
Gay Marriage Persuasive Essay

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United States is a country where every citizen has an equal right to be free and everyone is treated equal without looking at the race, gender, or the class of a citizen. Even though we live in a free country where everyone has equal rights, there is still a debate going on whether same-sex marriage should be allowed. Gay marriage has been an issue in the United States since the early 1970s. In the 1970 case of Baker v. Nelson, two men named Richard Baker and James McConnell were denied a marriage license by the Hennepin County District Court's clerk in Minnesota. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the case in favor of the county clerk saying that the clerk has the right to decline a marriage license to gay couples. Gay marriage became an issue in California when Proposition 8 was passed in the November 2008 elections. Proposition eight stated that "only marriage …show more content…

One of the reasons why gay marriage should be legalized in California is because under the Due Process Clause, " no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property.". This clause states that every citizen has the equal right to life, liberty, and property even if they are gay. Gay marriage can also be beneficial to our economy because allowing gay marriage to millions of Americans means that there will be more marriage licenses being issued and more licenses issued means more money made by the state government. Another reason Gay marriage should be legalized is because they make good parents. There are thousands of foster cares in the United States that have innocent kids waiting for a new parent. Since the gay couples won't be able to have kids and they love kids, they will obviously look into adopting kids. This will lead to less orphan kids and a better future for us because out of those orphans, there will be geniuses that would grow up and make America s better place one

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