Known as the language of love, many people view the French language as an intriguing language. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the complex history of the French language. If examining the geographic area in which French has come to be then it is easy to see there are a great many factors that have influenced its formation over time. Many of these include the cultural influences of whichever group held political control over the land or the changing social attitudes of those people. The earliest known history of those living in the area of France, then known as Gaul, were populations of Celts who imposed their authority on the indigenous populations in the area. They spoke a variety of Celtic languages, which unfortunately none of which have survived to this day. The Gaulish language varied in many ways because it was not written down, and it varied depending on the region you were in due to the lack of unity among the Gauls. Interestingly enough, they used Greek for their writing. During the Roman occupation of Gaul and other areas Latin became the language essential to everyday life. Although the spread of Latin was slower in more rural areas, the spread of Roman civilization meant the spread of Latin to the farthest reaches of its empire. …show more content…
Latin was replaced with Romanic, one form of which would later become French. French is a Romance language, meaning it is derived from Latin but will slowly become separate enough to be its own language while having many common elements of the various Romance languages. Under Clovis, the king of the franks, Frankish would leave a lasting mark on the evolving French language, contributing around 500 words. Many still spoke local common Romanic in the area though. The Germanization of the Romanic language left it much closer to French than Latin compared to the other Romanic
France is in the area used to be known by Gaul by the Romans. The Romans were the first major empire to claim what is now modern day France in the second century BC. After the fall of the Romans, Clovis I of the Franks ruled as king of the Franks in Gaul. This happened in the fifth century. Charlemagne later inherited the kingdom and was at its extent during his rule. Modern day France is the western part of his empire after the split in between his 3 grandsons. France fought a series of war with England in the 100 years war with England winning at first but France regaining control of its territory in the later half of the wars. After the hundred years war Frances' government turned into an absolute monarchy.
The Latin language is prominent in the culture of the United States today. It is the root of many of the words spoken and used in your daily lives, especially in certain career fields. From the website on Latin roots -dict, -pel, -port, and -gress are just some of example of roots of the English language (Infoplease. Infoplease, n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2017). Americans have also created prefixes and suffixes from the ancient Latin jargon. Other effects on the English culture through the Latin language includes numbers such as;Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ, and Ⅴ. The numbers are not used as much as the alphabet, however. According to Document 1 in the Remarkable Rome packet, the Latin language had 23 letters
the earliest times. Latin was carried along with the military conquests of the Romans; French,
Marcus Manlius Capitolinus, also known as the Father of the Commons, was the captain of the guards that were guarding the citadel on Capitoline Hill. According to The Story of the Romans by Helene Guerber, the Gauls, a group of Celtic tribes trying to invade Rome, intercepted a message carried by a Roman soldier that asked the fugitives from Rome to come to the army’s relief. (385 Guerber) With this information, the Gaullic sentinel that intercepted the message repeated it over to his chief Brennus, who then resolved that it was best to surprise to Romans the next night. As the Gauls were climbing up the wall on Capitoline Hill, the clanking of their armor woke up the sacred geese, which were kept in the Capitol. “Squawking [their] warning,”
It was a form of Vulgar Latin spoken by the people living in the Pyrenees Mountains. Throughout the year, Catalan spread southward along the Mediterranean coast. Catalan became a recognized official linguistic identity by the 11th century, when many legal, religious, and philosophical documents were in Catalan (Ottenbreit, n.d.).
Good news for the Asterix and Obelix fans! The two iconic Gauls have made a gala comeback after a pause following their last appearance in the book, “Escapade in Scotland”. In the new series, the pair of boisterous, indomitable Gauls is seen fighting to defend their homeland against their Roman foes, in the newly published book, “Asterix and the Missing Scroll”, which has hit the stands on 22nd October.
What is now modern day France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, and Italy was once known as one place by the name of Gaul. Gaul was made up of land from all over. Its land limits in the north and the west were the Atlantic Ocean, the east’s were the Rhine River and the Alps, and the south's limits were the Po Valley, the Mediterranean Sea and the Pyrenees. This area was known as Transalpine Gaul. The name “Gaul” dates back to the 8th century and corresponds to a military and cultural area that was founded on a familiar religion as well as independent states.
The Dominican has a main language and that is Espanola. Their are places who speak English in Samana and Sabana. Some people there speak French but people out there for them it is uncommon to hear it.
French is one of the only languages that is spoken worldwide, and it is impressively the only language that is spoken in all five continents. French has quickly morphed into a language of much importance, and this importance will only continue to grow; it is the second most commonly taught language in the world (after English), and because it is so commonly taught and known, speaking French will be helpful almost anywhere one travels. It allows for people, who previously would be unable to communicate, to interact and understand each other. Therefore, this language connects the world and brings it closer together.
In addition, France was descended from Latin and considered a romantic language. Although, the language was not officially declared until 1992. The French language was spread around the world by French colonial and mercantile efforts and French is now a lingua franca, which means language of trade and diplomacy. Furthermore, Basque is a minority language that is spoken in metropolitan France. It was the most unique language in France. Basque survived the influence of Latin and is also the only language in southwestern Europe to survive. The influence was brought about by the Roman Empire and the spread of the Roman Catholic Church. Although Basque is not a written language, it has been in use among people since the 16th century. France’s
Because of migration, we are exposed to different languages and with language always changing a developing we see the adaptation of the of new words or new meanings of existing words. Learning a new language is also regarded as a social process rather than an individual achievement. Everyone has their own way of speaking and communicating with others. Which gives amazing experiences because we all know that the way people generally think is the same way they generally communicate. When different ethnic society is combined, they tend to force the development of words that are not frequent. Ethnic diversity and variations are usually the influence that drives the rule of language. Language variation is affected by ethnic groups because they often have to learn a language that is specific to their environment. Although they consider their language to be their identity they are often forced to substitute it with another or combine it. Take for instance an immigrant that arrives in a new country. They have their own language and their own way of speaking however that have to quickly adopt the new language however they may still incorporate some of their own language with the new dominant
Throughout the empire the Latin language spread. Even once the empire collapsed educated people continued use Latin. Millions of people today speak Romance languages, that includes Romanian, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. Romance languages are all based on Latin, English is not a Romance language, but many of English words come from Latin. The Roman alphabet is used by English speakers. Most of the people today speak the some of the
Throughout time, France has become home to some of the world’s most renown authors and literary works. France is located in Western Europe and because of this, is a prominent figure in many political, social, and artistic domains. As specified by Kids National Geographic (2017), “France, the largest country in Western Europe, has long been a gateway between the continent's northern and southern regions” (Kids National Geographic, 2017). Accordingly, France has undergone a significant amount of economic and political issues due to their close proximity to other nations. The influence of other cultures on French individuals have led to industrial and revolutionary advances. These advances not only influenced French culture, but also enabled France to become a World Superpower. With that being said, these advances also sparked individuals, like Charles Pierre Baudelaire, to write about France and all of its Earthly embodiments.
Language has consistently been a fundamental tool and method in order to communicate with diverse individuals, who associate themselves and belong to various civilizations of the world. Every human being born in this world grows up learning a native language. A native language is learned from one’s parents in one’s home, and an individual can have more than one native language if they were brought up speaking different languages at the same time. Native languages cannot be gained later in life, and a language is only native if one grew up speaking it. The ‘continent’ of Europe is a conventional way of thinking of the world. Europe is a grand landmass that
During the Middle English period, French was the governing vernacular of England. It was the dialect of the ruling elite, in which the dialect that was being used in the court, and the dialect in which neighborly writing was composed. As a result, the Oxford English Dictionary proved that French was the primary source of loans outnumbering Latin, the second largest source which is something unbeliavable. For instance, Baugh points out as "where two dialects exist one next to the other for quite a while and the relations of the general population talking them are as close as they were in England, an impressive transference of words is "inevitable".