider careers in which I can help those in
Throughout my high school career, I have been involved in various clubs and organizations to help me become a leader in my community. At Auburn High School I took on the role of being a Publicist officer for National Technical Honors Society the first two consecutive years that it became a part of our school. I gained a lot of leadership experience through this club. Implementing a new organization is never easy and takes a lot of hard work and dedication from the leaders of the club. By being a part of a very helpful, dedicated and motivated team, we helped affiliate all the eligible members into the club and in turn helped introduce this new club to the school. As publicist my role in helping the club grow was crucial; I helped in publicizing the clubs various projects and involvement.
Being active in clubs while at DCHS has made me more confident in myself while in school and out of school. This is partially due to me taking leadership positions in Debate, GSA, Scholar’s Bowl, and National Honors Society, and being Co-Vice President of the Senior Class. I am learning more about myself while helping others discover who they are themselves. And while there are times I am shaky when it comes to being an effective leader, I know this will only help me to grow and improve myself in the
In the upcoming year, I would like to focus and work on my leadership skills, one of the four pillars of the National Honors Society. This year I was elected Vice President of marketing for the Jupiter High School DECA chapter. This role will help me with my leadership goal by teaching me the responsibilities of being part of/taking charge a larger group. it is now my responsibility to create invitations, direct social media, membership, and advertising the chapter and its activities. I am the head of a group of four directors who help me carry out and delegate these duties. in the next year, I plan to get all things done in a timely manner and treat all my responsibilities with equal value and necessity. Leadership is also about influencing
As president, vice president, and treasurer of my school’s KAY (Kansas Association for Youth) Club, I attended KAY Leadership Camp, met many friends and learned leadership techniques which helped me to lead the club to success in various community service projects and fundraisers. Among these were a block the door drive in which students donated canned goods for our community food bank, highway cleanup days to clear the ditches of litter, and many other events. KAY has taught me the value of service to others and how to guide a group towards a common goal for the betterment and benefit of other people and the community and world.
With a team of other high school leaders, I planned and organized activities and games for younger students for the retreats and camp events during the school year. I learned how to communicate effectively with my fellow peers and staff members, and most importantly how to deal with conflict in times of disagreement by finding compromise and different solutions. In addition to my church experience, I have worked at a restaurant business that required much teamwork, quality customer service and responsibility in carrying out assigned tasks. Due to its fast paced speed in serving the food and customers, I learned how to adapt to situations that were unexpected, such as when a customer had a specific request. I quickly found the help of my coworkers the most valuable when adapting to these situations, and that in fact I was able to excel in my own work when working in a
For instance, whenever we receive a group project in class, I step forward and parcel out roles to my peers and organize the project to ensure it will run smoothly. Also, I joined the newly formed Engineering Club and was elected Historian by my fellow members. As historian, I document our meetings and events and upload pictures to our Facebook page to keep a record of our work. This responsibility falls solely on me, and I have demonstrated leadership by organizing club photos and allowing for proper documentation. Overall, Kinnick High School is a place where my leadership abilities
These past four years of Key Club have taught me many things. I’ve gained an appreciation for service and understood its impacts, as well as gained responsibility and leadership skills as President. Key Club is one of two clubs I’ve stuck around throughout my entire high school experience. The reason being that it has allowed me to improve myself while helping others improve themselves
One of the most influential and shaping experiences of my High School career has been being apart of our Renaissance club. This club is dedicated to service and volunteering, something I am very passionate about. From the moment I was accepted into the club I knew that it was going to be an enormous goal of mine to obtain a position as a leader. This was no easy feat as only four leaders are chosen every year. The dedication that I poured into the club throughout my junior year shows that goals require a desire that is much deeper than the superficial surface of a person. To fully complete a goal one must put their heart and soul into the journey that leads to their final destination.
Through school, I have proven to myself and teachers that I am a person that is willing to work hard in order to get tasks done efficiently and in an organized, focused fashion. I am able to manage my time through the honors classes that I take and sports I play in and outside of school while maintaining at least honor roll grades. Being a leader as well as working with a group comes naturally to me and I would love to have the experience of talking about business ideas with others. I also like to be involved in school and district events as much as I can and would love to have somewhat of a say in how some of these events happen and how Key Club can help with them. These are among the reasons why I, Abbey Nelson, think that I will be able to fulfill the duty of being the Secretary/Treasurer of Key Club in the upcoming
Although I am proud of many of my leadership experiences, none surpass the times when my leadership makes a meaningful change in someone’s life. Eight someones, actually, as is the case with the project I lead in a group called “Teens with Wings”. I am not a president or vice president of the club, however, I believe I exhibited the traits needed to reach our goal of providing Christmas gifts to parents who didn’t have the means to buy their children any presents. As someone who grew up in a single-parent household that was financially sufficing, I was especially eager to head this program and alleviate another family’s struggles. My role was to organize a fundraiser to provide money to buy the gifts and then organize the gift purchasing and
Like Jerral, I grew up with parents who were small business owners. My parents taught me good work ethics and helped me become a well-rounded individual. In high school, I was elected head of the prom committee, and also voted class president. My goals during my time in each position where to make a healthy difference in my school. While being a school leader was certainly rewarding, I did not realize how over exerted I was.
I was the student officer of the Associated Student’s of UCI (ASUCI), a discussion leader for incoming freshmen at UCI, and a student council for the UCI BioSci majors. However, the most rewarding leadership experience was being the president of an honor society, Chi Alpha Epsilon (XAE). As XAE club president, I led club members to participate in the 5K Super Kid Health Expo. Through out this experience, I enhanced my public speaking skills as a spokesperson to lead the event, developed management skills to ensure all the board members were on their assigned tasks, solved conflicts among club members, and utilized my communication skills by networking with the club adviser and community outreach specialists to become part of the health fair. Being a club president, I have been able to develop many valuable skills; such as communication, problem solving, and management skills that will help me succeed in pharmacy school.