
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Abstract –

Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are the most common mesenchymal neoplasms of

the gastrointestinal tract.Ever since the classification of GIST as an entity distinct from

leiomyomas, leiomyosarcomas, etc., there has been an increased interest in defining their

imaging characteristics. It is estimated that approximately 5000-10,000 people are affected

per year by this tumor all over the world. Most GISTs are benign (70-80%). However, these

tumors have a spectrum ranging from benign to malignant lesions, depending on the anatomic

site, tumor size, and mitotic frequency. We report a case of multiple malignant GIST with

metastasis into Liver.


hepatic metastasis, gastrointestinal stromal tumour

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The term GIST defines a unique group of mesenchymal neoplasms

that are distinct from true smooth muscle and neural tumors.[1 ]Ever since the …show more content…

It is estimated that approximately

5000-10,000 people are affected per year by this tumor all over the world. Most GISTs are

benign (70-80%). However, these tumors have a spectrum ranging from benign to malignant

lesions, depending on the anatomic site, tumor size, and mitotic frequency.[2] We report a

case of malignant GISTs with metastasis into Liver

Case Presentation

A 45 yr old male was referred to our department for CT Scan of his abdomen. He complained

of abdominal pain and bleeding per rectum since 3 months. On examination he had diffuse

abdominal pain and perrectal examination was normal. The laboratory tests were also normal.

On performing CT scan there were multiple ill defined hetrogenous exophytic masses with

central necrosis abutting the jejunal loops and the caecum. The size of masses ranges from

approx. 7cm to 12 cm .On contrast administration, these lesions showed heterogeneous

peripheral enhancement(Figure 1 and 2). The caecum also showed significant wall thickening

with narrowing of the lumen. The liver showed multiple well defined

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