Imagine for a moment that you are the loving foster parent of a 10 year old boy that you’ve raised since infancy. You consider him your son and are willing and able to adopt this child and have also proven your competency to do just that. Homosexuals have always faced discrimination, mostly for religious purposes, and have been denied basic rights that are not denied to heterosexuals.
The gay adoption process is very rigorous, including extensive home visits and interview of prospective parents. It is designed to screen out those individuals who are not qualified to adopt or e foster parents, for whatever reason. All of the evidence shows that lesbians and gay men can and do make good parents. At the present time a lot of
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In fact, the very first large scale gay adoption study was done in 2004, in the form of a survey of 183 gay families on the topic of family dynamics (Averett, Nalavany, and Scott 129-151). Though the study was in some ways flawed, such as the sampling of those surveyed, it showed that homosexual couples had longer term relationships than most heterosexual couples and that they had a high level of social support. A similar study done in 2005 showed that the 47 gay families in this new survey displayed the typical amount of strength as average heterosexual families.
When those who are opposed to gay adoption try to argue that homosexual couples are more likely to mistreat their adoptive children, they are implying that all heterosexual couples are not capable of the same thing. For instance, if African Americans were found to be more likely than Caucasians to mistreat their children, would all African Americans then be banned from adopting? The obvious answer to this is no because it would be entirely unconstitutional, as is the current ban on gay adoption. A parent’s sexual orientation makes no difference to their child’s development, just like a parent’s ethnicity has no baring either. Someone opposed to gay adoption may reply that children with gay parents are more likely to consider having a same sex partner in the future.
A major issue is the argument on
Birtha supports her claim with scientific studies from AAP that prove “parents' sexual orientation alone cannot predict their ability to provide a supportive home environment for children” she also refutes any counter argument that states that the data is flawed by stating, “31 different research studies are cited in its technical report, gleaned from numerous books and scholarly journals and spanning a 20-year period from 1981 to 2001.” (Birtha).
Many people are close minded and think the only acceptable home is one with a mother and a father that are married to each other, they may think that children need a mother and father for proper male and female role models, or even children raised by gay parents are more likely to be gay themselves. Whether you believe this to be true or not, the children that need to be adopted do not have parents at all. While many may say that being in foster care is better than being adopted by a homosexual family that is not true. Not all foster care families are warm and fuzzy. In many cases, foster families will abuse the children or take the money given to them by the state for the children and use it for themselves. And over the matter of whether they turn gay or not, isn’t it better for them to have families and homes than that they stay in foster care until they are lucky and a couple adopts them or until they turn 18 and are forced out of foster
Homosexual people have faced many trials and tribulations in pursuit of living a normal and happy life. There are many controversial events and topics that are barriers blocking complete happiness. Although those barriers are in place, the people in the LGBT subculture seem to making the best of every situation. Fighting for their rights and changing laws to protect them are paving the way for a brighter future. In hopes of being normal, many same-sex couples want to have a family and for some the only option is adoption. Well, same-sex adoption is not legal in most places which makes this dream for some impossible. This caused controversy between same-sex couples and the general public who believes that same-sex adoption should remain
Child welfare services and the ACLU would agree that thecircumstances remain ideal for the child because having homosexual parents poses nodisadvantage to children (ACLU 2).The gay community is becoming more and more prominent in American society. Whatwas once an extremely ³closeted´ life style, is integrating itself into our everyday lives. As morerights are granted to gay and lesbian people, the more normal they are going to seem to everyoneelse. I¶m confident that my future children will grow up accepting homosexuality and that astime goes on, so will the rest of the country. So if the gay community is going to become sosignificant in our lives, shouldn¶t we grant them equal rights? If we can accept gays and lesbiansas people, partners, workers, and friends, why can¶t we accept them as good parents? When youlook at it logically, the exclusion of homosexuals as adoptive parents just doesn¶t make sense.³Love makes a family, not biology or gender,´ says gay dad Robert Calhoun about hisexperience as an adoptive father. Calhoun and his partner Clay of Avondale Estates, Georgiahave adopted two children-- four-year-old daughter Rainey and eighteen-month-old son Jimmy.Calhoun adds, ³We¶re not moms, we¶re not heterosexual, and we¶re not biological parents, [but]we¶re totally equal and just as loving as female parents, straight parents, and biological parents.´(Gandossy 1 ) The Calhouns certainly seem capable of providing just as much love and
Families headed by gay and lesbian parents are just as diverse as families led by heterosexual couples (Thompson 36). The only difference in these families is
Since the 1990’s approximately 8-10 million children in the US alone are raised in a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender (LGBT) household. Same-Sex Adoption is controversial because many people throughout the world are against LGBT adoption; but when faced with the number of kids who pray everyday for someone out there wanting to be the parent of a foster child, it is difficult to understand why the topic of gay adoption is controversial. Yes, there can be a bad outcome but there can also be a very good outcome of these kinds of adoptions. The LGBT Adoption situation can be fixed by allowing any adult or parent to adopt a child if they have the right living environment or the knowledge and skills that it takes to raise a kid in the proper way. But social workers have reservations on considering gay adoptive parents because they are fearful of how the parents will treat and raise the children and how they will grow up feeling. People who oppose same sex marriage, including U.S. elected officials, have argued that a child raised by a LGBT parent will need additional emotional support or will face social challenges compared to children with heterosexual parents (Borreli). Although many people believe that LGBT parents shouldn’t be allowed to adopt because it affects the child, LGBT parents should be allowed to adopt because many kids need a place to call home or someone they can call family, they need someone in a similar situation that they can talk
There are currently 107,011 kids in the U.S. foster care system that are hoping and waiting to be adopted, so just imagine how many of those children could be adopted if more lesbian and gay couples were able to adopt. According to lifelong adoption agencies more and more gay and lesbian couples are becoming parents through artificial insemination, a surrogate, or LGBT adoption. It’s hard for same sex couples to adopt because adoption agencies that have religious beliefs against same sex couples reject them, or a state law prohibits same sex parents. Same sex couples face much opposition from a large number of people even though they do not have well supported arguments for their beliefs. Many studies have been done in an attempt to figure
Not a single study has found a difference (between children of gay and straight parents) that you can construe as harmful. (Dan Gilgoff, 2005) While the debate continues on whether or not to allow gay couples to adopt, the numbers of children with gay parents keeps increasing. Children with gay parents thrive and continue to do just as well as children in straight homes.
“There are no unwanted children just unfound families” ("National Adoption Center."). Families together are one not anything different from every other family. No matter race, color, or the type of family. Adoption is just a way for anybody who wants to create a family would be able to have the access to have a family of their own. Even to the families who are not able to have a child or does not have a partner to have a child. The National Adoption Center allows the families in need to adopt a child in need of a loving family. Many people have had a great ending with adoptions. The families who have adopted have left and created many loving families out there, but now that same sex-couples want to adopt children adoption has becomes very brutal. Same sex-couples are having trouble to get their marriage right now states are banning adoption rights. Although gay adoption could negatively impact the child 's life, gay adoption should be allowed and enforced in every states in the U.S.
A mother and father figure is no longer the only way to raise a child. Today, it is becoming more common for homosexuals to raise children. It is legal for heterosexuals to adopt children in all states; however, homosexuals do not have the same right. Many states are trying to find loopholes to ban homosexuals from adopting. Gay adoption should be legal in all states because children can be raised in the same upbringing as heterosexual parents, sometimes can have better lives than those who are raised by heterosexual parents, and the banning of gay adoption goes against the homosexual parents’ rights.
First of all, homosexuals should be allowed to adopt. The goal of our adoption and foster care systems is to provide all children with permanent, stable homes with loving and supportive parents, but discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and marital status hinders that. State governments bear discrimination, economic costs, same-sex couples are denied the ability to build a family, and, most importantly, children in need of loving and permanent homes are left in unstable caregiving situations. Over the years' child foster care has increased by a big number. With all these restrictions on homosexuals trying to adopt children doesn't help the number go down at all. People are trying to start a family and they can't because people don't believe it's right
Over 14,000 adopted children and foster children in the U.S are being raised in homes headed by non heterosexual individuals or couples. Gay and lesbian parents are raising 4% of all adopted children in the U.S. This shows that gay couples make a difference in adopting children in need of a home. Although a child should have a mom and dad as parents, same sex couples should adopt to help a child find a home.
“About 19 percent of same-sex couples raising children reported having an adopted child in the house in 2009, up from just 8 percent in 2000.” As society changes there opinions on same-sex marriage they more gays and lesbians are adopting. There was recent rise in same-sex adoption but there is still people in U.S. that are against same-sex adoption. Recently a judge in Kentucky objected gay and lesbian adoption. This caused a huge uproar and had people thinking whether or not gay and lesbian adoption is okay for the children. One article feels that state legislators are putting more hurdles in the way of adoption and preventing children from getting into loving and caring homes (“Adoptions are declining,”2017). Gays and lesbians being able to adopt will provide loving homes, get kids out of foster care, and they choose to be parents.
Homosexuals adopting will have a positive impact on a child 's life. The child will finally have a stable home and family to grow up in. The article mentions how children adopted by homosexuals are mentally stable. In the article “Homosexusals should be allowed to adopt” they state “Child experts point out gay men and lesbians are just as good parent as Heterosexual peers”(Hunt and Krehely). Homosexuals can give as much love to a child as a heterosexual couple. A child will not grow up with psychological problems they will institute themselves in society just like a child who was raised by a Heterosexual couple. A child won’t be traumatized because they have two moms or two dads as parents. In fact, in the article “A Family Does Not Include a Mother and a Father” she states along the lines of, adopted kids will be more successful in their academics and will have less behavioral issue exhibited in their teen and childhood (Friedrichs). Placing a child in a homosexual home will let the child live in a more positive atmosphere it will let the child feel safer and express more openly their feelings. This is a great
One positive view of gay adoption is that it gives the gay couple the chance to start their own family and give a child in care a new start to life in a loving home. This will allow the couple to love and care for the child just as much as they would if the child was living with their own biological parents. Gay couples who want to adopt a child will give the same loving family home just like a heterosexual couple or single parent would. For some children, living with a gay couple may be something they haven’t experienced before. However finding a family who love the child and appreciate them for who they are, also encouraging them with all aspects of their life and supporting them all the way through their life is what matters most to children.