
Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues - The Struggle of Sexual Minorities

Decent Essays

The Struggle of Sexual Minorities

Explaining how to challenge the discriminatory attitudes that remain rampant throughout the world, Mary Robinson, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, in a recent article, quotes the incisive words of Archbishop Desmond Tutu: "We are all of equal worth, born equal in dignity and born free and for this reason deserving respect. . . . We belong in a world whose very structure, whose essence, is diversity almost bewildering in extent, and it is to live in a fool's paradise to ignore this basic fact."

The archbishop's words lay bare an essential, wonderful truth about humanity, ignorance of which continues to create suffering for people everywhere.

One group of people for whom the question of …show more content…

They were of every hue of the human rainbow, ranging in age from 19--65.

Greg Martin, an SGI-USA vice general director, says his attendance of the conference transformed him. "I was made more deeply aware of the great courage that GLBT members have to have just to be themselves. I am more deeply aware of the depths of their struggles, even facing physical danger, simply for being who they are."

For myself, sharing experiences and conversations with the other participants afforded me an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of diversity and the perspective that Buddhism offers on this issue, particularly with regard to the struggles experienced by young people as they confront the challenges of allowing their unique qualities and personalities to bloom.

The idea of respecting diversity is almost a cliché. But recognizing the necessity of respecting diversity and creating a world where this is a reality are very different matters. The crux of Buddhism is the struggle to create a world where the dignity and uniqueness of each individual is valued and respected.

In the United States today, many youth struggle to understand who they are and how they fit in. This is true not only for many gay or lesbian youth or youth questioning their sexual identity but also for many other young people for many reasons. They struggle to understand what they have to offer the world and thus to express their true selves and true potential.

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