United States is a country where every citizen has an equal right to be free and everyone is treated equal without looking at the race, gender, or the class of a citizen. Even though we live in a free country where everyone has equal rights, there is still a debate going on whether same-sex marriage should be allowed. Gay marriage has been an issue in the United States since the early 1970s. In the 1970 case of Baker v. Nelson, two men named Richard Baker and James McConnell were denied a marriage license by the Hennepin County District Court's clerk in Minnesota. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the case in favor of the county clerk saying that the clerk has the right to decline a marriage license to gay couples. Gay marriage became an issue in California when Proposition 8 was passed in the November 2008 elections. Proposition eight stated that "only marriage …show more content…
One of the reasons why gay marriage should be legalized in California is because under the Due Process Clause, " no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property.". This clause states that every citizen has the equal right to life, liberty, and property even if they are gay. Gay marriage can also be beneficial to our economy because allowing gay marriage to millions of Americans means that there will be more marriage licenses being issued and more licenses issued means more money made by the state government. Another reason Gay marriage should be legalized is because they make good parents. There are thousands of foster cares in the United States that have innocent kids waiting for a new parent. Since the gay couples won't be able to have kids and they love kids, they will obviously look into adopting kids. This will lead to less orphan kids and a better future for us because out of those orphans, there will be geniuses that would grow up and make America s better place one
The problem with the issue of gay marriage is being faced across the country. This issue has grown in popularity as we have progressed through our stages of taboo to acceptance of gays and their lifestyle. The media and remodels have expressed their acceptance of the issue by exploring the lifestyle and publicizing it. Now California has moved to the forefront of modern attempts to eliminate the codified restrictions on their life. With a high gay population and being one of the most populated states California has been the foreground for the step to make gay marriage deemed unconstitutional.
It’s been a while since same-sex marriage was legalized in California, but before it was legal they had to go thru a lot to make it happen. In 2000, same sex marriage was denied in California; Bay Area was the only area that the majority was supporting gay marriage all the other regions were against it. Republican state Sen. William Knight said that California wasn’t ready for same-sex marriage, he also believed that gay marriage would “violate the natural law”. In 2005, The state Assembly, in a stunning victory for the gay rights movement, approved a landmark bill allowing same-sex marriage Tuesday night and sent to Arnold Schwarzenegger. In 2008, there was a petition asking the California Supreme to order all 58 county clerks throughout California to stop issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
Gay marriage is a civil right. Civil rights protect and give equality to everybody, including gays and lesbians. When a gay marriage defender was asked about the gay marriage issue he said, "It's extremely important that we present this not as a left or a right issue but as a constitutional civil rights issue"(Fuller). Gay marriage is an issue that is decided by courts, not by public opinion. The 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act direct to gay marriage because they both talk about equal protection under the law. Another part of that is in the First Amendment which states that people can't use their religious beliefs against others (The Washington Post). Therefor, gay couples cannot be
The debate between whether gay marriage should be legalized or not has been a controversial topic recently. In the past twelve years, equal marriage rights have been legalized in 6 states of the U.S.. Eighteen states do not allow gay marriage and do not recognize civil unions. The other twenty six states allow civil unions, and some are debating legalizing gay marriage. Gay marriage should be legal across the United States.
You walk into class and see "pop quiz" written on the board. Everyone sits down and the bell rings for class to begin. The teacher makes an announcement and says 'everyone that is failing my class does not have to take this quiz everyone else grab your pencils.' How do the rest of you feel? How is that fair? How does a grade make me different from the other people? You probably feel discriminated. How does a grade decipher what I get and don't get in life? So how should a gender decipher who you can and can't get married too? Same sex marriage has been illegal in many states for awhile now. Very few states have legalized it. Many many people believe it is not right. Then you have the other people that believe gender should
Millions of same-sex couples contribute to our way of life. They contribute culturally, politically, socially, and spiritually. Legalizing same-sex marriage in the United States makes a statement that all Americans are valued and deserve equal rights, which includes the rights received in a legal marital union. Taking this step we are supporting cultural diversity and reducing prejudice (7 Ways the U.S.A. Benefits from the Legalization of Gay Marriage, 2013).
Cory Connell, 21; Eddie Justice, 30; Akyra Murray, 18; Frank Hernandez, 27, these are just four of the innocent victims killed in Pulse, the Orlando LGBTQ+ nightclub on June 12, 2016. There were 49 innocent lives taken on this very early Sunday morning, making it the second worst terrorist attack in America during the 21st century. The perpetrator Omar Mateen, a dash member. As we are currently in the 21st century, America is progressing. In the heart of these great progressions lies what I believe to be America’s greatest problem to overcome. Gay marriage is a huge controversial topic in America today. Besides the fact that it is just simply a constitutional right of the people, there are an abundance of reasons why gay marriage is a vital
Marriage is usually defined as the formal union between a man and a woman. That definition may need some adjustments though. The nation wide debate on wether gay marriage should be legalized or not has stirred for a while now. However, the Supreme Court ruled in late June that same-sex marriage is now perfectly legal. Ever since this ruling there have many people who are outraged with the Supreme Court's decision. Usually, it is because it's agianst their religion, or they don't think it's natural. I am not one of those people. I believe that it was right for gay marriage to be legalized, because same-sex couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples, gay marriage has already become a reality, and gay marriage does not affect heterosexual couples.
Controversies, like equal rights for LGBTQ, are being debated and resolved as the world advances. Same sex marriage is an important topic in America and continues to mold the United States. Now that the LGBTQ have the same civil rights as a straight man or woman, different groups have already begun to express their opinions and ideas concerning same sex marriage. Also, people of different ages and races in general are feeding off the views of others to determine for themselves if same sex couples should have the right to marry.
Love is universal for everyone no matter what race, sexual orientation, or religion. However, one cultural difference that is effected by society is gay marriage. Gay marriage should be viewed as equal to straight marriage and all over the world be viewed as socially equal. Three things that prevent gay marriage from being viewed equal are religion, political issues, and stereotyping in regards to sexual orientation. I have been raised in a gender equal house all my life and this has influenced me to be the women I am today and allow me to view people as equal no matter what race, gender, and sexual orientation. These three reasons are why the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) are not accepted into society, but they should be
This issue continues to arise and spark debate year after year and decade after decade however the facts remain that this issue should simple be answered with a yes due to the fact that all humans deserve a right to freedom and as such that right to freedom will technically dictate that they will be given the right to decide any decision they may come across, however on the technical side of debate the four main theories of morality& religion, ethical naturalism, moral relativism and nihilism all present a different side and different approach to the issue.
Sometimes I don’t know whether to kick the Supreme Court or kiss it. As America seemingly turns to the left, albeit by judicial fiat, the Right will have its revenge in 2016 via the legitimate voice of the people, the ballot box. This is where real change happens. A few black robed tyrants in narrow decisions on Obamacare and “Gay Marriage” may impose their will on the American people for a spell, but we the people still have the ultimate check on a court run amok and now have a rallying cry to overturn these political/judicial decisions. Such revolutionary change to our fundamental values should never be made by the courts, instead the people through our representative government should resolve these controversial issues. By giving
To begin, Gay Marriage has many legal benefits like traditional marriage does. There are many perks to being married such as Taxes, Estate planning, medical benefits and much more. For example, A spouse gets very sick and cannot make decisions for themselves; this means that their spouse or next of kin makes the desicion for them; but the spouse has no say if unmarried. Financial state can also become a problem if partners are not
As the society changing, the history of marriage also changes. Marriage is legally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship, but do those two partners always have to be a man and a woman? Most people believe that homosexuals should be granted equal rights as heterosexual couples. Being as an important social issue, same-sex marriage has become a hot topic of public debates in the recent years. For over the past decade, public support for the same-sex marriage has quickly risen. The United States is one of over twenty countries that allow gay and lesbian couples to wed. I believe that same-sex marriage should be legalized in all countries for several reasons, such as being an issue of equal rights, separation of church and state, no negative effect on the heterosexual communities, increasing in child adoption, and decreasing divorce and suicide rates.
Same-sex marriage, exists when two people of the same gender are wed in matrimony. They can be wed in a civil ceremony or in a religious ceremony in most states in the United States. Public support for same-sex marriage has grown rapidly over the past decades. In 2007, 54 percent of surveyed Americans while 37 percent said they were OK with it.. With the engagement from all U.S. government branches same-sex marriages is a legal right across the United States; the Judicial branch legalized the right to same-sex marriage, the legislative has introduced bills on the issue, and the executive signed the legislation into law.