
Gattaca Film Analysis

Decent Essays

Statement of intention
I will be analyzing eight techniques within two scenes of Andrew Niccole’s Gattaca. These eight techniques are colors, DNA symbolism, discrimination, camera angels, dialogue, setting, and flashbacks; I will then relate them back to real life, the intentions of the director, as well as the audience. The first scene I will be analyzing is a flashback to the genetic doctor’s office where the conception of Vincent’s younger brother, Anton, is being planned, while the second scene I will be analyzing is the final scene of the film where Vincent is going to Titan and Eugene burns himself to death.
Film analysis
1997 thriller and drama film, Gattaca, directed by Andrew Niccole is a film about a man named Vincent who dreams of …show more content…

Symbolism is used to leave subtle messages in the audience’s brain and foreshadow upcoming events. This scene contained symbols of DNA. This scene is where a young Vincent is on the floor at the genetic doctor’s office playing with a DNA molecule toy while his parents talk to the doctor about having their best gametes picked out to design the perfect baby. This scene reminds me of Aldous Huxley’s novel ‘Brave New World’ this is because in this novel the babies are also designed and set into a class before they are born but to a much larger extent than Gattaca, in Gattaca it is only the best gametes of the parents while in Brave New World the children get alcohol in their brains and are indoctrinated. One of the DNA symbols is the staircase that resembles a double helix (DNA shape) this is set in the background but was intended by the director as the film is all about DNA. The other more obvious symbol of DNA is the DNA molecule Vincent is playing with. This can have multiple meanings the first being that DNA is not something to be played with and that even as a child his life will be full of discrimination. The use of symbolism is even used in the character’s …show more content…

I believe the director intended for lots of subtle messages and Easter eggs to be included to foreshadow upcoming events but leave the audience connecting dots well after the film is over.
Technique #2 Scene #1
The second technique in Gattaca is the use of color. Color brings in a certain mood for instance blue could mean cold or scared. This scene is yellow toned which gives it a vintage vibe rather than the rest of the film which is blue toned which is cold, scary sterile. The scene is of Vincent as a child, his parents are dressed in a more 1950s style but with modern technology. I think the use of color makes sets the scene as homelier. A lot of horror films use blue as the main color when things are “scary” and then the next scene they use yellow to make the scarier scenes seem scarier. I feel as if the director wanted to make the reality and sterile life of Gattaca by having yellow toned more homely scenes in between. This worked well because it brought in a dramatic change in life, the first line in the film says that the film is set soon. Saying this can cause the audience to think of their lives and how much technology is changing around them, the flashback was when things started changing in the Gattaca

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